Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2204: Ten masters of swordsmanship!

Each of these ten figures is like a rotting corpse, described as haggard, with dull eyes and apathetic eyes.

However, their movements, one by one, are light or heavy, but they all give people a very powerful feeling.

The most important thing is that Chen Feng saw that they are human.

The clothes that everyone wears are already very shabby, and even some styles are only in ancient times, and no one wears them anymore.

But all ten of them are humans, and none of them are demons.

Chen Feng immediately noticed that ten of them belonged to that kind of dead soul, but they didn't know how they were controlled by Mo Ke Luo.

Mokoro laughed loudly: "Ten of them, do you know how it came from?"

Chen Feng shook his head: "I don't know."

"Ten of them were once the masters of the blood-stained giant sword. Ten of them, each of them are the top sword masters, each of them is very powerful, and one of them has even reached the Martial Emperor. territory."

"But after they got the blood-stained giant knife, they were slowly eroded by me. In the end, I abolished the cultivation base, burned their blood, turned into dead souls, and stored them in this space, even their souls. No one can escape, being locked in their broken body, driven by me!"

Chen Feng was shocked when he heard this.

He looked at the ten people, and he saw that each of the ten people had weapons in their hands.

There are big and small, heavy and light, but Chen Feng knows that their sword skills are absolutely extremely strong when they look at the posture of their swords.

Moreover, Chen Feng knew their swordsmanship, I was afraid that everyone would not be weaker than himself.

Of course, just before they were alive!

Chen Feng said lightly: "You are so sure, can you kill me?"

"Of course!" Mokoro smiled triumphantly: "I have been tempted by those demons before. You now have very powerful power in your body, but that's all!"

"You only have these powers, and my ten masters of swordsmanship, how can they be solved by your power?"

"You have nothing to do with them. Soon, their siege will kill you directly!"

"Really?" Chen Feng showed a ridiculous smile, and he secretly said in his heart: "Do you know how powerful my hole cards are?"

Only at this time, Chen Feng suddenly felt a movement: "Perhaps, this is an excellent opportunity!"

But at this time, don't let him think about it, Mokoro already screamed, and pointed forward: "Kill him!"

The dead souls of the ten masters of swordsmanship floated towards Chen Feng, and the sword in their hands severely slashed towards Chen Feng.

After Chen Feng had that thought in his mind, he did not use his trump card to fight the dragon and Arhat at all, and he still only used 300 million jin of power to fight.

All of a sudden, Chen Feng felt the pressure.

The ten masters of swordsmanship continued their continuous offensive, pressing against him fiercely, making Chen Feng even a little breathless for a moment.

After playing for a while, he just adapted, but it also made him suffer some damage!

Unconsciously, nearly three hours have passed since the fierce battle.

And Chen Feng, in order to lure Mo Ke Luo to continue to drive the souls of ten master swordsmen to fight against him, so his aura became lower and weaker.

At the beginning, Chen Feng was like a rainbow, holding the giant knife condensed from lava, and fought with these masters.

Slowly, Chen Feng's footsteps became slower and slower, and his feet staggered more and more. The speed of counterattacks and the speed of the knife became slower.

Seeing this scene, Mo Ke Luo on the pile of rocks was full of eyes, with a look of hope on his face, clenched his fists, lowered his voice and said, "Kill this little boy!"

And after about two hours of fierce battle, there was even a flaw in Chen Feng's sword technique.

The lava long knife slashed towards a master swordsman, but was easily avoided by the master swordsman. Then the four master swordsman entangled Chen Feng's lava long knife together and let Chen Feng's lava The long knife couldn't break free at all.

At this time, Chen Feng opened the empty door behind his heart, and the two masters with swords immediately saw the flaw and slammed into Chen Feng.

With a bang, he slashed heavily on the two rocks on the back of Chen Feng's body, and directly smashed them into pieces, even revealing Chen Feng's soul body!

Chen Feng let out a cry of pain, waving the lava knives frantically, avoiding them, making a look of extreme pain.

In fact, Chen Feng secretly smiled in his heart at this time, because he sold this flaw to these people.

Moreover, he didn't actually suffer any harm just now!

Seeing this scene, Mokoluo laughed loudly and arrogantly roared: "Kill him, you hurry up and kill him!"

"Yes!" The dull souls of ten masters with swords responded extremely lowly, and then killed Chen Feng!

It was the start of the battle again, and it was another hour of fighting.

At the third hour, Chen Feng's offensive became weaker and weaker, even he was directly stabbed into the soul body by a knife master.

Chen Feng let out a scream, his soul swelled abruptly, and then shrank sharply, falling to the ground heavily.

Chen Feng really hurt a bit this time, and he did this naturally to make this bitter trick more realistic.

In order to lure these people, he continued to fight with him, even using this strategy.

Mokoro's clenched hands waved wildly: "Kill! Kill him quickly! You are about to win!"

He felt he saw the hope of victory.

And when it hit the fourth hour, Chen Feng's heart moved, because the knife master in front of him had already used his knife for the fourth time.

This is already the fourth time he has used it. Obviously, his swordsmanship ends here, and there are no more secrets. Chen Feng has already peeked all his secrets.

With Chen Feng's talent, three times is enough, and the fourth time is for insurance.

Not only him, but also those other people.

At this moment, Chen Feng felt that the encounter of these ten masters of swordsmanship was rolling in his mind at this time, like a mess.

As the battle continued, it became clear that they penetrated into Chen Feng's blood through the knives of these masters of swordsmanship, and their thinking gradually changed from a mess to a flowing river.

Then, these rivers began to gather quietly.

Finally, these rivers began to condense and turned into a turbulent river flowing in Chen Feng's heart.

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