Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2040: Desert First Family

Uncle Dao actually said that he was not strong enough.

"Why, you're still not convinced, are you?" Uncle Dao smiled and looked at Chen Feng, and suddenly slapped him with a heavy palm.

Chen Feng stretched out his right palm to greet him, and then let out a muffled hum and a plop. He was actually pushed into the ground directly by Uncle Dao, and the whole person was pushed in.

Uncle Dao smiled and looked at him and said, "I only used a tenth of my power."

Chen Feng was shocked: "The power of Uncle Dao is terrifying!"

He smiled bitterly and said, "Uncle Dao, I take it."

Uncle Dao laughed: "You don't have to be too arrogant. After all, the blood in my body is extraordinary, and my strength is indeed greater than that of a warrior of the same level."

"Don't worry, when you have enough strength, I will naturally teach you. I don't think it will take long."

The three of them hid here for two days, and finally waited until the opening day of the auction.

The opening time of the auction is in the evening.

At noon that day, the three of them left here, still wearing black cloaks, and came near the auction.

The Great Eagle Auction is a building that is thousands of meters high. It is extremely mighty. Above the building, there are many towers, like a black forest.

In front of the Shenying Grand Auction, there is a blackstone square with a radius of a thousand meters.

At this time, people came and went on the square, Chen Feng saw at a glance, there were martial artists everywhere, and each of them was quite impressive.

Obviously, they are all people participating in the auction.

Chen Feng and the three were not in a hurry, but first came to a nearby restaurant.

This restaurant can overlook the square, and the terrain is excellent. There are many people above the restaurant in cloaks like three people.

Therefore, that Xiaoer was not surprised at all.

The three of them sat down, ordered some wine and food, and ate while chatting.

The food in this ancient city of Shenying is quite local, and the taste is very good. Chen Feng and Han Yuer both ate them.

Of course, the two of them can't compare to Uncle Dao together.

Uncle Knife poured directly into his mouth plate by plate, but in a moment, he had eaten 90% of the dishes on the table, and the cup was empty.

Uncle Dao looked at Chen Feng and said with a haha ​​smile: "It's refreshing, it's been a long time since I've had such a pleasure to eat!"

Chen Feng laughed and invited the second child to order another table of food.

Soon, the evening arrived.

Before Chen Feng and the three people came to the big condole auction site, the black condor auction site outside, lit up countless torches on the square outside, illuminating it brightly.

At this time, there was already a long line outside, and many people were waiting for admission.

Suddenly, a loud voice came from the crowd: "Why don't you let me in?"

The speaker was a big bald man with a full face and a very arrogant and domineering expression on his face.

Chen Feng glanced away, and roughly sensed his strength. It should be between the six-star king and the seven-star martial king.

His face was full of madness at this time, obviously, in his place, he is also a person who dominates one side.

However, with his strength, playing sideways in the ancient city of Shenying is too confident about himself.

At this moment, he was making noise here, and the people who were queuing outside looked at him with a joke.

No one took action to stop it, all seemed to be waiting for something the same.

Sure enough, he had just made a fuss here for a while, and three guards in black armor came out of the big condor auction.

The three guards wearing black armor are embroidered with a tower standard on the armor.

There was a snicker among the crowd: "The black armored guards from the Condor Grand Auction are here, haha, as soon as these black armored guards come out, this guy who is making trouble will suffer!"

The black armored guards walked up to the brawny bald man, and the brawny bald man still shouted arrogantly at this time: "I'll give Lao Tzu a word, otherwise, Lao Tzu will never give up with you!"

The leading black armored guard said with a chuckle, "Huh? Why don't you want to give up with us?"

The strong bald man roared: "What do you mean? Talking to Lao Tzu like this?"

"What do you mean?" The black armored guard sneered, and suddenly walked forward, hitting his chest and abdomen with a punch.

The brawny bald man let out a scream, and was directly beaten like a dried shrimp, his whole body bent down.

Before he could relax, the leading black armored guard went up again and punched again, and finally slapped him on the back of the head.

The bald man was not dead, but he was also badly injured. He snorted and was knocked out.

Several black armored guards carried him to the end of the square, threw him heavily on the ground with a bang.

Then, a few people walked back, clapped their hands, and said with ease: "Something that doesn't have eyesight dare to cause trouble in our condor auction house. It's so tired!"

There was a snicker among the surrounding crowd: "Haha, let me just say, dare to cause trouble at the Condor auction, it's strange that the Jinqing Condor family can spare him!"

"This guy, he really doesn't have eyesight. It's not good to provoke anyone. He has to provoke the big auction house. Doesn't he know that the family behind the condor auction house is the one that rules the ancient city of condor?"

"The Golden Eagle Family is extremely powerful, and it is the first family in the Great Desert!"

"Their family has ruled the ancient city of Shenying for 70,000 years. Although the ancient city of Shenying belongs to the Tianyuan dynasty, the strength of the Jinqing Shenying family is not much worse than that of the Tianyuan dynasty. There are more than a dozen powerful nine-star martial kings alone!"

"Yes, I heard that there are even strong men beyond the Martial King realm in their family, extremely powerful!"

Chen Feng listened next to him, and he couldn't help but feel moved. Only then did he know that the background of this big condor auction site was actually so terrifying.

No wonder they were able to come up with that Buddhist secret treasure, and they were not afraid of being snatched by others. It turned out that they had enough strength.

Then, in the big Eagle Auction, a burly man who was two and a half meters tall walked out. The burly man did not know whether it was embroidery or paint on his face. He painted a very strange pattern. Going up is like a brightly colored spider, which makes people feel like a heartbeat.

He also wore black armor, just like those black armored guards, but he wore a huge red cloak on which was embroidered with the pattern of a golden and green condor!

As he arrived, there was a whisper in the crowd.

"This is the commander of the Black Armored Guard, one of the best in the Golden Eagle Family!"

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