Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2110: Giant in the heart of the desert

Around his body, dark golden light lingers, like an angry King Kong.

And behind him, the huge body of the desert giant froze in the air for a moment before crashing to the ground.

He was full of blood flowing across his body, his breath was weak, and his body twitched slightly, and then he immediately lost his breath with his feet.

Chen Feng, directly kill the desert giant!

There was silence, and there was no sound.

No one spoke, and they were all lost in shock by Chen Feng.

No way, Chen Feng is really too tough, tyrannical far beyond their imagination!

At this time, only Li Qiurong came back to her senses. She walked out quickly and shouted in excitement: "Chen Feng, you are great, I know you can do it!"

Chen Feng smiled at her, then suddenly glanced at the people of the Kuangsha tribe.

When they met Chen Feng's gaze, the people of the Kuangsha tribe all walked back in fright, shaking all over.

The desert giants were their greatest support. They all died in Chen Feng's hands. At this time, in their eyes, Chen Feng was as terrifying as a devil.

Chen Feng looked at them and said lightly: "I will give you an hour's time to hand over my senior sister intact."

"If she loses a cold hair, I will wash your Kuangsha tribe with blood!"

Chen Feng's voice was extremely cold, and after hearing these people from the Kuangsha tribe, they trembled all over.

No one doubts Chen Feng's determination, and believes that he must have done what he said!

If Chen Feng said such a thing a day ago, he would only be laughed at, but now, no one doubts Chen Feng's strength!

"Yes, yes." The people of the Kuangsha tribe nodded quickly, and left in a hurry.

However, Chen Feng looked at the corpse of the desert giant with a smile on his mouth, walked up slowly, shaking his arms.

The power of blood in Chen Feng's body gushed out frantically, so the body of the desert giant buzzed, and the power of blood in his body was directly sucked out by Chen Feng.

It didn't take an hour at all, but it was half an hour, and suddenly there was a loud noise outside.

A lot of people from the Kuangsha tribe walked over, and among them, there was a soft sedan surrounded by Han Yu'er.

They didn't even dare to bring Han Yuer over directly, but sent her over in a soft sedan.

When Han Yuer saw Chen Feng, she shouted with joy: "Junior Brother, Junior Brother!"

At this time, Chen Feng had already absorbed all the power of the blood in the desert giant.

At this time, the power of blood in his body became stronger, and the golden color flowing in his blood had changed from the golden color that was like cow hair before to the current red golden color.

However, the proportion of red gold is not high, only about 10%.

The other 90% are still the same as before!

When the power of the blood in all the blood in his bloodline turned into the color of red gold, it was when Chen Feng advanced to the next level of the giant bloodline!

At this time, deep in Chen Feng's body, in that hidden corner, that drop of giant blood has already turned into the color of gold, and the core of this drop of giant blood has turned into a pure gold. color!

Looking at the huge alchemy furnace, Chen Feng smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth, and said slowly:

"This general outline of the Arhat Sutra of Lowering Dragons is really amazing. This powerful pill that is enough to raise the Eight-Star Martial King to a level, after being swallowed by me, only increased the power of a thousand dragons."

"Now, I have two more here, but they must be used properly. Good steel is used on the blade."

Chen Feng heard Han Yu'er yelling, he turned around and looked at Han Yu'er. A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Suddenly, his figure flashed and he went directly to Han Yu'er and hugged her in his arms.

Han Yuer hugged Chen Feng tightly, unwilling to let go for a moment!

The desert was tens of thousands of miles away, and it was placed in the entire Tianyuan Dynasty. It was also an area with a huge area. Even the strongest person in the desert would not dare to say that he walked every inch of the desert.

Because this desert is too vast, too magical, and too mysterious.

There are many places, still covered with a layer of mystery, no one can brush them away!

In fact, whether it is the ancient city of Shenying or the Kuangsha tribe, the area where this powerful force is located is not the true center of the desert, and can only be regarded as the periphery.

Because, the more you go to the center of the desert, the worse the environment is, and it is not suitable for living things.

In the center of the desert, in the area with a radius of one million li, there is wind and sand everywhere. There is huge wind blowing all day long. The wind sweeps the sand and obscures the sky.

So that the sky is completely dark.

This wind is so strong that even a warrior in the Martial King realm can sweep out a gust of wind.

Moreover, the wind is full of small but powerful tornadoes. Once a person is sucked into it, when he falls out of the tornado, there is only a skeleton left.

The flesh and blood of the whole body will be smashed alive by the tornado that is sharp with the knife!

Not only are there strong tornadoes blowing all year round, but also quicksand vortexes are everywhere on the ground. This quicksand vortex is a miniature version of the sea of ​​quicksand.

It has a radius of several kilometers, and there is a huge suction power inside, and it looks no different from other places on the outside, and it is no different even if it is probed with qi.

But if you step on it, the whole person will be instantly sucked into the depths of the earth, with no bones left!

At this time, it was daylight, and the sun's rays shone in, but because there was dust everywhere, so that the light could not penetrate at all, there was still darkness here.

But it is not dark, because on the ground here, in addition to the countless quicksand traps, there are patches of volcanic craters.

In the crater, lava rolled, almost all of the craters are active volcanoes, almost every moment, hundreds of thousands of volcanoes erupt.

The lava flows freely here, and the smell of sulfur is strong, and there is a huge amount of poison gas inside. Such poison gas alone is enough to kill ordinary warriors.

And this also caused the temperature here to reach thousands of degrees, which is not suitable for ordinary warriors to survive!

Here, it can be said to be an extremely dangerous area, even more dangerous than the sea of ​​quicksand!

However, in the midst of the wind and sand, suddenly a figure appeared quietly, walking towards the depths of this area.

This figure is extremely tall and burly, reaching a height of tens of thousands of meters, which is much larger than the desert giant Chen Feng saw in the Kuangsha tribe.

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