Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1981: breakthrough! Five-star King Wu!

When Chen Feng heard this, he couldn't laugh or cry. Sometimes Liu Chengyi was really childlike!

Chen Feng struggled to sit up, and Chen Ziyuan quickly supported her.

Chen Feng moved his body carefully and felt a burst of tearing pain, but the injury was not particularly serious, at least it was not that difficult to recover.

It seems that this is one reason why Liu Chengyi is confident not to treat himself.

In the next few days, Chen Feng was recovering.

His injuries healed very quickly, and every day a handyman sent meat from powerful monsters. After eating, he recovered faster!

And Chen Ziyuan would come to take care of him every day, it can be said to be meticulous.

A few days later, Chen Feng finally recovered.

On this day, he finally dared to start practicing again.

He first cultivated his own martial arts cultivation base. At this time, the martial arts Tianhe in Chen Feng's body had already dried up, and there was no vitality in it.

Chen Feng sat cross-legged, running his mind, and suddenly, in the sky above his dantian, in the void, the flat ground produced fluid, from the void, the martial arts gods appeared quietly, and with a snap, it directly dripped into the martial arts sky.

Then, continue to grow at an extremely fast rate.

The martial arts gods in the martial arts Tianhe accumulate at an extremely fast speed.

Around Chen Feng's body, a small whirlpool was almost formed, and the huge suction power spread out around him.

Chen Feng has more and more martial arts gods.

Finally, the martial arts Tianhe was full after three days.

At this time, suddenly, in the sky, thunderclouds condensed, and countless thunder and lightning fell.

Chen Feng was overjoyed, this was a sign of a breakthrough in his realm!

Thunder and lightning fell into Chen Feng's body, and the purple thunder seal that sealed the Thunder Dragon suddenly became tense, and countless purple thunders lingered, preventing these lightning from falling into the Thunder Light Dragon.

Raiden Guanglong felt the light of thunder and lightning from the outside, so he began to struggle.

Those purple thunders seemed to be irritated, the light was blazing, making a crackling sound, and then slammed into the Thunder Lightning Dragon.

Lei Dian Guanglong let out a stern roar, appearing to be extremely painful. The last time this happened, he gave in.

But this time, he uttered an even more bursting roar, struggling with a more crazier, almost dying gesture!

The purple thunder seemed to be frightened. For a while, he didn't know how to react and was at a loss.

The Thunder Light Dragon slammed into the Purple Thunder Seal madly, and every time he hit it, he screamed in pain, but he didn't flinch at all, slamming like crazy.

Click and click!

Suddenly, with a bang, a gap was knocked out above the purple thunder seal!

Chen Feng could clearly feel that Zi Lei became violent in an instant and seemed to be greatly stimulated. His aura soared tenfold, extremely crazy.

And desperately wanted to make up the crack, but the speed of making up was not so fast!

And through this crack, the breath of Thunder Lightning Dragon diffused again.

Feeling this breath, Chen Feng almost burst into tears!

After many days, Thunder and Lightning, I finally feel you again!

And the breath of the Lightning Light Dragon seemed to be full of attraction for those Thunder Jietian Lei that fell from the sky. It was just a moment of effort. These lightnings went deep into Chen Feng's body and were absorbed by the Lightning Light Dragon!

Simply neat, there is nothing left.

All the sky thunder disappeared, and the thunder cloud dissipated directly!

As for the breath of Thunder and Lightning Dragon, Chen Feng clearly felt that it was a bit stronger again.

And at almost the same moment, the purple thunder seal filled the gap.

Moreover, the Purple Thunder Seal was irritated by the actions of the Thunder Light Dragon just now, and it began to shrink and suppress it extremely viciously. The Thunder Light Dragon twitched in pain, but he just didn't say a word!

It's like dead.

But Chen Feng could feel that after the Thunder and Lightning Dragon swallowed the Thunder Jie Tian Lei, his strength had increased a lot, even stronger than before!

At this moment, instead of showing weakness, he is accumulating strength and preparing for the most powerful counterattack!

Chen Feng's martial arts Tianhe became extremely surging again.

Then the next moment, Chen Feng suddenly felt that the end of the martial arts Tianhe was quite loose.

Chen Feng immediately thought about it. Suddenly, the martial arts gods were turbulent, and soon a huge wave surged, with a bang, slapped heavily at the end of the martial arts Tianhe.

The bank at the end was smashed directly.

Then, the martial arts gods rushed toward that side, collapsed in the void, and the martial arts Tianhe continued to spread.

The length is getting bigger and bigger, forty thousand meters, forty-one thousand meters...forty-five kilometers...Finally, with a boom, it directly reached the length of 50,000 meters before it stopped.

Chen Feng's martial arts Tianhe has reached a full length of 50,000 meters.

And his cultivation level has also reached the level of a five-star martial king.

This was the smoothest time for Chen Feng to break through, and it was very easy!

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, and he whispered to himself: "It's natural!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "Five-star Martial King Realm, here I am!"

"Now, I have reached the realm of the Five-Star Martial King, but my strength is below the Eight-Star Martial King, and there is no opponent!"

Chen Feng's face showed confidence. It was late at night, and the night was as cold as water.

Chen Feng opened his eyes and looked to the side, and his heart suddenly became soft, as if a warm current rushed through.

It turned out that Chen Ziyuan seemed to be sleepy right on the small table on that side. Her hand was squeezing her chin, and her little head pecked and pecked, like a chicken pecking at rice, which was really cute.

Obviously, when she saw Chen Feng practicing, she didn't bother, but she kept guarding by the side until now, she was almost unable to hold it.

A touch of gentleness flashed in Chen Feng's eyes, he stood up gently, unbuttoned his robe, and put it on her body.

This action awakened Chen Ziyuan.

She opened her eyes, looked at Chen Feng, and asked in a daze, "Huh? Brother Chen, are you finished practicing?"

Chen Feng smiled and nodded: "Yes, I have finished training."

Chen Ziyuan wanted to stand up and said: "Then, then I'm going back."

Chen Feng shook his head: "It's late at night, how can you go back? I'm afraid that all the passages have been closed. You can sleep here!"

"Ah? Sleeping here?" Chen Ziyuan heard Chen Feng's words, she was a little confused at first, did not recover, and then the next moment, a thick flush rose on her face.

Her eyes were flowing, especially gentle, as if water could drip out.

And her heart was pounding, and a voice echoed in her heart: "Brother Chen asked me to stay with him, Brother Chen, what do you mean?"

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