Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2039: Chen Feng's defects

Chen Feng relieved himself and said softly: "Sister, thank you very much, I almost messed up the rules just now."

Han Yuer said: "You are too concerned, and care is chaotic."

Chen Feng took a closer look and found that he seemed to have just fainted. He didn't know about personnel, but he was not life-threatening, and he was still breathing slightly!

Chen Feng carried Uncle Dao into the house, and then roughly cleaned up the houses, at least cleaned up.

Then he sat cross-legged beside Uncle Dao.

A large amount of Xuanhuangshi appeared in front of him, and Chen Feng pressed the Xuanhuangshi with his hand and began to absorb it.

Piles after piles of Xuanhuangshi shattered, and the power of Xuanhuangshi was absorbed by Chen Feng into the body, and transformed into the power of the dragon descending Arhat.

Chen Feng's two dragon descending Arhat Light Beads gradually brightened, and his strength was slowly recovering.

Here, only a small amount of light will come in, but day and night can also be distinguished.

The next morning, Chen Feng opened his eyes and slowly exhaled a suffocating breath. His strength had already recovered by 50%, and he had already consumed a full 10,000 pieces of black yellow stone.

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "Ten thousand Xuanhuangshi, that's it! If you want to restore your full strength, you need twenty thousand Xuanhuangshi!"

"And when I was restored to my peak strength, I hit the dragon and destroyed the world with a punch, and the 20,000 Xuan Huangshi was gone."

"This dragon descending Arhat scripture, as well as the martial arts and martial arts in it, are indeed powerful, but this consumes too much, I really can't afford it!"

"On average, one punch will knock out all the possessions of twenty second-grade families?"

Chen Feng continued to practice again, until the afternoon when he finally replenished the two Dragon Falling Arhat Bright Pearls to perfection, and his strength was restored to its peak again.

And what worried him a little, Uncle Dao hadn't woken up yet.

Chen Feng waited for about an hour before Uncle Dao trembled violently, then woke up leisurely.

His eyes were at first confused, and then there was a strong look of pain.

He patted his head fiercely with both hands, his voice low, with boundless frustration and anger: "It's over, I have become a waste, I have become a waste!"

He patted his head fiercely with both hands, his face was covered with blood, and he was extremely depressed.

Chen Feng took his arm and shouted loudly: "Uncle Dao, Uncle Dao, don't do this, Uncle Dao, calm down!"

He desperately stopped, and finally let Uncle Dao stop.

Uncle Dao looked at Chen Feng with a dull expression, shook his head and said, "Little master, the old slave is incompetent. I'm afraid the old slave won't be able to help you much in the future."

"The old slave goes into a coma every other day. There is only one hour awake that day. You will fall into a coma at other times. How can the old slave help you?"

Chen Feng looked at him with extremely calm eyes, and said softly: "Uncle Dao, I tell you, I tell you very clearly, I don't need you to help me!"

"You are my mother's servant. What is the difference between you and your loved ones?"

"You are my relatives. I am capable now, and so is my strength now. I don't need you to help me!"

"I raise you old! I will help you, understand?"

The words Chen Feng said made Uncle Dao's whole body freeze there.

He sat there blankly, looking at Chen Fengfeng in disbelief, his face flashed with deep emotion and excitement.

Finally, it turned into a long sigh.

He patted Chen Feng and said softly, "Little Master, you are really grown up."

"If the eldest sees you like this, she must be very happy!"

Chen Feng smiled and said: "Uncle Dao, let's not talk about this topic, anyway, you will be happy in the future."

Uncle Dao laughed loudly: "Okay, I listen to the little master, I will definitely be happier in the future."

After Chen Feng's enlightenment, Uncle Dao's interest was significantly higher, and no longer so low.

He suddenly looked at Chen Feng and said, "Little master, the old slave is boring to stay here, so I will tell you about the flaws in your practice."

"The defect of my practice?" Chen Feng raised his brows and said, "Uncle Dao, please tell me."

Uncle Dao said: "Accurately speaking, it should not be a defect in your practice, but a defect in your own martial arts power system!"

"I have seen all the moves you made yesterday. They are very strong. The latest knife you have realized is enough to kill all Eight-Star Martial King masters."

Chen Feng nodded and said: "That's right, that is the seventh sword in Bahuang Ji Mie Zhan. If you reach the seventh sword, you can kill all the masters of the Eight Star Martial King."

"But you can only use one knife, don't you?" Uncle Dao said suddenly.

"That's right." Chen Feng nodded bitterly: "After using a sword, my martial arts Tianhe is exhausted and can no longer be used."

Uncle Dao said: "If it is true, it is no different from my guess."

He said to Chen Feng: "The day you hit yesterday, a huge meteorite fell to the ground. There are countless lava moves on the ground, which are also very powerful, but you still can only use one move, right?"

Chen Feng nodded: "That's right."

"And the move you played before..."

Chen Feng said in an interface: "That trick is called Yin Broken Sumeru Mountain."

"Yin Xumi Shan? I think you should be able to play three or four moves, but only three or four moves."

Chen Feng nodded: "Yes, you can see Uncle Dao clearly."

Uncle Dao smiled and said: "Besides, you don't have any attacking moves anymore. The punches you punch are very messy and unstructured. Like people who don't know martial arts, they are just punches and punches. Fight out!"

Chen Feng still nodded, he found that Uncle Dao's eyes were really sharp, and he could easily see all his flaws.

"So, young master, what you lack most now is a conventional move that does not consume too much power, but also has enough power."

"These regular moves are enough for you to deal with martial artists below the Eight-Star Martial King. When you meet the Eight-Star Martial King, use others!"

Chen Feng nodded, and Uncle Dao was right.

"Furthermore, in this case, you will be able to pretend to be another identity in the future, and there will be no problem. You won't be recognized as soon as you act.

"I have a very suitable boxing technique here, and although this set of boxing techniques is very simple, it can communicate the power of heaven and earth. If it is practiced well, it will be of great use in the future."

Chen Feng asked, "Uncle Dao, are you teaching me now?"

Uncle Dao shook his head and said: "Now your strength is not enough."

"Ah? My power is not enough?" Chen Feng raised his eyebrows. His power has always been extremely strong, and since he had the blood of a giant in his body, that power has become even more powerful.

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