Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1952: Domineering Gambler

Everyone around them shook their heads and smiled bitterly. It was their own choice, no wonder others.

Chen Feng and Chen Ziyuan packed up their things and were about to leave. The two of them didn't plan to watch other arena competitions.

For Chen Feng, the other results have no meaning. Anyway, he is the only winner, and anyone who stands in front of him will be passed by him.

When the two walked to the edge of the square and were about to leave, suddenly several people flashed over in front of them.

These people are all wearing red robes. Obviously, they are all gambling on the Tian Pavilion. The leader is a young man in his thirties. He is short and thin, with an ordinary complexion. The fierce and cruel color that is often revealed, but it is impressive, and I can't help but feel daunted.

Behind him, the people in red were looking at him with a look of fear on their faces!

Obviously, this person is a ruthless character.

He walked straight to Chen Feng and the two of them, blocking there, Chen Feng looked up at them, did not speak, just took Chen Ziyuan from the side to get around.

He is now preparing for the big match, not wanting to cause trouble.

Unexpectedly, his action fell into the eyes of those in red, and immediately became a representative of weakness.

Suddenly, there was a smug look in the eyes of the few people in red, and the look on the face of the short and thin red man became more arrogant. With a joke on the corner of his mouth, he moved aside two steps, and again It was in front of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng frowned slightly and said lightly, "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" The short and thin man sneered, "You two want to run after making money? How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?"

"Run if you make money?" Chen Feng raised his brows and said lightly: "I don't know what you mean."

"Don't **** play garlic here! You dare to open a gambling game just now, don't think I didn't see it!" the short thin man said coldly.

"So you said about this." Chen Feng stepped forward, blocking Chen Ziyuan behind him, and said lightly: "I did this for the gambling game. Why, can't it?"

"Of course not!" The short and thin man said proudly, "Among the entire Wudong Academy, we are the only one who can open a gambling game!"

"Apart from the gambling pavilion, whoever dares to open a gambling game is against us!"

Chen Feng sneered and said, "What about being an enemy of you?"

"If you are enemies with us, then you will be abolished! Kill you! Destroy you! Destroy you!" The short and thin man was extremely domineering and his face was arrogant.

Chen Feng sneered and said, "You are really arrogant when you bet on the Tiange. Who gives you the qualifications?"

"Who gave us the qualifications?" The short thin man shook his fists: "Only our fists are big! We are strong!"

"Oh, isn't it?" Chen Feng said lightly: "You are really overbearing to bet on the Tiange."

"How about our betting on the Tiange? What can you do with us?" A young man in his twenties behind the short and thin man sneered: "We have countless masters on the Tiange!"

"Take this Senior Brother Hou who is standing in front of you. He has stayed at the peak of the Six-Star Martial King for three years. He is extremely powerful. Under the Seven-Star Martial King, he has never been invincible. The fight was terrible!"

Senior Brother Wang said proudly, "My name is Hou Yingzhe!"

After he finished speaking the name, he held his chin open, his face full of arrogance, and looked at the two of them sideways, waiting for Chen Feng to show shocked expressions on their faces.

Obviously, he should still be a celebrity in this Wudong Academy.

But the corner of Chen Feng's mouth was slightly sketched with a disdainful smile, and slowly uttered four words: "I haven't heard of it."

Then he looked back at Chen Ziyuan and smiled: "Ziyuan, have you heard of it?"

Chen Ziyuan shook her head: "What kind of name is this? Who would bother to hear about it!"

The two looked at each other, and there was a smile on the corners of their mouths.

Hou Yingzhe was furious and said coldly, "Well, you two have completely offended me. Originally, you only need to hand over those Profound Yellow Stones, and I will forgive you!"

"But now, it's nothing so cheap!" He reprimanded loudly: "Now, within ten breaths of the two of you, hand over all the Xuanhuangshi, and I will let you go. Leave, or else..."

Chen Feng smiled and said, "How else?"

"Otherwise, I will abolish the two of you, and then throw you to the Tongtian River, where you will be exposed to the hot sun for ten days and ten nights before killing you!"

After he finished speaking, seeing that the two of Chen Feng did not move, he immediately ordered impatiently: "Hurry up, what are you still drowsy?"

It's as natural that Chen Feng and two of them listened to him and cut off each other.

Chen Feng said coldly: "I believe that besides these two roads, there must be a third way to go."

"What third way?"

Hou Yingzhe couldn't help being taken aback.

Chen Feng suddenly yelled, his expression became fierce: "That is to abolish you!"

With that, Chen Feng's figure leaped up into the air, and a black and heavy knife appeared in his hand, which was exactly the imitation of the Kassapa knife.

This black and heavy knife slashed fiercely, with an incomparable power.

When Chen Feng's knife was just cut off, Hou Yingzhe still had a disdainful smile on his face, and said with a sneer: "Little bastard, you are really looking for death! How dare you even head to me?"

"Do you think you might be my opponent?"

Behind him, the people in red all sneered disdainfully: "Haha, this kid is really reluctant to live and die, so he dared to attack Brother Hou!"

"Senior Brother Hou is invincible under the Seven Star Martial King, this kid will definitely die."

"Haha, deserve it, who made him so crazy!"

But soon, Chen Feng's sword power fell, and the smiles on their faces gradually solidified, turning into a touch of horror and disbelief.

Because Chen Feng's power from above is extremely powerful and powerful.

A look of horror appeared on Hou Yingzhe's face, he felt the breath of death hit him, and this knife could kill him.

He screamed in disbelief, and used his most powerful move.

His weapon was also a knife, and he also slashed away at Chen Feng's Kasaba Breaking Knife. Chen Feng showed a cold smile in his eyes and slowly uttered two words: "Destroy the dirty!"

Bahuang Silence cuts the fifth knife, destroys the dirt!

When these two words were spit out, the Kassapa Broken Blade and Hou Yingzhe's blade slammed together.

Then, everyone saw Hou Yingzhe's figure as if frozen, motionless!

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