Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2158: Beast tide, here comes!

"All the disciples in the Wudong Academy, all the disciples in the Wudong Academy..."

He repeated it several times, making sure to attract everyone's attention, and then he began to say in a deep voice, "Everyone, three days later, it will be the time of the Beast Tide!"

"What? Three days later is the time of the Tongtianhe beast tide?" Everyone exclaimed.

The voice continued: "All disciples, be prepared. At that time, when the tide of beasts arrives, a defensive dam will rise on the easternmost side of Sky Splitting Island as the first defense."

"This defense is a relic of the ancestors. In the morning three days later, all the disciples will go to the first dam for defense!"

"After the **** is lost, return to their respective areas and deploy them!"

The voice was silent for a moment, and then slowly said:

"This time the tide of beasts is a once-in-a-hundred-year encounter. All beasts below the level of the Nine-Star Demon King are eligible to participate!"

"The sect will send a number of elders of Chongxiao to help out, elders shaking the earth, and I hope that all the disciples will work together!"

The sound stopped abruptly and disappeared into the air.

In the next moment, there were many disciples making different voices in various places on Split Sky Island.

Some are full of shock, some are full of fear, and some are unstoppable excitement and excitement!

Some people are very afraid of the arrival of the beasts because of their lack of strength.

When the beast tide arrives, they will perform their duties and guard their respective territories. If they cannot keep the place, they will die with them and die in battle.

If you dare to escape, you will be punished by the sect!

"What? Three days later, the tide of beasts arrives, and it is still a big beast tide that is rare in a century?"

After hearing these words, Chen Feng was shocked and raised his brows. He was taken aback and shocked, and then turned into ecstasy in the next moment.

He and Uncle Dao looked at each other, and then both understood each other's gaze.

The two laughed.

Uncle Dao said loudly: "If you want to enhance the power of the dragon, you don't have to absorb the black yellow stone to obtain the black yellow power, as long as it is the purest and most original power."

"It just so happens that all the demon kings above the five-star level are born with a demon pill, and the demon pill contains a life-long essence of the demon king! After being absorbed, the magical effects are endless!"

"If the average person wants to absorb it, the speed will be extremely slow. After a few years of absorption, it may not be able to absorb it cleanly, and it is likely to leave a lot of trouble!"

"But you are different!"

He laughed and said: "Your master of the Arhat Sutra is extremely overbearing, and you can easily destroy it and absorb it!"

Uncle Dao sighed and said, "Little Master, you are really lucky. It's just that someone will bring a pillow when you want to sleep!"

During these three days, Chen Feng practiced with peace of mind, and three days later, he rushed to Linhe Dajiao.

Linhe Big Reef, located on the easternmost side of Riftian Island, is a huge rock, three miles away from the east of Riftian Island. It is a kilometer high and the surrounding area is several thousand meters in size.

This is the eastern barrier of Sky-Cracking Island, and every beast tide comes from the east. These monsters of Tongtian River, if they want to destroy Sky-Cracking Island, they must first knock down Linhe Great Reef.

Otherwise, they will face the danger of being hurt by the enemy!

At this time, under the Linhe Big Reef, there was an extra dam.

And above the dam, there was a tall building.

The tall building was named Wangjiang Tower. When Chen Feng arrived, hundreds of disciples had already gathered here.

The Wangjiang Tower and the embankment next to the Wangjiang Tower were covered with large tracts of brown. Every time the beast tide arrived, this was the place where the killing was the most tragic.

I don't know how many inner courtyard disciples and the blood of the monster beasts spilled on it, and it has penetrated into it over the years, and the river that beats day and night cannot eliminate it.

Upstairs in Wangjiang, there were already dozens of people sitting there. There were food and beverages provided by Wudong Academy, and there were more people below.

After Chen Feng asked, he knew why.

It turns out that only powerful people are qualified to set foot on Wangjiang Tower.

Of course, if you feel that you are strong enough, you can go up. Anyway, those who set foot on the Wangjiang Tower will take greater responsibility when they can resist the beast tide.

Chen Feng slightly ticked the corner of his mouth: "So that's it."

Without any hesitation, he and Uncle Dao Han Yuer stepped upstairs.

With the concern of the inner courtyard, he respectfully delivered the good wine and food!

The three of them were eating happily. Suddenly, there was a loud noise from downstairs. It seemed that many people's exclamation sounded. The voices were full of shock, and some were filled with deep admiration and fear.

"The first sword of martial arts is here!"

"Ah? Wudong's first sword? He is here? It is said that he is the first person to use a sword among all the disciples of our Wudong Academy!"

"Yes, this first sword of martial arts was extremely terrifying. Shenlong didn't see the end at first sight and rarely appeared in the inner courtyard. It is said that he was adopted by an elder Chongxiao."

"Yes, this person is very talented. He practiced swords at the age of three. By the time he was nineteen years old, he could kill the Seven-Star Martial King. At the age of 27, he could kill the Eight-Star Martial King. Now three years have passed. He is already thirty years old, I don't know how terrifying his strength is!"

"This first sword of martial arts, it is really superb and tyrannical, he is here!"

"Hey, he must have come to participate in this fight against the animal tide."

"Yes, this beast tide, with him joining, it seems that we will be much easier!"

Everyone talked about it, they used their previous experience to infer the scale of this beast wave, but they didn't know that this beast wave was far beyond their imagination.

The three of Chen Feng looked down and saw a group of people in the distance walking slowly towards this side.

There were twenty or thirty people in that group. Four young men and women walked in the front. Their faces were full of arrogance, and their momentum was quite fierce and powerful.

In the back, seven or eight servants in Chinese robes came over with a soft sedan chair.

This soft sedan, inlaid with gold and jade, looks extremely gorgeous. When a gust of wind hits, and when the white jade curtain is rolled up, you can see a young man sitting in the soft sedan.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned, and they all talked: "Who is this? The shelf is so big?"

"That's right, I didn't walk here, so I asked the servant to carry him? I'm afraid it's the only one in the inner courtyard!"

"This shelf is big enough, depending on what this posture might be."

"Yes, I also think, otherwise, there wouldn't be such a big air." Everyone talked.

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