Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1946: Lost Dog

Feng Lixuan suddenly let out a screaming cry: "Ah! My leg! My leg! You discounted my leg? The Feng family won't spare you!"

Chen Feng stared at him, coldly spit out two words: "Apologize!"

Feng Lixuan roared loudly: "You **** do..."

Before that word of dream came out, Chen Feng kicked it out again, this time he kicked his right knee directly to pieces!

Feng Lixuan couldn't hold it anymore, and fell directly to the ground. The broken bone hit the ground, and the pain made him almost fainted.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Apologize now?"

Feng Lixuan looked at her at this time, no longer the arrogance just now, but full of fear, like looking at a demon.

He took it.

He was in a trance, and said with a trembling voice, "How dare you?"

Chen Feng yelled, "Apologize!"

Feng Lixuan shuddered with fright, hurriedly banged on the stone platform, knocked his head towards Chen Ziyuan Yuan, and cried out: "Sister, I was wrong, I apologize to you, please, you tell Chen Feng, let He forgive me!"

He was crying and shouting, his tears and nose came down, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

Chen Ziyuan was frightened a little at a loss, but she felt very happy in her heart.

She looked at Chen Feng, and a sneer appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "After apologizing, let's get out of here!"

As he said, kicked him out, kicked him directly, and fell to the ground with another scream.

With the support of others, Feng Lixuan reluctantly stood up, and then left with his tail clipped and left like a bereaved dog.

Before leaving, he turned his head and glanced bitterly at Chen Feng, his eyes full of resentment.

Seeing that Chen Feng beat Feng Lixuan so miserably, these people seemed to realize how powerful Chen Feng's strength was, and it was definitely not something they could afford, so the dissatisfaction on their faces disappeared, at least they did not dare to show it. !

This round of battle, Chen Feng's end is the fastest.

The second place was Wei Wuji and his opponent on the eighth ring.

Seeing that Chen Feng defeated his opponent so easily, Wei Wuji twitched the corner of his mouth, then swung out a sword, and suddenly the sword shadow fell over the sky. His opponent didn't even see clearly, so he let out a scream. He was stabbed with more than a dozen blood holes, fell heavily, and was already seriously injured.

But fortunately, there is no life-threatening danger, which is obviously also under Wei Wuji's mercy.

Otherwise, he can definitely be killed easily!

Above the other arenas, some are fast, some are slow.

And the two people who had ridiculed Chen Feng in the past also solved their opponents one after another. Obviously they still have some strength, but they spent a long time and their strength is very average. At least in Chen Feng's view, there is no difference from a chicken dog.

Chen Feng now also knows their names. The name of the first person to mock Chen Feng was Yang Wenyao.

The person who accompanied Wang Zhongze was named Wang Bo.

"Yang Wenyao, Wang Bo!" Chen Feng looked at the two of them, with a slight sneer at the corners of his mouth: "You two should be careful and don't offend me."

Chen Feng is a person with clear grievances, and if he dares to humiliate him, he will have to pay the price, and he will never be safe.

An hour later, all the battles on the ring were over, and the sixteen winners were decided.

Among the sixteen saints, there were about ten unscathed like Chen Feng and Wei Wuji.

Of the remaining six people, three were slightly injured, two were seriously injured, and one was severely injured and was dying.

Chen Feng hadn't noticed before, but when he saw it now, his brows twitched.

Because he saw the black and thin young man among the sixteen people, who seemed to be a foreign race.

Now, Chen Feng also knows his name, his name is Tatamu.

Jian Mingjun looked at the crowd and announced, "Today's competition is over, and the second round will begin tomorrow."

Everyone nodded and prepared to leave. At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly turned around and said coldly to Yang Wenyao and Wang Bo, "You two, I hope you two can hold on to one or two more games. Until I met me."

"Especially you, Yang Wenyao, I hope you will be able to run smoothly before you meet me."

"Then, I will give you a tough lesson, let you know who is the real strong! Who is the waste!"

Yang Wenyao's face changed several times and became extremely ugly, but he didn't even dare to refute.

Just now, they were talking arrogant things to Chen Feng, but now, it was Chen Feng talking to them. Moreover, they dare not refute!

Because this is Chen Feng's strength, this is the shock brought by Chen Feng's strength!

Now, Yang Wenyao felt a trace of regret, regretting that he had offended Chen Feng, and Wang Bo did the same.

Chen Feng looked up to the sky and laughed, then turned and left!

Strong, it can be so!

When Chen Feng was about to walk to his courtyard, he suddenly heard a rush of footsteps behind him. He turned his head and saw Chen Ziyuan chasing behind him.

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows, smiled and said, "Ziyuan, why are you here?"

Chen Ziyuan's face immediately showed a blush, she lowered her head and twisted the corners of her clothes, but she didn't know what to say.

She didn't know what was wrong, she chased after her like a ghost.

Among Chen Ziyuan, I just felt staying with Chen Feng. I was inexplicably happy to see Chen Feng. Now she was asked to explain the reason, but she couldn't tell.

Chen Feng saw her embarrassment and shyness and smiled and said, "Come on, just go to the place where I live, but the humble house is simple and simple. I'm neglecting you, don't be angry."

Chen Ziyuan nodded quickly and said: "How can you be angry?"

She was very happy in her heart. Chen Feng was able to take her to where she lived, obviously indicating that she was close to her and trusted her.

Chen Feng took her to the small courtyard. Chen Ziyuan looked left and right, and said, "Chen Feng, you live in such a big courtyard? Didn't the master you worship accept other disciples?"

A cold smile appeared on the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, and he smiled and said: "I have received it, I have received a lot! But now I am the only one left."

Chen Ziyuan stuck out her tongue and did not dare to ask Chen Feng again.

Bring her into the wing, ask him to sit down, offer a glass of clear water, and smile: "Don't be too simple, I drink this clear water on weekdays."

Chen Ziyuan took it over with a smile, drank half of it in one sip, and said, "Brother Chen, I don't dislike anything about your things."

When I said this, I realized that it seemed very ambiguous, so I immediately lowered my head.

Chen Feng couldn't help but patted his forehead, with a look of helplessness. This Senior Sister Chen is good at everything, but too shy, she bows her head at every turn.

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