Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2045: Siskin behind

There are many forces with unwillingness on their faces, but there is no way.

After all, they are not as strong as people!

Ling Xuesha and Tang Wuming did not give in to each other, they were both determined to win.

The atmosphere between the two people became more and more tense. In the end, their eyes met, full of murderous intent!

Soon, the price has risen to 390,000 yuan, and the atmosphere on the scene is extremely tense.

At this time, Ling Xuekiller suddenly slapped the chair in front of him, stood up, and shouted sharply, "Five hundred thousand fast mysterious Huangshi!"

When everyone heard it, they were all in an uproar.

Five hundred thousand black yellow stones, this is almost equivalent to the wealth of several super-grade families, even if the bloodthirsty faction has accumulated for thousands of years, the financial resources are extremely strong, but they want to come up with these five hundred thousand black yellow stones. , I am afraid it is extremely difficult.

This is really a waste of money!

Then, Ling Xuesha suddenly took off the hood on his head, revealing his head.

When everyone saw it, they all uttered an exclamation. It turned out that his head had been extremely deformed, it was sharp, long and narrow, and the skin on the surface became a black, like snake scales.

His eyes have also become extremely narrow and long, and even his mouth has become like a poisonous snake. When he speaks, his tongue spit out like a snake.

Where does this look like a human head? It is clearly like a snake head!

He stared at Tang Wuming and said in a cold voice: "The surname is Tang, if you dare to increase the price today, then, my bloodthirsty faction will never die with you!"

When Tang Wuming faced his threat, he didn't take it seriously at all, and he smiled softly: "Really? Then I want to see, how do you die?"

As he said, he raised the sign in his hand, smiled and said, "Six hundred thousand black yellow stones!"

Everyone was in an uproar: "He unexpectedly added one hundred thousand Xuan Huangshi!"

"God, this Tang Wuming is going crazy, he is not afraid to offend the bloodthirsty faction, adding so much at once, making it clear that he wants to break the bloodthirsty faction's hope!"

"There is a good show here, 600,000 yuan, it's really scary!"

Everyone shouted in exclamation, and the bloodthirsty faction's reaction was even stronger. In an instant, their aura became extremely vicious.

Ling Xuesha didn't say a word, but nodded his head incomparably coldly, and then sat down without saying a word and making no more bids!

"Six hundred thousand black yellow stones, the first time! 600 thousand black yellow stones, the second time! 600 thousand black yellow stones, the third time!"

After that, Gananxing smiled slightly, knocked the hammer in his hand, and announced in a loud voice: ‘Ancient Buddha’s robes are now part of the Desert Thorn Family. "

But the people of the Desert Thorn family are not at all happy. They know that now is just the beginning.

The members of the Desert Thorn Family took out the six hundred thousand profound yellow stones, and left without any stay, while the bloodthirsty faction followed closely.

Chen Feng got up and wanted to catch up.

At this time, Uncle Dao suddenly smiled, looked at Chen Feng, and said, "Little Master, you must be determined to get this, right?"

Chen Feng nodded solemnly: "Yes, I must get this ancient Buddha robes."

"Okay, the old slave will help the young master!" Uncle Dao smiled: "Little young master, you don't have to worry."

Chen Feng was stunned: "Why?"

"Don't ask why, the way to see your Uncle Dao then is!"

A few of them walked out of the Great Eagle Auction site without delay. At this time, the others who participated in the auction had already dispersed.

As for the bloodthirsty faction and the desert thorn family, they have already disappeared.

Thinking about it, the Desert Thorn family knew that the real crisis had just begun, so they left quickly.

The bloodthirsty faction should have caught up!

Chen Feng sighed softly. Compared with the two parties, his strength was still far worse. If he chased after him, I was afraid that he would not be able to catch up.

Seeing Chen Feng's look, Uncle Dao smiled and said, "Little Master, since I said that, I have my own way."

He took Chen Feng and the two unhurriedly, swaying out of the ancient city of Shenying, and then heading north.

Their speed is not fast, that is, the speed of ordinary people on the road, but before they walked tens of miles, Uncle Knife came to the earth, with a little force, he could sink his legs into the earth. , Sank several meters.

Then, he stood there, staying for a cup of tea, and seemed to feel something again.

Then, he immediately pulled his legs away and led Chen Feng to a new direction.

During the period, he changed several directions, and every time, he adjusted his pursuit position.

Although it is only a small adjustment, for example, the overall direction is still north, but in this desert, sometimes some small direction errors can lead to thousands of miles away from the final destination.

This chase is a full day.

When chasing to the evening of the next day, Chen Feng also found a trace on the ground.

He suddenly found a trace of blood. It was far away from the ancient city of Shenying. It was an extremely barren area, invisible to the slightest amount of people, only a large area of ​​dead thorn forest.

Here, there is actually a trace of blood.

Chen Feng walked quickly to the blood stain, stretched out his hand and twisted it, put it under his nose and smelled it, and then shouted in surprise: "This blood stain will never exceed two hours."

"In other words, at most two hours ago, there was a battle here."

Then, it went forward again.

Chen Feng looked for it and found more bloodstains. Obviously there was more than one person fighting here!

However, Chen Feng did not find the corpse. Obviously, no one from the two forces died. Of course, it is also possible that a companion took the corpse away.

Chen Feng recalled these two forces. He remembered very clearly that the total number should be seventeen people, one for eight and one for nine. The strength should be equal!

If it weren't for Uncle Dao, Chen Feng knew that he would never be able to chase here, and would definitely chase after him.

He couldn't help but curiously asked: "Uncle Dao, what the **** is going on? How can you perceive where they are moving?"

Uncle Dao smiled slightly and said, "Look at my body shape, which is very different from ordinary people."

Chen Feng nodded and said, "I thought you had the blood of a giant at first."

"Don't blame you for thinking this way, almost everyone thinks that way. When you look at the huge variation in body size, you think it is the blood of a giant, but it is not the case."

Uncle Dao sighed: "Because there is a race that has almost been forgotten by people."

"What I have is not the blood of giants, but the blood of sand people."

"What? Sandman?" Chen Feng couldn't help but raised his eyebrows. He had never heard of this word before.

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