Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1951: Punch! Breaker! Break the soul! Split body!

"Even if I don't need the spirit armor, I can still kill you!"

As he said, the golden sawtooth knife in his hand slashed down fiercely, and hit Chen Feng's fist together.

The people below exclaimed in excitement: "Chen Feng is dying!"

"Yes, Chen Feng can't stop this trick!" They all hoped that Chen Feng would lose, because everyone didn't want to see the existence of such a strong counterattack.

Everyone didn't want their face to be slapped!

Because they looked down on Chen Feng so much before, but now, Chen Feng is about to slap them in the face.

Another reason is that they both suppressed Luo Yingzhe to win.

However, a scene that shocked everyone appeared. Chen Feng's punch collided with the serrated knife.

With a bang, a loud noise like the earth and the earth, everyone's eardrums were humming.

Then, they saw Chen Feng's white fist, which looked like a golden serrated broadsword, which was vulnerable to a blow, hit the golden serrated broadsword.

With a bang, the golden solution on the outside of the golden serrated knife was directly smashed, and then the fist went forward and hit the golden serrated knife directly.

Then, he blasted the golden serrated sword into countless pieces!

Everyone showed a look of disbelief, Luo Yingzhe also opened his mouth wide, his face was shocked, and he exclaimed: "This is impossible!"

Before this sentence fell, a cold smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "What's impossible?"

His fist continued to move forward, and again fiercely bombarded Luo Yingzhe's body, and on the golden spirit armor.

Luo Yingzhe laughed arrogantly: "You can't be broken, you..."

His voice stopped abruptly, because after Chen Feng's fist bombarded the spirit armor, with a bang, the golden shock wave burst open, and the spirit screamed with a scream, which was directly smashed into countless fragments. Disappeared without a trace.

Then everyone saw that Chen Feng's white fist was severely stamped on Luo Yingzhe's chest.

At this moment, they felt as if time had slowed down, freezing frame by frame.

Chen Feng's fist fell on it, and then Luo Yingzhe's chest began to collapse, his muscles shattered, his bones turned into countless powder, and his internal organs were crushed.

Then, the time returned to normal, there was a loud noise, and an incomparably powerful force burst out from Chen Feng's fist. Luo Yingzhe let out a scream, spurting blood, and was directly beaten out dozens of meters. What a heavy fall to the ground!

"how is this possible?"

Everyone exclaimed in disbelief one after another: "How is it possible? Isn't Chen Feng's strength in the mid-stage of the Six-Star Martial King? The strength that broke out at this instant even surpassed the peak of the Six-Star Martial King!"

"That's right, Luo Yingzhe, the pinnacle of the Six-Star Martial King, has no power to fight back in front of Chen Feng!"

"The punch was broken by the weapon, the martial soul was smashed, and the body was broken!"

Someone took a deep breath: "It turns out that Chen Feng's true strength is far beyond our imagination. It is not only in the middle stage of the Six-Star Martial King, but may even surpass the peak of the Six-Star Martial King. He is only showing it now!"

They looked into Chen Feng's gaze, shocked and horrified, and sighed at Chen Feng's such powerful strength.

At this time, Luo Yingzhe, who was lying on the ground vomiting blood, looked at Chen Feng in disbelief.

He seemed to understand something and exclaimed: "You didn't show strength last time, how strong are you?"

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "Just how strong I am, you don't have to worry about it, you just need to know that today you have lost your life in my hands!"

"What? You want to kill me?" Luo Yingzhe showed an extremely incredulous color on his face, and then he laughed and said arrogantly: "No, you dare not kill me!"

"Do you know that my father is a middle-aged general in the court. He holds a million army and is powerful. If you dare to kill me, my father will never forgive..."

Before the word'you' was spoken, the expression on his face changed from arrogance to horror, because Chen Feng flashed in front of him, and stretched out his hand to directly pinch his throat. .

In an instant, he felt his breathing stop and his face flushed.

He stared at Venus. At this moment, he suddenly realized that Chen Feng not only dared to really kill him, but also was doing what to kill him now.

At this moment, her eyes showed extreme fear, and she spit out a few words in her mouth: "Please, don't kill me!"

Chen Feng said coldly: "If just now, you only said that you want to defeat me instead of killing me, you will not kill you now, but since you want to kill me, how can I be such a soft-hearted person?"

"Kill!" Chen Feng said coldly.

Luo Yingzhe showed extreme remorse in his eyes. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to ask for mercy, but he couldn't say anything.

With a loud bang, his neck was directly broken by Chen Feng!

The scene was silent.

Everyone, not only Chen Feng this arena, but all the disciples around the arena, have their eyes cast here. Looking at Chen Feng, their eyes are full of shock, disbelief, and even a touch of fear.

At this moment, many people felt panic in their hearts: "Chen Feng's strength turned out to be so and so strong. I have offended him before. Will he retaliate against me?"

They are very worried.

And this matchup was also after the start, but the ten breaths were over, and the other arena had not even begun.

Standing on the stone platform, Jian Mingjun saw this scene and raised his eyebrows slightly, and said in his heart: "It turns out that I underestimated Chen Feng's strength before. It turns out that Chen Feng's strength is infinitely close to that of the Seven-Star Martial King. Very strong, very strong!"

Chen Feng came down from the stage. At this time, Chen Ziyuan was not surprised, because in her opinion, Chen Feng could defeat anyone.

What she had in her heart was just joy, clapping her hands and laughing: "Brother Chen Feng, you are awesome, so amazing!"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Don't hurry up to collect gambling debts?"

"Oh." Chen Ziyuan scratched her head and said, "If it weren't for your reminder, I would have almost forgotten."

She turned around with a smile, and swiped all the Xuanhuangshi on the jade board, which was all slipped into her bag, and said with a smile: "Everyone, everybody, thank you for your patronage."

"Today, a total of 117 bets were placed on a total of 1,076 Black Yellow Stones, and none of them were hit!"

"Sorry, everyone! These black and yellow stones will all belong to me."

He couldn't say these words before he changed them, but at this time he was already extremely fluent, without the slightest pause.

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