Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2044: Ancient Buddha robes!

Finally, in the eyes of everyone's expectation, Gananxing turned back to the backstage in person, and then walked back with a jade box in both hands.

His voice has become extremely solemn, his face is extremely solemn, and he said slowly: "Presumably everyone knows, the last lot today is a Buddhist secret treasure."

"In this case, I won't talk nonsense. You should all know how precious this Buddhist secret treasure is. It is about the inheritance of the Venerable Arhat Dragon."

Although everyone already knew about this, they couldn't help but take a breath after hearing this sentence.

Chen Feng is also looking forward to it, because he already knows very well in his heart that the secret he got in the fairy colossus can only get him to a certain point in the depths of the desert, but the range of that point is tens of thousands of miles. many,

Wanting to find the inheritance there is undoubtedly an idiot dream, if you want to get a specific location, you must land on this Buddhist secret treasure!

Finally, the jade box was opened, and Ganan Xing held out something from it.

Everyone held their breath, Gananxing shook his hands, and then everyone saw only a splendid piece.

In an instant, almost just an instant, this huge hall with a radius of tens of thousands of meters seemed to be illuminated, with a radiant light and golden Buddha light everywhere.

There seemed to be auspicious music sounded in the sky, and there was the sound of Tianlong singing constantly!

Just such a sight made everyone extremely shocked, and they exclaimed: "This is definitely an infinite secret treasure!"

And the source of all this light is the thing in Ganan Star's hand.

When everyone looked at it, they saw that it turned out to be a robes, on top of which was embroidered with swastika.

The cassock is red, and I don’t know what material it is made of. It just makes people feel gorgeous and five strokes. The squares are embroidered with gold thread on it!

Ganan's voice seemed to come from another world, vast and solemn: "The name of this secret treasure is Ancient Buddha's robes."

"It is the founder of the Datianlong Temple and the first abbot, the possession of Master Kongwen!"

"What? It turned out to be the robes worn by the founder of Datianlong Temple?"

"I only know that this is a Buddhist secret treasure. I didn't expect this secret treasure to have such a big background!" Everyone exclaimed.

"Datianlong Temple, in our desert, it is an out-and-out legend!"

Chen Feng didn't know the story of Datianlong Temple, but soon he learned it from the people's discussion, and he couldn't help but let out a burst of exclamation.

It turns out that Datianlong Temple is an out-and-out legend in this desert.

Datianlong Temple appeared without warning. One hundred thousand years ago, Master Kongwen, the first abbot of Datianlong Temple, was born and shocked the entire desert. Within five years, he defeated all the top masters in the desert and became the desert. Recognized as the number one strong.

Then, he founded Datianlong Temple.

Since then, Datianlong Temple has dominated the entire desert for 90,000 years!

How strong is Datianlong Temple?

The current Jinqing Condor family plus the three powers of the Bloodthirsty Sect and the Desert Thorn Family, the four top powers in the desert now add up to less than one-tenth of the strength of the Datianlong Temple peak .

Moreover, the Datianlong Temple is extremely mysterious. People don't know where the Datianlong Temple is, let alone how many monks there are in it.

I just know that every thousand years, Datianlong Temple will send a genius to walk in the desert to protect the peace of the desert.

And each generation of geniuses is stunning, extremely powerful, and will become the recognized number one in the contemporary desert.

Therefore, although Datianlong Temple is extremely low-key, it is well-known in this desert.

People only know about this, and even certain inheritance techniques and martial arts of Datianlong Temple have not been spread out!

And just ten thousand years ago, the Datianlong Temple suddenly disappeared, and there was no more movement.

It is said that he was razed to the ground by a powerful sect and no one escaped.

This rumor was scorned by the strong in the desert. What kind of school can destroy the Datianlong Temple overnight? Datianlong Temple is so powerful!

But those who hold this kind of thinking are only ordinary powerhouses. Some of the desert peak powerhouses who know the top secrets of certain continents are extremely silent about this. Obviously this rumor is very likely to be true!

And now, the final treasure in the Great Eagle's auction site turned out to be Master Kongwen's ancient Buddha robes, which made everyone crazy almost instantly!

Master Kong Wen, but recognized as the number one master of the desert in 100,000 years!

And Chen Feng was in deep thought: "One hundred thousand years ago, the Great Tianlong Temple suddenly appeared, and the time of the Buddha's fall was also one hundred thousand years ago. Is there any connection between the two?"

Gananxing slowly said: "According to the exact information our voice family has obtained, Master Kongwen has a life span of 1,300 years, and this robe has been affixed to him for 1,285 years, and it has been contaminated with him. Supernatural power."

"Moreover, this shelf may contain the secrets of Datianlong Temple, and even the inheritance of Venerable Arhat Dragon, so the starting price of this robes..."

He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled three words: "One hundred thousand black yellow stones!"

One hundred thousand black yellow stones! In an instant, Chen Feng's body tightened, he let out a long suffocating breath, and then a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He wanted to use proper means to obtain this ancient Buddha robes, but unfortunately, he couldn't do it.

"I can't do it, my current net worth is no more than one hundred thousand Xuan Huangshi, it is impossible to bid for it!"

However, this happened to be something he was determined to get.

Chen Feng slowly clenched his fists and whispered to himself: "Anyway, this is mine!"

There were also many people in the Great Eagle Auction. They knew at this moment that they were definitely out of the picture, but they did not leave the scene. Instead, they watched the scene with interest, and they all looked forward to it.

After all, even if you can't buy it yourself, it's very interesting to see others fighting for this ancient Buddha's robes.

And there was almost no pause. The leader of the bloodthirsty faction Ling Xue killed coldly and shouted: "One hundred and fifty thousand mysterious yellow stones."

He actually added 50,000 yuan directly, which can be described as rich and powerful.

On the other side, Tang Wuming was not to be outdone, and said lightly: "One hundred sixty thousand black yellow stones."

Some other forces have also joined in one after another.

The price of this ancient buddha robes went up all the way, and soon climbed to 310,000 black yellow stones.

At this time, only Ling Xuesha and Tang Wuming were left bidding, and the other forces had already withdrawn.

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