Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2203: Kill all the way!

A surreptitious smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "It turns out that I still have such power, but I can't show it temporarily. This can only be used as a hole card."

Chen Feng stepped forward, heading in the direction of Demon Corot.

Suddenly, the black air in front of him condensed into three huge demons. Each of these three huge demons was about three meters in height, with terrifying faces, and their bodies were made of lava.

They are somewhat similar to Mokoro, but their aura is not as good as him, and they all have horns on their heads.

The power of **** flashed on these three demons. They roared ferociously and rushed towards Chen Feng.

The three of them all held sickles and swung towards Chen Feng.

On their sickles, there was a terrifying power that burned their souls. Before Chen Feng had touched them, he felt that his soul seemed to be hit hard.

Chen Feng smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth. Suddenly, his arms shook. In an instant, huge suction power came from his body, and countless rocks around him flew up and condensed on the surface of Chen Feng's soul.

So, the next moment, Chen Feng's soul body disappeared, and replaced by a stone giant ten meters high.

The stone giant smashed a demon with a punch, then kicked it out again, kicking the other two into countless fragments, turning them into black air, and disappearing into the air.

Chen Feng clearly heard a very long cry of pain.

Chen Feng laughed and walked forward.

Sure enough, he did not expect him, but he encountered a demon formed by the condensation of two black qi.

However, Mokoro's body has never appeared.

When Chen Feng saw it, it became clear in his heart.

"Sure enough, this Mokoro has been sealed for so many years, and his strength has long been left."

"At this time, he doesn't even have the guts to attack me in reality, because he knows that if he escapes from the blood-stained giant knife and attacks me in reality, he is not an opponent at all!"

"He only dared to use those sneaky tactics to infect me step by step with the devilish nature of the blood-stained giant knife, so that he can have a chance of winning!"

"And this time, after he learned that my bloodline was so strong, he was greedy, he didn't proceed step by step, he didn't wait for the devilishness to erode me before he did it, and..."

Having said this, Chen Feng paused, and in his clear gaze, there was a calmness to see through everything: "This is definitely not a hell. Just rely on him to be worthy of dragging me into hell?"

"If he really has that ability, why bother with such effort, he can crush me easily! But he only dared to pull my soul into this space he created, this space should be **** Inside the giant knife!"

Chen Feng suddenly took a few steps forward and threw a punch.

Suddenly, a huge wound was blasted out on the ground. Chen Feng immediately felt a wave of fluctuations in this space, and in the deepest part of that space, a scream of pain quietly sounded and quickly disappeared. , Seems to be afraid that Chen Feng will hear the same.

But the wound on the ground is bursting with black air, just like a person's body will bleed after a wound appears on the surface.

The gap above the ground is quietly closed.

After an hour or two, the crack disappeared.

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "Sure enough!"

He categorically said: "This is not **** at all, Mokoro is deceiving me at all."

"This is just a tiny bit of space created in his blood-stained giant knife!"

After Chen Feng figured this out clearly, he didn't hesitate anymore and continued to kill.

He soon discovered that this space is definitely not particularly large, because after he walked about hundreds of miles, he saw that the angle between the horizon and the sky in the distance was getting smaller and smaller. Obviously the sky would be at the end. Bordering the earth!

At this time, Chen Feng had already gone for two hours.

He had already dealt with seventeen waves of attacks from evil spirits, and when he walked over the hill in front of him, another kind of evil spirit suddenly appeared in front of him.

This kind of demon is different from what Chen Feng has seen before. He is like a giant hunting dog, but with a long horn on his head.

Moreover, the head of this evil demon is surprisingly big, almost equivalent to half of the body, and the mouth is surprisingly big, almost occupying the entire face on the face. It is a full tens of meters in circle, with serrated teeth inside. There are still bloodshots hanging on it.

These demons again slayed fiercely towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng felt that they were stronger than the previous demons, but they were definitely not much stronger.

Before those demons, Chen Feng's 300 million jin of power could directly kill them, and this, Chen Feng only needed to hit two punches, and an average of two punches would result in one.

Kakaka...Chen Feng hit six punches, took these three demons away, and moved on.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before an evil demon appeared again!

This time, the demons are still the same as before.

Chen Feng walked hundreds of miles away, and a new kind of evil spirit appeared in front of him, still defeated by Chen Feng.

However, he spent a longer time.

After walking for almost seven or eight hours, and thousands of miles away, Chen Feng encountered a total of twenty-five waves of demons, and these twenty-five waves of demons were divided into five types, and the stronger the later.

At the end of the day, Chen Feng basically solved the need to spend a cup of tea time.

However, there is still no danger to him.

Mo Ke Luo, who was hiding in the dark, had been observing Chen Feng.

He secretly said in his heart: "Generally speaking, after turning into a soul state, there is hardly any strength left, but this kid still possesses such a tyrannical strength, it is really incredible."

"However, I have now roughly estimated his power. In this case, I can still deal with him."

In the deepest part of this space, there was a cold laugh in a corner.

In the end, after nearly a day, Chen Feng finally came to the end.

Here, in the deepest part of this space, there is a huge pile of rocks.

On the pile of rocks, Chen Feng saw a face exposed there, it was the face of Mo Ke Luo.

Mokoro looked at Chen Feng with a sullen look on his face: "Little boy, I didn't expect you to find here!"

"But, how about you find here? This is your burial place!"

As he said, he waved his hand, and with his move, ten figures floated out of the pile of rocks under him.

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