Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1982: The secret of Kassapa's ring breaking knife!

Her heart slammed, worried and afraid in her heart, but there was still a vaguely unstoppable expectation.

"This, this," she stammered, "Chen, Brother Chen, am I sleeping here?"

Chen Feng smiled and said: "What? You don't want to?"

Chen Ziyuan shook her head quickly: "I am willing, I am willing!"

With that, she walked slowly to the bed, sat down, grabbed the clothes on her chest, felt her heart beating wildly, almost jumping out of her mouth.

The blood flow accelerated, his face was flushed, but his head was hanging down, and he did not dare to look at Chen Feng.

"What will happen tonight? Brother Chen, what is he going to do?"

But an idea in his heart gradually became clear: "No matter what Brother Chen wants to do, I will follow him and there will be no resistance."

At this moment, she finally raised her eyes and looked at Chen Feng, her eyes filled with tenderness.

The affection in the eyes seemed to drip out.

However, what surprised her was that Chen Feng stood up at this time instead. He grabbed the Kassapa breaker knife placed by the door, and then opened the door and walked out.

Chen Ziyuan's face was stunned. Chen Feng turned her head and smiled and said: "Ziyuan, you can sleep here, I'll watch the night for you outside."

Saying, close the door and leave.

Chen Ziyuan was stunned. She didn't recover for a long time. She didn't know what kind of mood she was now. She was a little lucky, but she seemed a little disappointed.

Then, she sipped herself, and said in her heart: "Chen Ziyuan, what are you thinking about? How come you have all these messy thoughts?"

She lay down quickly, sleeping in her clothes.

The bed was simple without bedding, but it was very clean and refreshing. She lay on the pillow and took a deep breath, as if she could smell the breath of Chen Feng staying here.

With a sweet smile on the corner of his mouth, he fell asleep peacefully.

At this time, in the courtyard outside, Chen Feng sat cross-legged.

Na Kassapa's ring breaking knife was placed on his knees, and Chen Feng carefully rubbed his hands on it, thoughtful.

His hands gently stroked on it, and a trace of strength spread out and penetrated into it.

Chen Feng closed his eyes and moved his fingers inch by inch, seeming to perceive something carefully.

The reason why Chen Feng did this is because, at the moment when he cut out the Eight Desolations of Silence and the Sixth Blade, at the moment when he killed Xu Changkong, it was as if his heart and the sword merged together. At that moment, Chen Feng felt an extremely familiar breath on this knife.

He immediately recognized that it was the breath of Buddhism! That is the breath related to the power of the dragon descending Arhat!

Because that breath and the power in his body are basically the same source! Exactly the same!

Therefore, Chen Feng will explore carefully at this time.

Suddenly, Chen Feng paused, his face showing disbelief.

Then, Chen Feng hurriedly opened his eyes and looked down. Sure enough, he saw that he was right. At the place where his hand touched, there was a crack on the blade.

An expression of disbelief appeared on Chen Feng's face: "How is it possible? How could there be a crack? This is a soldier of the first-rank king! This is an imitation of the Kassapa's ring-breaking knife created by the master!"

"I just slashed, how come? Is this going to be broken?"

Chen Feng was full of disbelief!

Suddenly, a scene that made Chen Feng even more unbelievable appeared. When he touched it with his hand, a crisp sound suddenly sounded.

The sound was very small, but it was especially obvious in this dark night.

Then, Chen Feng saw that the crack suddenly extended outward and penetrated the entire blade in an instant.

The next moment, the sound of cracking and cracking continued to sound, and dozens of horizontal cracks appeared around the crack.

In Chen Feng's stunned expression, this Kasaba's slash of a sword broke, turned into countless fragments!

The Kassapa Broken Blade, the first-rank king's soldier, is so broken!


Chen Feng hadn't recovered for a while, but when he recovered, he smiled bitterly.

But at this moment, Chen Feng saw the shattered Kasaba Kassapa knife, and a few particles of dust flew out of the blade.

And above the dust, there was the feeling that made him extremely familiar, and it was actually a feeling of the same origin with his own power.

Chen Feng immediately moved in his heart, stretched out his hand, and took the few dust particles in his hand and looked carefully.

Through the moonlight, Chen Feng saw that these dust particles seemed to be jade-like materials, as if they had been scraped off from something.

"What is this? Why is there such a strong power to lower the dragon and arhats? It even feels more pure than the inside of me!"

Chen Feng was shocked.

Then, his eyes swept, and he found something among the broken pieces. He quickly stretched out his hand, and soon, it turned out to be a small jade slip.

On that little jade slip, densely written with handwriting.

Chen Feng immediately took a closer look. The handwriting was an ancient seal, a type of writing used thousands of years ago.

However, Chen Feng had studied under Yan Qingyu's teaching, so he recognized it.

Looking at himself on the jade slip, Chen Feng read it carefully, his face was solemn at first, then it turned into a touch of deep thought, and after deep thought, it turned into ecstasy!

In an instant, boundless joy occupied Chen Feng's heart.

Then, he put down the jade slip, a smile wafted from the corner of his mouth, and finally turned into a burst of laughter.

He patted his knees, shook his head and smiled: "I didn't expect, I didn't expect that this Kassapa's knife should be broken!"

"Only when it is broken, the secret inside will be revealed, and only when it is broken can I get this great opportunity!"

It turns out that this jade slip was put into it by the master casting master who forged the Kassapa Breaking Knife thousands of years ago.

This casting master is one of the strongest in the history of this soldier and weapon trade, and has reached the realm of the nine-star martial king.

He wrote in the jade slip that when he was adventurous in a secret realm, he obtained a strange treasure, and the process of obtaining this strange treasure was extremely tragic.

At that time, this strange treasure attracted the robbing of nearly a thousand strong men. He desperately snatched it out, but he was also seriously injured.

Then, when he returned to the Tianyuan Imperial City, he found that he could not reveal the secret of this treasure anyway. He was frustrated, and he was seriously injured before, knowing that his life would not be long, so he came up with an idea. .

So, he threw down a few fragments from the strange treasure, searched for rare and expensive metals, and cast a Kassapa breaking knife, and left the fragments and the jade slip in the Kassapa breaking knife.

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