Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2061: Soul melting Dafa!

Inside, there is still this huge and dark space. In the training space of the Dragon Dropping Arhat Sutra, there were originally eleven walls, which represented the general outline of the Dragon Dropping Arhat Sutra and the ten martial arts.

Originally, only two sides of these eleven walls were lit, one side was the general outline of the Jianglong Arhat Scriptures, and the other side was the seal of Jianglong Fantian.

At this time, in addition to these two sides, three more walls were lit up.

And below the general outline of the Jianglong Arhat Scriptures, a new row of fonts appeared.

Chen Feng was ecstatic in his heart: "This means that I have not only obtained a certain part or several parts of the general outline of the Jianglong Arhat scripture, but also three new martial arts."

Chen Feng immediately looked at the wall next to this Jianglong Fantian Seal: "This is the first martial skill!"

And after seeing the name of this martial skill, Chen Feng suddenly had a legacy in his heart: Soul Fusion!

Chen Feng quickly reduced his mind and looked down.

I saw that the bottom of Ronghun Dafa wrote: "Wuhun is the foundation of martial arts cultivation."

"The stronger the martial soul, the faster the martial artist's cultivation speed, and the higher the realm he can reach."

"Martial soul, it can be said that everything determines the martial artist!"

"However, the spirit of martial arts is born from nature. The level of spirit of martial arts is high, low, strong or weak, and it is destined to heaven!"

"It is extremely difficult to raise the level of a martial soul. There are almost no such exercises in the world. There are some exercises that can raise a martial soul to one level, and you will have to pay a great price, such as shortening the life span by several decades, or even The whole person has only a few years or even months of life left."

"But even this kind of exercise is regarded as a god!"

"Of course, this kind of exercise is in front of my soul-melting Dafa, but it is not worth mentioning!"

"My soul-melting Dafa can make Wuhun absorb certain extremely high-quality things, extremely rare things, certain things with extremely strong attributes, things left over from ancient times... etc., integrate into the Wuhun, improve Wuhun quality."

"Moreover, it is gradual and continuous. It can not only improve by one level, but also not only increase by ten, but it can even never stop and continue forever!"

When Chen Feng saw this, he immediately felt as if he was almost suffocating, almost unable to breathe.

That's because he was so excited!

In the next moment, Chen Feng was as excited as a child, yelling and jumping frantically in the training space of the Dragon Dropping Arhat Scriptures.

Then, the next moment, he laughed, fell directly to the ground, looked at the dark sky, and let out a burst of delightful laughter.

The laughter was filled with endless sadness and endless relief.

Smiling and laughing, Chen Feng suddenly started crying, holding his head and howling.

There were endless grievances and endless depression in this cry, and all of them were vented at this time.

This Soul Fusion Dafa is simply tailor-made for Chen Feng!

His five-clawed golden dragon martial soul was a waste martial soul, and he had been at a loss for this before, and didn't know how to do it.

With this soul-melting method, his five-claw golden dragon martial soul is not only a waste, but will also be upgraded to a very high-quality martial soul, and it can be improved forever, endlessly.

How can this not make Chen Feng ecstatic?

After all, the five-clawed golden dragon martial soul, the waste soul in the eyes of outsiders, brought endless humiliation to Chen Feng.

For this reason, he suffered countless eyes, countless ridicules, countless contempt.

And now, it's all over!

Chen Feng knew that his martial soul was about to become an extremely powerful martial soul, because in this world, as a high-quality item integrated into the martial soul, is there anything better than the bones of Buddha?

Not to mention, Chen Feng's martial soul was originally a dragon martial soul!

This soul-melting Dafa, this Buddha dragon bone, was prepared for Chen Feng!

Chen Feng cried and laughed for a long time before he came back to his senses. He took a deep breath and said softly: "Wait, wait, wait for my spirit to grow into a new and powerful martial artist. Soul, those who have laughed at me, I will let you know what self-humiliation is!"

"I will let you swallow back what I have said, I will make you regret, I will make you runny in pain!"

After Chen Feng said this, he didn't even want to look at the remaining two walls.

It's not that Chen Feng is impatient, but that Chen Feng is afraid that he will be distracted after watching it!

Chen Feng is now going to complete the cultivation of this soul-melting Dafa first and foremost!

Chen Feng immediately broke away from the training space of the Dragon Dropping Arhat Scriptures and came back again. Then he was here, in this space, very patiently, and wandered back and forth several times.

Chen Feng was very patient. He did not rush to use the Soul Devouring Dafa immediately, he just observed carefully here first.

In fact, Chen Feng said that he had rotated a few times in this space, but he had just rotated a few times around the bones of the Buddha.

However, the body of the Buddha dragon's skeleton is really too big, and this space was born on him. Rotating around him a few times is basically equivalent to rotating this space a few times.

Chen Feng already knew that this space should have been created by the bones of the Buddha dragon. The length of the space is 30,000 li, and the width has reached 10,000 li. The length of the Buddha dragon alone is enough to reach 10,000 li. Much.

The entire space exists by relying on the bones of Buddha dragons. The reason why it is full of this golden power is because countless such powers seep from the bones of Buddha dragons, transforming this space forcibly into It's golden like a Buddha country.

After reading it, Chen Feng couldn't help but sigh, this Buddha dragon is really too huge, it is tens of thousands of miles long, reaching more than five million meters!

And the diameter of this Buddha dragon has reached a full hundreds of thousands of meters, which is basically the same height as the high mountain outside. It is a mountain where he lies.

It is too difficult to absorb it.

Before the huge dragon head, Chen Feng looked up, and then whispered: "One of the most fundamental factors of Soul Fusion Dafa, in addition to knowing the secrets of the soul fusion formula, is to find a sufficiently powerful and outstanding fusion thing. ."

"This Buddha dragon bone is of course extremely superior, but it is so huge that I absolutely cannot finish smelting it all at once."

Chen Feng was very distressed, but he didn't have time to think about it, and immediately started smelting.

Chen Feng chose for a long time, and finally selected a rib. This rib is the smallest of the tens of thousands of bones on the Buddha's body. But even so, it is 130,000 meters long and has a diameter of 8,000. Dom.

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