Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2113: court death!

"Seven Star Martial King?" Chen Feng raised his eyebrows. In his opinion, this level of strength was really low, not enough for Chen Feng to twist a finger.

Chen Feng's hand was enough to destroy them all.

The members of the black tiger gang were all anxious, and from time to time there were screams in that cottage.

Every time they heard a scream, their brows were frowned, and one of them whispered: "Second brother, is it okay? Can doctor Xue save the eldest brother?"

He had just finished speaking this sentence, and suddenly, a cold snort came from the grassy cottage, and then the screaming scream became even heavier in the next moment.

So, a big guy who looked like a leader immediately reprimanded the person who had just spoken coldly: "Old Qi, what did you fart?"

"The magical doctor Xue is so good that you dare to question the magical doctor Xue? Do you want your eldest brother to suffer more?"

Seeing this scene, Han Yuer couldn't help but laughed, and whispered: "Junior Brother, then God Doctor Xue is really temperamental. If others think that his medical skills are not good, he will make the patient suffer."

Chen Feng pinched her little nose, and said, "You are smart!"

Old Qi was reprimanded by his leader, feeling that he seemed to lose face, and then heard Han Yu'er smile like that, and his face immediately became gloomy when he said that.

His gaze swept across the faces of Chen Feng and others. Chen Feng and others came all the way, all in the dust, and he didn't like to be public. He was still dressed in white and looked simple, just like an ordinary warrior. ‘

As a result, Lao Qi immediately had a bottom in his heart, and he felt that he had seen through the details of Chen Feng.

"This should be a few ordinary warriors who come to seek medical advice with very average strength and no background!"

As a result, his face immediately became cold and severe, and he walked towards Chen Feng and the others.

And seeing his movements, those other people also understood in their hearts and knew what he wanted to do.

A few of his companions wanted to stop, but the leading man smiled slightly and said: "Old Qi was just trained by me, and I feel angry. It's okay to let him spit out."

He pointed to Chen Feng and others and said, "These people are not strong enough to follow, and there will be no consequences if they are bullied by Lao Qi. We don't have to bear anything."

The big guys who wanted to stop the seventh all laughed and said, "The second brother is the second brother. It really is not what we can compare. Thinking about things is thoughtful."

The second brother also smiled triumphantly.

Old Qi had already walked up to Chen Feng and several others. He stared at Chen Feng and said with a sneer: "Boy, the little lady in your arms just said something to me. How should we calculate this account?"

Chen Feng came to seek medical advice this time, and didn't want to cause trouble. He said lightly, "What do you want to do?"

Seeing Chen Feng's question, Lao Qi was even more proud of his face. He felt that he had completely seen through Chen Feng.

He secretly said in his heart: "Sure enough, I didn't think it was wrong at all. He has no background strength at all. Otherwise, how could he be so weak?"

Behind Old Qi, the faces of the Black Tiger Gang all showed unexpected expressions.

The second brother smiled triumphantly: "How? I'm right? There is no risk of offending him!"

When they looked at Chen Feng, they were full of contempt. Someone spit out and spit on the ground, saying, "This kid is really a coward, a trash one."

He looked at Li Qiurong next to Chen Feng, and at Han Yu'er in Chen Feng's arms, he smiled: "However, these two girls around this kid are really good!"

The old Qi's gaze swept across Han Yu'er's face, revealing a deep greedy color. He licked his lips and said with a lustful smile:

"Since it was this little lady who spoke badly and offended me, then I don't want anything else. You can pay her to me and let me play for a few days."

"Hahahaha..." as he said, there was a burst of lewd laughter!

And the black tiger gang behind him all booed: "Old Qi, you have a good abacus!"

"Hahaha, old seven, this little lady is naturally beautiful and looks beautiful, but you have made a lot of money, brothers are all greedy!"

The old seven laughed and said, "Don't worry, when I pass it, I will naturally let you have fun too. We are all brothers. Of course we are blessed to share it!"

Chen Feng's expression changed in an instant. When it comes to him, he can bear it.

But when Han Yuer was involved, he absolutely couldn't bear it.

At this time, seeing Chen Feng not speaking, Old Seven urged impatiently: "Little boy, have you heard? Quickly hand over the little lady in your arms!"

"Otherwise, brothers would be very kind to you!"

With that, he rubbed his fists and walked forward.

At this time, Li Qiurong next to him looked at him and everyone in the Black Tiger Gang with a pity on his face.

These people don't even know how powerful Chen Feng is. As long as Chen Feng takes action, they will all die!

Chen Feng looked at Lao Qi and said lightly: "Why do you want to be polite with me?"

"Oh, boy, what are you still pretending to be here?" Old Qi was taken aback for a moment, but Chen Feng dared to refute his words.

Then, he felt that he wanted to understand immediately, he knew it, and he smiled: "I know what the reason is, it must be because there are two chicks next to you!"

"You don't want to lose face in front of the two of them, so you muster up the courage to stand me up."

"Haha, am I right?"

Behind him, the second elder brother laughed loudly and said, "Lao Qi can see people well now, you guys, you have to learn something from him."

These members of the Black Tiger Gang obviously think so too.

Chen Feng felt ridiculous now: "These people are really self-righteous!"

The boss suddenly changed his face and said, "I know, I can understand you, and I don't want to lose power in front of a woman."

"However, it is a pity that I will not give you this opportunity!"

His face was suddenly cold and cold: "If you don't hand over this chick, then I have to abolish you, and then I will take her over again!"

Chen Feng sneered and said, "Really? Then I would like to try it."

Old Qi's face became cold, and he said with a cold voice: "Little bastard, I don't know how to promote, then I will give up touching it now.

With that said, With a flash of his figure, he swept towards Chen Feng, the long knife in his hand was out of the sheath, and he bitterly cut out towards Chen Feng.

At this time, an old voice suddenly came from the cottage: "Don't do it here, the old man."

When he said this, everyone's expressions changed.

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