Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2208: I dominate the world!

The power in the blood-stained giant knife is also the power of hell!

This is also the reason why Chen Feng is so powerful recently!

Chen Feng let out a sharp roar, and the power of **** surged crazily in him.

In the next moment, the power of **** retracted into Chen Feng's body.

So, with the power of **** circulating, Chen Feng's mind, the already very thorough comprehension of the ninth sword, was another step.

The next moment, he took a deep breath, and the power of **** poured into the blood-stained giant knife.

Chen Feng raised the blood-stained giant knife high and stepped forward.

At this time, Chen Feng's aura was steaming crazily. Behind him, the black power of **** danced wildly like black ribbons.

His white hair is dancing with the wind in this night!

And as Chen Feng's aura grew stronger and stronger, in the end, it was almost covering the sky.

The sword lunatic opened his mouth wide, and said in disbelief, "This, Chen Feng's strength is so much higher than before?"

"How come? I now feel that he cut out with this knife. If he cuts at me, I can't hide, I can't avoid it, I can only close my eyes and wait for death!"

Uncle Dao smiled and said: "Don't say it's you, even the half-step Martial Emperor, I'm afraid it is the same."

The half-step Martial Emperor in his mouth naturally refers to the Golden Wolf King.

At this time, the golden wolf king looked at Chen Feng with shock and horror.

Because he clearly felt that the breath of this young man who rushed towards him actually made him afraid.

The trick he was about to use could definitely kill his own life.

The Golden Wolf King felt extremely regretful at this moment, regretting killing Chen Feng just now.

But now it’s too late to regret, Chen Feng leaped up into the air, shouting loudly in his mouth: "The Eight Desolations of Silence, the ninth sword!"

"I dominate the world!"

It turned out that the name of this trick was: I dominate the world!

Have a domineering match with its power!

Driven by the power of hell, Chen Feng was already able to exhibit this ninth sword.

After slashing out, the Golden Wolf King felt that everything in front of him had collapsed. He wanted to resist, but his usually proud power was like a joke in front of this powerful sword move. Is destroyed.

He wanted to escape, but his proud speed was shrouded by this sword, making him unable to move at all.

He waved his sharp claws and bit his fangs, trying to resist it, but it was of no use at all.

This knife shattered his sharp claws, smashed his fangs, and then severely slashed on his head.

The next moment, there was a loud noise, and this golden wolf king was like his kind that Chen Feng had killed two days ago, turned into countless pieces, and disappeared!

Chen Feng once again slashed a half-step martial emperor realm powerhouse.

And seeing this scene, the sword lunatic was directly frightened.

In his eyes, the Golden Wolf King, who was extremely powerful and too powerful to resist, was killed by Chen Feng with such an easy knife!

Uncle Dao and Han Yu'er had seen Chen Feng's strength before, but they were not very surprised. They were just very excited. They both cheered and rushed towards Chen Feng.

At this time, the sky-sweeping hunter was so frightened that he turned his head and did not dare to stay here at all.

Chen Feng didn't stop him either. When it disappeared, Chen Feng suddenly became soft and fell directly to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Han Yu'er and the others were frightened, for fear that Chen Feng would have lost decades of his life like last time, and would lose his head all night.

However, fortunately, this time Chen Feng is not as good as last time, but he is also sitting on the ground, panting heavily.

At this moment, Chen Feng felt the waves of intense pain from his hand, and a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "This **** power is really not easy to deal with!"

Time was delayed. In the blood-stained space of the giant sword, Chen Feng and Mo Ke Luo finally defeated him after a fierce battle.

There were huge black wounds all over Mokoluo's body, which were burned by the power of the dragon descending Arhat. In these wounds, countless puss flowed out.

The location of his heart was directly melted out of a big hole, and his heart has disappeared without a trace.

He stared at Chen Feng with a bitter face, his eyes showed unconcealable fear, but he was stern and stern, and shouted sharply: "Chen Feng, you dare to kill me, **** will not spare you!"

Chen Feng smiled coldly: "You still want to lie to me now? Do you think I can't tell? With your **** strength, I'm afraid it's the most inconspicuous character in that hell."

"In hell, who will hunt me down because of you?"

Seeing Chen Feng see through his tricks, Moko Luo was even more desperate.

At this time, Chen Feng smiled coldly, his arms shook, and the incomparable power of the dragon descending Arhat surged out, instantly turning Moko Luo into a burning fireball, making a screaming scream.

And in the flames of the power of the dragon and the Arhat, in the dark golden light, there was a trace of black power seeping out.

Chen Feng suddenly felt very familiar.

He knew that this was the power of the blood-stained giant sword, this was the power of Mokoro, and it was also the powerful power that allowed him to successfully display the Eight Desolation Slash Ninth Blade.

Chen Feng at this time. There was a hint of hesitation in my heart: "Should I absorb this power?"

The power was about to dissipate in the air. Finally, Chen Feng took a deep breath, shaking his arms, and strong suction came from his body.

Suddenly, the power of **** was like a treasure, and screamed joyfully, rushing towards Chen Feng.

As soon as Chen Feng came into contact with the power of hell, he immediately felt that there seemed to be endless darkness, despair, coldness, killing, and other negative emotions, which made him shiver.

But Chen Feng has a strong instinct, he sticks to his dantian with the strength of the dragon and Arhat, and keeps his own nature unshakable.

After those **** powers entered Chen Feng's body, they failed to enter the dantian at all, and were driven out by the power of the dragon descending Arhat, so they had to go elsewhere angrily.

In the end, he stopped on Chen Feng's right hand.

So in an instant, on Chen Feng's right hand, black energy flashed, turning pitch black like ink, with a hint of evil, but then disappeared and returned to normal!

Chen Feng whispered to himself: "This is the right hand of the devil!"

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