Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1947: Make money

Chen Feng looked at her, suddenly remembered something, and asked: "Ziyuan, you made a lot of money today, right?"

As soon as Chen Ziyuan heard this, her eyes lit up, like a little money fan.

She hurriedly nodded her head and said, "I have made a lot of money. I have bet all the black yellow stones to you. Now I have almost a thousand black yellow stones here."

Chen Feng smiled at the corner of his mouth and nodded in praise: "If you have confidence in me, you will never lose."

Chen Ziyuan took it for granted: "Of course you will win, I naturally have confidence in you."

When she said this, her attitude was very natural, as if it were justified, she was obviously confident in Chen Feng.

Chen Feng couldn't help but froze for a while, and then a warm feeling surged in his heart.

He smiled and said: "With you, I think of a good way. Our cultivation requires a lot of black yellow stone, and this method can make us rich and get a lot of black yellow stone."

When Chen Ziyuan heard this, she immediately asked excitedly: "What method? What method?"

Chen Feng smiled and said: "Today, if I remember correctly, the odds given by the people who gambled on the Tiange, I lost three hundred for one, and Wang Zhongze lost three for one!"

Chen Ziyuan nodded: "That's right."

Chen Feng went on to say: "Think about it, if the odds given by Wang Zhongze were one to three hundred when the game was opened just now, and I was one to three, then where would people bet?"

Chen Ziyuan replied without hesitation: "Of course I bet on Wang Zhongze."

Then I realized that these words seemed to be very distrustful of Chen Feng, and quickly explained: "Chen Feng, that, I didn't mean that."

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Don't worry, how can I misunderstand you? Of course I know you didn't mean that."

"It's just that everyone has no confidence in me. What you just said is right. If my odds are one to three and Wang Zhongze's odds are one to three hundred, then everyone will bet on Wang Zhongze!"

"Because in their opinion, Wang Zhongze has a big win and high odds. If you don't bet on him, isn't that a fool?"

Although Chen Ziyuan is shy, she is not a fool. She immediately asked: "Brother Chen, you mean, let me bet every time in the future?"

Chen Feng shook his head: "No, not for you to bet, but for you to sit on the bank."

"What? Sitting in the village?" Chen Ziyuan heard this, her eyes widened, her face full of disbelief.

Then, she hurriedly shook her head and said repeatedly: "What I can't do, what I can't do, this is too difficult."

For her, it seemed really too difficult.

Because she was such a shy and embarrassed woman, she blushed and lowered her head shyly even when she talked to others, let alone let her open a gambling game.

For her, this can be said to be as difficult as heaven.

Chen Feng looked at her with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said softly, "Ziyuan, the reason why I let you do this kind of thing today is to earn Xuanhuangshi for one purpose, and the other purpose is to exercise your confidence."

"You are really too shy, this is not bad, but that is only for civilian women, and you are a warrior!"

"The road of martial artist's cultivation, there is no other, brave and diligent, fierce and domineering, fighting against the world, fighting against all things, fighting against the same clan!"

"How can you become a real warrior with such a shy temperament? How can you be able to gain the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth?"

Chen Feng suddenly said sharply: "It's like that day!"

Speaking of what happened that day, Chen Ziyuan's face suddenly turned pale, and there was pain in her eyes. It was obviously a painful memory that she did not want to mention.

Chen Feng looked at it and felt a little unbearable, but he still said firmly: "Just like that day, if you really want to work hard, with your strength, you can at least kill one of the people in the class, or at least hurt that village. Son."

"It's actually not impossible to escape. If you have a mind like mine, I'm afraid they won't dare to attack you at all, because they know that even if they succeed, they will pay the price of blood!"

"And you? You are just begging for mercy there, crying! What's the use?"

Chen Feng said loudly: "So, I must change your temperament. This is the first step. If you don't even have the courage to speak loudly to everyone, what else?"

Chen Ziyuan trembled all over and her face was pale. She seemed to have tears in her eyes, shaking her head continuously.

Chen Feng said nothing, just looking at her like that.

Finally, after I don’t know how long, Chen Ziyuan suddenly burst out with a hysterical shout: "Okay, okay, I will do it!"

Chen Feng nodded: "That's right."

"When you wait for the next game, you will set up a bet next to my ring. The odds for my opponent are one to three hundred, and the odds for me to be one to one."

"What? One lose one?" Chen Ziyuan said: "This is too low, right? Will anyone place a bet on you?"

"Even if he places a bet, even if he wins, it's just keeping the original one!"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "What I want is that they don't bet with me, but what I want is that they bet my opponent!"

"Oh, I see!" Chen Ziyuan turned her mind and said with a smile: "Anyway, Brother Chen, you will definitely win. As long as you bet your opponent, it means that their money is ours!"

"Yes, smart." Chen Feng smiled and said, "In their opinion, I am afraid that my strength is not as good as that of the opponent, because what I have revealed today is only the strength of the mid-stage Six-Star Martial King!"

It turned out that Chen Feng had already thought of this layer when he showed his strength.

In the small courtyard, Chen Feng was sitting cross-legged.

In his body, the dragon descending Arhat light pearl turned, and the power of the descending dragon Arhat rushed out continuously, and the dark golden light surging on his body.

Above his hands, the dark golden light was flourishing.

At this time, in his hand, he was holding the replica Kassapa's ring-breaking knife. Chen Feng closed his eyes at this time, and he could clearly feel the waves of the Kassapa's ring-breaking knife imitation. The miraculous rhythm, and the rhythm of my own dragon descending Arhat Bright Pearl. Generally no different.

Chen Feng wanted to pour this dark golden power into the Kassapa's Ring Breaking Knife, and soon Chen Feng did it.

But what surprised him was that after the power of the dragon descending Arhat was instilled, there was nothing unusual.

In front of Chen Feng, the internal structure of Kasaba's Ring Breaking Knife suddenly appeared. It was a texture like cracks, mysteriously expanding, and full of tears.

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