Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2076: Beggar?

Then, he turned his head and took a sip of water: "It's fresh water, which means it should be in a big lake in the desert."

Chen Feng looked into the distance and saw the vast waves of smoke, but he couldn't see the end at all. He knew roughly: "In this desert, there are very few big lakes, and I heard there is only one lake with clear water. It's in the clear water lake."

Chen Feng controlled his body and drifted slowly towards the shore.

Getting closer and closer to the shore, Chen Feng could also see, with a large oasis at the end.

The vegetation is lush and prosperous.

However, just such a simple movement of manipulating his body to float to the shore has exhausted Chen Feng's power.

He felt exhausted, his eyelids fighting, and he wanted to sleep.

But he knew that he couldn't sleep right now.

At this moment, he suddenly heard two women's exclamations from the shore: "Meizhu, there seems to be someone in the water..."

Mei Zhu exclaimed: "Yes, I saw it too, it seems to be floating there, don't you know he is still alive?"

"I don't know, is he dead or alive? If he is dead, we won't be saved."

Hearing this, Chen Feng strenuously raised his arm and shook it.

This action made him consume a lot of his whole body. Seeing this action, Mei Zhu, whose voice was very sweet and crisp, shouted: "Lancao, that person is still alive, get her back quickly."

Chen Feng felt that a hook was hooked on his body, his heart loosened, his body softened, and he fainted once again!

When Chen Feng woke up leisurely again, he felt that a cold liquid was pouring into his throat.

This liquid entered the throat, the dry pain was relieved a lot, and it entered the stomach and melted, and the body did become warmer.

Because of this stimulus, Chen Feng's Dantian touched lightly, and Chen Feng's martial arts cultivation base began to slowly recover.

Chen Feng suddenly felt certain that he was still a little worried before, for fear that this time he would cause irreparable damage to Dan Tianzhao and make his cultivation level impossible to recover, but now it seems that he has been worried.

Then, he heard a noise of girls' twittering.

"Haha, Meizhu, why were you so careful when you fed him just now? You choked a little bit earlier, so you can wipe his mouth quickly and see if it hurts you!"

"Yo, let him sleep on your lap?"

For a month, a slightly ridiculous voice sounded, and the crisp voice became infinitely shy: "What are you talking about? Isn't that when you feed others?"

The owner of this crisp voice is obviously Meizhu.

She paused, as if scanning Chen Feng's face, and whispered: "Look at this man, he looks really handsome, and he has a good figure, so slender and thin, he looks really beautiful."

Then, Chen Feng felt as if someone had touched his hair.

This action by Mei Zhu apparently shocked the other woman who was teasing him and said, "Mei Zhu, you don't really like him, do you?"

"That can't be done! Although we are maids, we are the maids of the Li family. The Li family is also an out-and-out noble family in the tens of thousands of miles in this desert. How can you look at him?"

"In the future, you are going to marry a rich young man or a family with errands in the mansion!"

"Even if a family-born child is a servant-level status, it is better to have power, power, power, and power than this peculiar and poor source of strange origin!"

She is obviously very disdainful of Chen Feng!

"Oh, Lancao, where did you think of it?" Mei Zhu said nonchalantly: "People just praised him for being good-looking, but you just said so much."

"It's all shadowless things!"

There was a hint of warning in the blue grass voice: "I kindly remind you. Besides, the eldest lady has said that there is no fluctuation in his martial arts cultivation."

"Either he is a person who can't cultivate at all, or his cultivation base has been abolished, no matter which one, both of which make him absolutely unworthy of you."

"Although we are maids, under the guidance of the young lady, martial arts cultivation is also good, and we all have the strength close to the martial king level."

Lancao chuckled and said, "Speaking of the eldest lady, I think of my uncle. If you want me to say, you have seen this kid's skill, why don't you look at your uncle more!"

In her voice, there was an instant full of admiration: "My uncle is handsome, tall, and strong, and his cultivation is extremely powerful..."

As she said, her voice paused, as if she glanced at Chen Feng, and then the next moment her voice was full of contempt and disdain, and she coldly mocked:

"Compared with my uncle, this kid is like a lump of mud on the ground, and people don't even have the idea to look at him."

"If you want me to say it, it's 10,000 times better to be able to say something with an uncle, and to be able to be looked at by my uncle than being treated wholeheartedly by this kid.

Chen Feng slowly opened his eyes at this time.

Mei Zhu kept staring at him, and when he opened his eyes, he immediately cheered in surprise: "My son, you, are you awake?"

"I'm!" Lancao said disdainfully, "What kind of son is he? The beggar is almost the same!"

Before Chen Feng was rescued, she thought Chen Feng was quite extraordinary, so she was kind to him, but now that she learned that he was a trash, she immediately became mean.

Chen Feng finally spoke. He felt that his throat was extremely painful, as if there was a handful of sand in it, and his words were hoarse and unpleasant: "Chen Feng, thank you for your help."

"Here, what is this place? Who are you?"

He could roughly hear that these two people should be the maids of a certain lady.

Lancao curled his lips and said, "It's a terrible voice."

Turning his head in disgust when he said that.

Mei Zhu was very patient, and smiled and said to Chen Feng: "This son, the two of us are the maid of Miss Li's family."

"The Li family is a big family 30,000 miles east of this Bishui Lake, and it is a first-class family within 10,000 miles nearby."

"And this time, our Li family and Xiang family formed a caravan to congratulate the patriarch of the Kuangsha tribe on his 300th birthday!"

After some explanation, Chen Feng understood.

Both the Li family and the Xiang family belonged to large families near Taiping Lake. Each of them could rule the roost within thousands of miles around their family, which was already very powerful in the desert.

However, in Chen Feng's eyes, it was nothing at all.

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