Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2060: Buddha bones! It's huge!

Regardless of his cruelty here, Chen Feng felt that they had entered an extremely magical and magnificent space.

In this space, everything seems to be unclear, everything is blurred.

However, Chen Feng felt that he had clearly seen the entire universe.

In his gaze, he seemed to have left the Dragon Vein Continent, the ground and the continent were getting smaller and smaller in his eyes, and he finally entered the endless void.

At this time, in the endless void, he saw countless stars, every star, he looked inside, and found that there was an extremely vast world.

And the next moment, he suddenly found a wall in front of him.

Chen Feng's heart was shocked: "I am at this time. But in this endless void, the stars that are bigger than the Dragon Vein Continent, the extremely huge land, and the worlds are as small as dust. But a wall appeared in front of you!"

This wall was not actually in front of Chen Feng. He didn't know how far he was from the wall. Chen Feng might have been flying for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, and he could not get there.

However, he just gave Chen Feng the feeling of facing a wall, because he was too big, lying in the entire void, endless, as if occupying the entire universe.

Chen Feng looked up, his vision seemed to travel through infinite space, infinite time, and infinite distance, and then the next moment, he saw the true face of this wall!

Suddenly, Chen Feng's heart beat fiercely!

It turns out, where is this wall?

This is clearly a foot, this is the instep of a foot, and the owner of this foot is infinitely huge, so that his feet feel like they occupy the entire void of the universe and are extremely large.

Chen Feng didn't see his face clearly, but Chen Feng knew that this is the Venerable Arhat the Dragon, and this is the real body of the Arhat the Dragon!

Chen Feng was once again greatly shocked.

But the next moment, his consciousness disappeared without a trace, he felt a sharp pain in his head, and then he didn't wake up.

Chen Feng was awakened by a warm feeling. He felt as if he was immersed in warm water, an extremely gentle, mellow, and at the same time very strong and powerful force was wrapping his body at this time. Infiltrate your body.

Suddenly, all the hidden dangers in Chen Feng's body caused by the previous continuous battles and continuous injuries were eliminated without a trace.

His injuries were quickly healed. In an instant, Chen Feng felt his body warm and comfortable to the extreme, and couldn't help groaning.

After this energy quickly healed his injury, it receded like a tide. The next moment, he felt the boundless gold filling his eyeballs.

Gold, gold everywhere.

The golden color was extremely thick and almost melted into substance, and then Chen Feng stood up and he discovered that this was a golden world.

The ground is covered with golden sand, the flowers and plants on the ground are all made of gold, and there are golden clouds floating in the sky, and at the end of it, I don't know how far away is full of thick golden fog.

And what shocked him most was the giant in front of him.

No, saying that it was a giant that could no longer describe this thing, and Chen Feng couldn't describe how huge he was at all.

When Chen Feng looked up, he could only see him entering the sky and he could not see his height.

Chen Feng looked forward, unable to see his head, and looked backward, unable to see his tail.

Chen Feng looked up and saw that there was an extremely thick and huge pillar in front of him. The height of this existence reached 100,000 meters, and the thickness reached tens of thousands of meters. Even if a thousand Chen Feng held hands, they couldn’t. Bring it together.

And this thing, slightly curved, turned out to be a rib.

Such a huge pillar one after another is just a rib.

At this time, this rib was turned out to be pure gold, and in this space, boundless golden power radiated from this bone.

If you observe carefully, you will find that this skeleton is not only the color of white jade, but also has the power of red gold flowing in it, like blood.

The bones give people the feeling that they don't have any evil intentions, on the contrary, they are extremely noble, powerful, magnificent, and brilliant!

Chen Feng took a deep breath: "I found it, I found it! This is the skeleton of a Buddha!"

"This is the bone of the Buddha that has listened to the scriptures for a hundred thousand years before the seat of Venerable Dragon Arhat!"

"I found it! God! I found it!" Chen Feng's exclamation turned into a burst of laughter in the end.

Laughter filled the space, one after another, full of pleasure!

At this moment, a soft voice filled with confusion suddenly sounded behind Chen Feng: "Here, where is this? Brother?"

Chen Feng turned his head suddenly, and then saw Han Yu'er lying beside a lake not far behind him.

The sand beside the lake is all made of gold, and the water in the lake is like jade.

Smell, it gives people a very comfortable feeling, obviously it is a rare treasure of heaven and earth.

Han Yuer was lying there, with a confused face, rubbing her eyes and looking at Chen Feng. After she saw Chen Feng, she instinctively felt very happy. The first action was to open her arms to hold Chen Feng. .

Chen Feng laughed loudly, walked up to her, picked her up and hugged her tightly.

He laughed loudly: "Sister, look, we found it! We found the goal!"

Han Yu'er was also very happy for Chen Feng, giggling: "Junior Brother, great, your strength can be greatly improved, and this has also achieved your long-cherished wish!"

The two of them talked and laughed for a while, and then they gradually retreated from the excitement and returned to calm.

Chen Feng came to this huge and incomparable Buddha dragon bone. He pondered for a while, and suddenly his heart moved, and then the weak dragon descending Arhat power penetrated out of his body.

Although the power of the dragon and the arhat is very weak, it is very pure, and it is originally the same as the power that permeates this space, and is generally the same.

Feeling this power, suddenly, there were buzzing sounds in several places in this space, and then several golden lights flashed.

Chen Feng couldn't see exactly what these golden lights were, but he guessed it was like a few palm-sized jade pieces, with extremely strong Buddha nature shining on them.

In the next moment, these golden lights flew over here quickly, brushing, and directly entering Chen Feng's body.

Then the next moment, Chen Feng directly entered the cultivation space of the Dragon-Jiang Arhat Scripture.

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