Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2109: Powerful King Kong, tyrannical and invincible!

Chen Feng smiled coldly: "Okay, you want to kill me, you want to eat me, then, come!"

"I, Chen Feng, are waiting for you here. If you are strong enough, how about taking my life away?"

"And if you are not my opponent, then," Chen Feng smiled coldly: "You are the one who died today!"

The desert giant screamed violently and rushed towards Chen Feng frantically.

Chen Feng also let out a violent roar, his strength surged out, and his fighting spirit was raging.

He actually took big strides and moved forward frantically.

Everyone looked stupid, a body that was 10,000 meters tall and a body that was only 1.9 meters tall were about to collide!

However, what shocked them was that at this time, Chen Feng's momentum was not much weaker than the desert giant.

Finally, it was close.

The desert giant blasted out with a punch. He hated Chen Feng so much. He also used his strongest strength to directly kill Chen Feng with one punch.

With a grinning smile on his face, he said, "Daddy, die!"

"My punch is enough to kill you!"

Chen Feng smiled coldly: "Really? Then open your dog's eyes to see clearly!"

After speaking, Chen Feng let out a loud roar, his body was like a mountain, standing proudly in front of everyone.

Everyone immediately felt that they were not alone in front of them, but like a big mountain, which made all of them exclaimed: "This Chen Feng, it seems that the strength is stronger than before!"

And the next moment, Chen Feng pushed out with both hands.

His feet were separated, not only squatting, his knees squatted slightly, and his back formed into a straight line, as tall as a mountain. The next moment, in his dantian, the power of the dragon descending arhat burst out frantically.

The dark golden light was surging, and the two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine dragons roared in unison, and then Chen Feng pushed out with both palms fiercely!

With a bang, everyone felt that the mountain was shaking.

Chen Feng's palms were already heavily bombarded on the fists of the desert giant. Everyone was scared to pee after seeing the scene below...

Because, in their opinion, the desert giant's punch can definitely kill Chen Feng directly, but Chen Feng's palms hit the desert giant's fist, and everyone directly heard a crackling bone!

Then the next moment, the fist of the desert giant blasted a blood hole with a radius of hundreds of meters!

Both of his fingers were directly interrupted, while he was staggered, taking two steps back!

"What? How is it possible?"

"Chen Feng actually shook the desert giant!"

"He is only less than two meters tall, and the desert giant is tens of thousands of meters high. He actually shook the desert giant who was thousands or tens of thousands of times larger than himself?"

"Moreover, the most important thing is that he has the upper hand!"

"God, what did I see? This is impossible! Chen Feng now has the strength of the middle stage of the Nine-surnamed Wu Wang?"

"He was only in the early stage of Nine Star Martial King yesterday. He has improved so much in this day? This Chen Feng is also terrifying!"

Everyone screamed in shock. It seemed that only this was the way to vent the shock in their hearts.

And Li Qiurong in the crowd was full of tears, and whispered to himself: "Chen Feng, I know that you can do it, you can do it, you are the child of miracle!"

Smiles are all over her face.

Chen Feng laughed loudly: "How is it? How do you like my move?"

This move is the first move of Dali King Kong palm, King Kong pushes the mountain!

The face of the desert giant was extremely shocked, and he shouted in surprise: "How is it possible? How can you, your strength has become so much stronger overnight?"

"Also, I have never seen your moves before! How could you possibly?"

Chen Feng laughed loudly: "This is the truth, now it's time for you to die!"

Then, Chen Feng leaped forward, leaped up in the air, his feet stretched straight, his whole body was like a stone monument, straight up, and the three dragon descending Arhat Bright Orbs circulated together, and the power of descending dragon Arhat burst out!

Then, with a violent roar, his palms were united, and he slashed forward!

It's huge, like splitting a mountain!

This trick is so subtle that the desert giant hurriedly resisted, but how could it be resisted?

Chen Feng walked past directly, splitting his hands on his chest.

With a loud bang, the desert giant was beaten back three steps by Chen Feng again, and a huge wound was torn open in his chest, blood spurting out!

This is the second move of Dali Vajra Palm, Vajra Broken Tablet!

Then, Chen Feng fell directly to the ground, shaking the ground for a while.

Then, his hands were bombarded one after another, but this time, he was not a big open and close move, but extremely small.

His palms turned out to be shot thousands of times in a short period of time. With a very small amplitude and a very high frequency, he slapped the desert giant's leg severely.

So the flapping sound, the right leg bone of the desert giant, cracked countless cracks.

The next moment, with a loud bang, his right leg was directly snapped off by Chen Feng!

This trick is King Kong playing the pipa!

He tilted his body and fell heavily to the ground. Then, Chen Feng used the following two tricks again like clouds and flowing water.

After a set of powerful vajra palms were used up, the desert giant was already spurting blood, falling to the ground and severely injured.

Everyone looked stupid!

"What a powerful martial skill! It's so powerful, and it can make the desert giant so miserable if it is defeated in one set?"

"This martial art is extremely tyrannical! It was accomplished in one go! Chen Feng is also a genius, and it only takes a short time to master it!"

At this moment, the desert giant looked at Chen Feng with a little more fear, and when he saw Chen Feng flashing towards him, his eyes suddenly showed extreme fear and shouted loudly:

"Don't kill me, don't kill me! I gave up, don't kill me!"

Chen Feng laughed loudly: "Giving up? Is it useful to give up? Now beg for mercy, it's too late!"

With that, Chen Feng's figure flashed quickly, and another set of King Kong's palm came out.

From beginning to end, there is no lag, and then another set...

In his hands, a huge desert giant, a desert giant tens of thousands of times larger than Chen Feng. It's like a sandbag in a child's hand, being played around at will, without any resistance.

In the end, Chen Feng even slapped both palms, hitting him directly into the air.

Then, he slapped him three times in the air!

After three palms, Chen Feng landed heavily and stood up with a solemn expression, without even looking behind him.

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