Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2114: Then let's do the calculations!

The old seven had no hesitation, he laughed: "Master, don't worry, I know your rules here, don't worry, after I kill him, I will pay you a heavy compensation!"

"Furthermore, the blood here will be washed away and will not tarnish the flowers and plants in your valley!"

The second brother also laughed: "Don't worry, Master, we will not violate your rules here."

At this time, Old Qi's knife was about to be cut on top of Chen Feng's head.

At this time, Chen Feng was still sitting there, motionless.

The second brother and the others laughed loudly: "Haha, this little boy is already completely scared."

"Yes, he can't even react. Old Qi's knife, too fast!"

And the old Qi also showed a smug look on his face, as if he had seen Chen Feng being hacked to death by himself.

And at this moment, suddenly, the smile on his face solidified, because he felt that his knife had stopped in the air and couldn't move forward.

Then, the next moment, he saw a scene that horrified him.

It turned out that the young man, with a faint sneer on his face, stretched out **** and clamped his own knife.

But no matter how hard I tried, I didn't move at all.

He let out an incredulous yell: "How is that possible? You actually caught my knife with two fingers?"

He still knows how powerful his knife is, even a small hill can be split.

At this time, Chen Feng was caught with one finger, which shocked him to the extreme.

The next moment, he suddenly thought of something, his eyes showed extreme fear, and he said in amazement: "You just concealed your strength?"

Chen Feng looked at him and smiled coldly: "I didn't hide my strength, it's your trash, I can't even tell how strong I am!"

Chen Feng screamed: "You want to settle the account, don't you? Okay, then I will settle the account with you!"

With that said, Chen Feng pushed forward with his right hand, from the tip of the knife to the handle of the knife. He directly squeezed this precious metal knife into a metal ball. Mission waste.

Then, his palm kept on, and a palm was slapped on Old Qi's chest.

Old Qi let out a screaming scream, fell heavily to the ground, spurting blood, his chest sunken, he was already seriously injured and dying.

Chen Feng leisurely jumped off the giant desert bear, and forced him step by step, and said lightly: "Aren't you going to settle accounts with me? Then, come on! Check accounts with me!"

With that, he grabbed the collar of Old Qi and lifted him up.

Old Qi screamed sternly: "Spare, spare my life!"

Chen Feng stared at him and said coldly, "Didn't you just abolish me? Who did it do?"

Old Qi shook his head frantically: "I dare not, I dare not settle accounts with you, please forgive me! Please, forgive..."

Chen Feng sneered: "You didn't settle the account with me, right? Then I'm going to settle the account with you!"

As he said, the power blasted out, and the word'I' had not been spoken yet, the old Qi let out a scream of dying. He was already shattered by Chen Feng, and fell to the ground hard, like a broken sack. , Not moving anymore!

At this moment, seeing this scene, the people of the black tiger gang shouted in disbelief: "What? Old Qi was killed so easily by him?"

"Lao Qi can be regarded as a good player among us! He has no power to fight back under his hands, and can't do a single trick?"

"It turns out that we were blind. This person's strength is extremely powerful, and it is definitely not our cause!"

At this moment, the second brother's face also showed a thick color of horror and shock.

He realized that he and the others had gotten into a stubborn stubble that he couldn't afford.

He is also a very decisive person, and he immediately bowed his hand to Chen Feng, squeezed out a smile and said: "This son, we don't know your identity. You have offended you before, and I hope you can forgive me."

"Even if the life of Old Seven is paid to you, we won't have any opinion on it."

"Oh? You think he will pay me for his life, and this matter can be over, right?" Chen Feng let out a sneer:

"What kind of thing is he? Can his life be worth the unhappiness of my senior sister?"

These words made the faces of the Black Tiger Gang change drastically, and their faces were extremely humiliated, and they were greatly humiliated.

Chen Feng was waiting for them to pass their faces up, and then slapped them in the face!

The second brother gritted his teeth and said, "What do you want to do?"

"What do you want to do?" Chen Feng said coldly: "The people who spoke badly just now will stop themselves!"

"The remaining people cut their tongues, and I will let you go!"

The second brother was furious.

The black tiger gang members also roared: "This kid is deceiving too much!"

"Yes, fight him!"

They roared one after another, and they were in this collective, everyone roared, so many people gave them an illusion that they seemed to be stronger than before.

This gave them some guts.

So, the second brother smiled coldly and said: "Your Excellency, you are too deceiving."

Chen Feng sneered: "You think I deceived people too much, right? Well, since you don't do it yourself, then I will do it!"

With that said, Chen Feng screamed, and he slammed into them, blasted out with a punch, and hit the only one who had spoken badly for hundreds of meters.

He didn't even have time to hum, he was directly bombarded and killed.

Then, another backhand kicked and kicked the other person's chest, shattering his heart pulse, screamed, and died directly.

Chen Feng was extremely tyrannical, and when he stretched out his hand and raised his foot, he would kill a life.

In a blink of an eye, they killed thirty or forty people!

During this period of time, Chen Feng was extremely anxious because of the senior sister's affairs, and there was already a backlog of strong hostility in his heart, which completely broke out at this time.

These people were killed so that wolves rushed and rushed, miserable.

At this moment, the door of that cottage suddenly opened.

An old man with white beard and hair came out from the inside, carrying a middle-aged man covered in blood in his hand.

At this moment, the middle-aged man looked at the situation in the field with an extremely shocked expression on his face, and said with a trembling voice: "How? How is it possible? How can there be such a powerful person?"

The long-haired old man shook his head and said, "Look at the waste wood under your hands. You have provoked such a bad star that shouldn't be provoked."

"It seems that I don't need to save you."

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