Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2157: Horrible opponent!

"Is it the big swamp that lies between the Tianyuan Dynasty and Southern Xinjiang in the seven million li of Fangyuan?"

"Yes, it is there. It is actually the territory of the hundreds of people in Southern Xinjiang. It is very dangerous. When the Xianwu King realm enters, there will be death and no life, and he will step into it and look for the strong."

"Just two months ago, he has already returned. Although the Lieyang family did not say anything, I guess his strength has already broken through!"

Wow! Everyone was in an uproar upon hearing this.

This means that the eldest son of the Lieyang family is very likely to be a peak master of the Nine Star Martial King!

"Nine-star Martial King pinnacle master, where is Chen Feng qualified to be compared with him?"

"Chen Feng's strength, no matter how strong it is, it is only the pinnacle of the Eight-Star Martial King!"

"Yes, he is at most the peak of the Eight-Star Martial King, and he has never entered the realm of the Nine-Star Martial King."

Since Chen Feng's strength in front of them was only the Eight-Star King Wu, so they guessed.

As everyone knows, how ridiculous they are? Chen Feng's strength has actually reached the middle stage of the Nine Star Wu King!

Someone uttered a weak cry like a groan: "Nine-star Martial King peak master, this is definitely one of the top ten among the young generation of the Tianyuan Dynasty, right? It may already be the top five!"

"Of course, there are any abnormal masters in the palace that we can't know. Some princes have extremely terrifying strength at a young age, and the royal family is far more powerful than imagined!"

The blue-robed youth categorically said: "But putting aside the royal family, the eldest son of the Lieyang family is definitely already a younger generation sitting for five and three.

He glanced at Chen Feng, a pity flashed in his eyes, shook his head and said, "Although Chen Feng has unparalleled potential, and he is very strong when he enters the inner courtyard, but he is just an eight-star martial king, compared to the peak of the nine-star martial king. It's just an ant!"

"In the eyes of others, he is also a stronger ant. He is not crushed by just one kick!"

After Chen Feng received the battle book, he did not leave immediately, but helped Yu Hongyuan, who was lying on the ground, up.

A touch of emotion flashed across Yu Hongyuan's face. Chen Feng looked at him and said softly: "Elder Yu, don't worry, I will vent your anger for the shame the Lieyang family has given you today."

There was a touch of emotion on Yu Hongyuan's face, but he obviously didn't believe it very much. He also looked down upon Chen Feng a bit.

Chen Feng turned and left, returning to Zuwangya.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Uncle Dao shook his head, with a worried expression on his face, and said: "Little master, the contest in that month..."

As he said, he sighed.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "What are you worried about?"

Uncle Dao nodded and said: "I am running through the Tianyuan Imperial City these days, but I know a lot of things, including this Lieyang family eldest son."

"Not only is his current strength very likely, he has already reached the peak of the Nine Star Martial King, and more importantly..."

"What is more important?" Chen Feng asked.

"He has a god-given body!" Uncle Dao said.

"Godsend divine body?" Chen Feng's brows condensed instantly.

These four familiar words immediately reminded Chen Feng of a person.

When the two met in the tomb of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang, the man beat Chen Feng to a terrible beating, and the root of everything was because he had a god-given body.

Of course, that time was very far away from now, and at that time, Chen Feng's level was also very low.

But this memory will not be erased. A smile appeared on his face, and he whispered to himself: "Now that so many years have passed, I don't know your strength, how far have you come?"

Uncle Dao said: "The children of the top big family in Tianyuan Imperial City are very noble due to their blood heritage, so many of them are awakened by the gods."

"Their bodies are very powerful, and they can get twice the result with half the effort when they practice. The most important thing is that the godsend divine body often brings them a very powerful bloodline skill as a hole card."

"He is now at the peak of the Nine-Star Martial King's cultivation base, you are not his opponent, and with his god-given divine body, you are even more not his opponent."

Chen Feng raised his brows, knowing how terrifying the opponent he faced was.

But he still has incomparable self-confidence, and said in a slow voice: "So, what level do I need to improve to be his opponent by then?"

Uncle Dao pondered for a moment, and then categorically said: "You have to at least raise the Dragon Dragon Arhat Scriptures to the second highest peak in order to be able to confront him head-on!"

"And if you want to defeat him, I'm afraid that the peak of the second heaven is not enough, and you have to upgrade to the third heaven!"

Chen Feng took a deep breath, his face full of pride, and said loudly: "Okay, then I will raise it within a month!"

"The third peak, right? Okay, here I am!"

Uncle Dao looked at him, a little surprised, then he suddenly shook his head and smiled, the heavy color on his face disappeared without a trace, and smiled: "Little master, me, it's really a bit unreasonable worry."

"What kind of person are you, how can you be afraid of this? I am full of confidence in you now!"

Chen Feng smiled slightly, and said in a deep voice: "My master of the Arhat Sutra, it is difficult and difficult to practice, because there is an extremely large demand for Xuanhuangshi, and it requires countless Xuanhuangshi and countless strengths to increase it."

"But it is extremely simple to say that it is simple, as long as there is enough Xuanhuangshi."

"Continuously absorbing the power of Xuanhuang and transforming it into the power of the dragon descending Arhat, the power of the dragon continues to increase, increasing to the power of 8,000 dragons, and I can step into the third heaven!"

Uncle Dao said: "You are only 3,600 dragons now. If you want to increase to 8,000, then you need to increase at least 4,400 dragons. How much Xuanhuangshi?"

Chen Feng calculated it, and then said with a wry smile: "At least 4.4 million black yellow stones are needed!"

"4.4 million Xuanhuangshi?" Uncle Dao couldn't help but was shocked, and then smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid you will rob the Yun family and Lieyang family together, you may not be able to gather so many Xuanhuangshi. !"

Chen Feng nodded: "4.4 million Xuan Huangshi, the entire Tianyuan Dynasty may only be available to the royal family, and there may not be so many in the treasury!"

Chen Fengfeng murmured to himself: "I need Xuanhuangshi now, and I need a huge amount of Xuanhuangshi. Only in this way can I improve my combat effectiveness!"

"The question now is, where do I get these?"

At this moment, suddenly, a huge voice sounded at the core of Sky Splitting Island:

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