Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2077: Kneel me down!

The strongest of these two families is nothing more than the Seven-Star Martial King. In Chen Feng's view, if they were placed in the Tianyuan Dynasty, they would probably be at the level of the Third-Rank family.

And they went this time to celebrate the longevity of the Kuangsha tribe.

Kuangsha tribe, that is incredible, he can almost rank in the top ten among all the forces in the entire desert.

It is said that in the Kuangsha tribe, there is a Nine-Star Martial King sitting in town.

There is a Nine Star Wu King sitting in town, this is one of the most basic requirements for entering the top ten of the desert forces.

And like the Shenying Family, there are more than one Nine-Star Martial King, and there may even be a powerful person beyond the Martial King realm to support them. That is a look-up existence!

The Kuangsha tribe is the largest power within a million miles, such as the Li family and the Xiang family, they all look to him.

Therefore, it is reasonable to wish him his birthday.

They brought so rich gifts that they needed thousands of people to **** them!

They also happened to be stationed next to the Taiping Lake. The two men went to fetch water and then rescued Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's voice became much smoother at this time, and he arched his hands and said, "Thank you for your help. With Chen Feng, Daen will surely repay you."

Lancao curled his lips and looked at him up and down, the expression on his face became even more contemptuous: "Look at what you look like now, like a beggar."

"Look at your strength again, you don't have the breath of a warrior at all, you are just an ordinary civilian, just like you, you still repay us? What are you repaying us?"

She was very contemptuous and full of arrogance.

Mei Zhu said with comfort, "Lancao, don't say that."

"What? Did I say something wrong?" The look on Lancao's face became more impatient, and she urged loudly, "The kid named Chen Feng, quickly get out of our bed."

"If you can get down to the ground, then go quickly. If you can work, help the caravan. There is no waste in the caravan. If you want to lie down here, I will give you directly. Drive out!"

Chen Feng frowned slightly, and his ill feelings rose.

However, Chen Feng was grateful that the two of them rescued themselves from the lake, so there was no seizure. He just nodded and said, "Okay, I'll come down."

Then, he turned over from the bed and stood up. Chen Feng sensed his body. At this time, his dantian was still empty, but a trace of power had already risen in it.

Chen Feng looks like an ordinary person now, and in fact it is, but his strength is slowly recovering.

The reason why Chen Feng listened to Lancao's words was because Chen Feng knew how to be grateful, but she felt that Chen Feng was cowardly, and her face was even more disdainful, and she curled her lips and said, "What a coward, there is no manhood at all."

Next, Chen Feng settled down in the caravan. For the rest of the day, he was helping with some rough chores.

Chen Feng didn't have any complaints. This should be regarded as a reward for saving lives!

Soon, many people in the caravan knew that an ordinary man named Chen Feng had arrived in the caravan, and no one took him seriously, and no one even spoke to him.

Chen Feng was also happy to be free, and when he was free, he secretly used his skills to restore his strength.

This campsite, located by the lakeshore, is more than ten li in radius, but it is quite large enough to accommodate thousands of people.

Next to the camp, a fence was built. Obviously they were going to stay here for a few days.

Just in the evening, suddenly there was the sound of cracking hoofs in the distance, and then Chen Feng saw a white cloud moving here.

Looking closer, this is not a white cloud, but a snow-like camel. On each camel is riding a thick and strong man, whose strength can be considered passable.

These roughly hundreds of sturdy men were obviously divided into two factions, wearing cyan and blue armors respectively.

Among them are two young men, one man and one woman.

The man was quite tall and sturdy, and he looked handsome, but Gu and Pan was full of arrogance and seemed very arrogant.

The woman next to him is not beautiful in appearance, but her eyes are extremely agile, she is very intelligent, and makes a deep impression.

Seeing them coming, the people in the camp immediately opened the gate, and these people came in like a swift switch. The caravans around them all knelt down and saluted them.

However, Chen Feng stood there motionless, standing proudly, so he also stood out among the crowd.

Suddenly, many sturdy men in the team cast their eyes on Chen Feng, and the valiant young man in his thirties even wrinkled his brows, staring at Chen Feng, and coldly shouted: "Where did the dog stuff come from? I really don’t know the rules! Kneel down!"

His voice was like a command, as if it was justified for him to let Chen Feng kneel down.

Chen Feng frowned and stared at him with a cold flash.

At this time, Chen Feng has recovered a part of his strength. To be honest, he has already seen it. As far as the strength of this young man is no more than the five-star Wuwang, he has to deal with it very easily, even if he has only recovered a part of his strength now, he wants to use it. It is not difficult to kill.

And if you want to defeat him, it is even easier!

However, Chen Feng did not take care of his life-saving grace, but said indifferently: "I, Chen Feng, will not kneel!"

"Oh, you kid, really arrogant!" The valiant young man was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed wildly, pointing at Chen Feng with a disdainful expression on his face.

And the thick and sturdy men beside him laughed disdainfully, pointing at Chen Feng.

"This kid, he really doesn't know how high the world is, he dares to talk to our young master like this?"

"Yes, our young master is a dignified five-star king master, it is easy to pinch him to death!"

"Is it necessary for the young master to take action? Let's take a shot alone and get the result of him. This kid, at first glance, doesn't even have any cultivation skills!"

With Chen Feng's realm, it was simply too easy to prevent them from seeing their cultivation.

They thought Chen Feng didn't have any cultivation skills at all!

Everyone is very disdainful of Chen Feng!

And only the woman with beautiful eyes, as if she could read people's hearts, raised her brows and looked at Chen Feng with interest.

The young heroic man was still smiling, but suddenly he stopped laughing and became extremely cold, staring at Chen Feng with a cold voice, and sternly shouted: "You untouchable, kneel down for me!"

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