Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2209: Power of hell

Next, Chen Feng stayed here for a long time before absorbing all his **** power.

At this time, Mokoro was completely burned out.

Chen Feng stayed for a while, and after he was completely familiar with the use of the power of hell, he let out a sullen breath: "Now, it's time!"

"I have been able to use the power of hell, and the Ninth Sword at Eight Desolation Stations is no longer unattainable to me. Now, it's time to leave."

Seeing the concerned eyes of Han Yu'er and Uncle Dao, Chen Feng breathed a little, and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

However, his voice was still full of weakness.

Uncle Dao said: "Young Master, what's the matter with you? I feel that you are not seriously injured now, and you don't lose a lot of lifespan like the last time, but you are really very weak."

Chen Feng smiled and said: "It's nothing, but you can't use any strength within half a month."

"What? Can't use any strength within half a month?" Uncle Dao said in shock immediately: "After you use this knife now, will you have to pay such a huge price?"

Chen Feng nodded.

"Your sword is so amazing, so tyrannical, that even a strong man in the Martial Emperor Realm can be killed by a half-step. With one move, you only need to rest for half a month, and you don’t need anything else. In fact, it counts. It's already very cost-effective." Uncle Dao said.

Chen Feng smiled and said: "That's right, without this cut, I'm afraid I would still die several times!"

Moreover, he softly corrected and said: "Actually, this half-month period is not about rest, not recovery."

"Oh? What is that?" Uncle Dao asked in surprise.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand, and when Uncle Dao saw it, he was shocked.

It turned out that Chen Feng's right hand was already filled with black air at this time, pitch black as ink, and looked terrible.

Moreover, this black energy continued to penetrate into Chen Feng's body at an extremely fast speed.

Soon, his right forearm had already turned into a dark color.

"What is this?" Uncle Dao looked at the black air, his eyes narrowed, feeling unspeakable fear.

The black air seemed to be extremely tyrannical, and he felt that he was about to be cut at a glance.

And when he stared deeply, he felt an extremely tyrannical, at the same time an extremely domineering, extremely cruel force, rushing toward him extremely fiercely.

He took two steps backwards directly, with a wow, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

He was extremely shocked: "What kind of power is this? I just look at it, and I'm going to suffer a heavy blow!"

Chen Feng slowly uttered four words: "The power of hell!"

"What? The power of hell?" Uncle Dao cried out in shock.

Chen Feng asked, "Have you heard of Uncle Dao?"

Uncle Dao nodded slowly: "I have indeed heard that it was a long time ago. I met a strong man in an experience, listened to him chatting, and then talked about the power of hell."

Chen Feng said, "Uncle Dao, tell me carefully."

Uncle Dao nodded and said: "He didn't say in detail, he just said that the **** is an extremely vast place, extremely large, and I don't know how many times it exceeds the Dragon Vein Continent."

"Moreover, the power level is extremely high, and I don't know how much it exceeds the Dragon Vein Continent!"

Chen Feng nodded and asked, "Are there parts connected between the **** and our Dragon Vein Continent?"

Uncle Dao nodded and said: "Yes, there are some gaps in the space between the Dragon Vein Continent and the Hell. Therefore, there are often some demon heads in the Hell that run to the Dragon Vein Continent, leaving a killing legend on the Dragon Vein Continent, or some Legendary item."

Chen Feng placed the blood-stained giant knife in his hand, and said, "This knife should be."

He then asked: "In other words, the demons who can come to the Dragon Vein Continent should be of low level, right?"

"Yes." Uncle Dao said: "The powerful **** demons can't get through at all. When they come, they will directly cause the space rift to collapse!"

Chen Feng smiled slightly, which also confirmed his previous thoughts, then Moko Luo was really just a very low-level monster.

Chen Feng continued: "The reason why I was like that just now was because a demon was dragged into the blood-stained space of the giant knife."

Chen Feng said roughly what happened inside the blood-stained giant knife.

Uncle Dao and others were shocked after hearing this. He said: "It turns out, Young Master, you have spent half a month trying to resolve this **** power."

Chen Feng nodded and said: "Yes, every time I use the ninth sword, the power of **** is almost out of control. If I don't resolve it, it will immediately erode into my body, and then make me insane."

"The consequences are unimaginable!"

He sighed lightly and said: "Now, I have a powerful hole card that can kill a half-step Martial Emperor Realm strong hole card, and I can use it once in half a month."

"But it's a pity," Chen Feng stroked his gray hair: "I can't make up for the lost fifty years of life."

For a time, everyone was speechless.

Chen Feng smiled freely, stood up, looked at the lunatic sword, smiled and said: "Unexpectedly, I met again this time, and it was in such a situation."

He arched his hands and said, "Thank you, your Excellency. If you didn't arrive in time, I'm afraid Uncle Dao and my senior sister would be in danger."

The sword lunatic laughed: "Do you know why I came back today?"

Chen Feng raised his brows: "I don't know."

The lunatic sword said: "The first reason, we two made such an agreement that day, I was seriously injured, you could have given me the elixir, but to me, this is kindness."

"I have successfully broken through to the peak of the Nine-Star Martial King, and even this path has broken through. It is extremely sharp, and the road leading me to the half-step Martial King realm is faintly loose!"

"So, I am very grateful to you."

"The second reason is that I heard that there is a tide of beasts in your Wudong Academy, so I came to look for opportunities. I want to find strong enough beasts to fight and fight desperately with them. Maybe it's here. There is a chance to break through in the life and death fight!"

He frowned and said: "Tonight is the most powerful moment of the beast tide. It is much stronger than usual. I originally wanted to find the monster beasts who were alone to fight with them, but I didn't expect that these beasts would be all attentively. Here comes it."

He pointed to the Golden Wolf King and said, "I was chasing him, but I didn't expect that, by a coincidence, it happened to coincide with the meeting, and it would be considered a kindness to you."

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