Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1909: Only five years to live?

His face sank deeply, and there was almost no life in his eyes.

The breath of the whole person is very weak. Liu Chengyi saw this scene and roared all his life: "Yun Potian, you **** **** it!"

His roar also awakened Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was in a coma, and at this time he slowly opened his eyes, but when he saw Liu Chengyi, a flash of hope flashed in his eyes.

He opened his mouth and murmured a few words, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything.

Liu Chengyi walked forward quickly, frowning, "It turned out to be using this insidious method!"

"However, this insidious method does not bother me at all."

As he said, he grasped the purple gold chain with both hands, and the light surged in his hand. On the purple gold chain, there were screams and black smoke suddenly appeared.

In the black smoke, there seemed to be countless skeletons and evil spirits.

At this moment, Liu Chengyi let out a cold snort, and the light on his hand turned golden. The golden light touched the black smoke, and the black smoke instantly disappeared without a trace.

After that, the purple gold chain also turned into an ordinary gold chain, and there was nothing unusual on it.

Liu Chengyi pulled it lightly to break it. Without the support of the purple gold chain, Chen Feng's body was instantly relieved, and he fell heavily to the ground.

Liu Chengyi quickly hugged her in his arms. He looked at Chen Feng and sighed softly and said, "Chen Feng, I really made you suffer."

Chen Feng looked at him, a touch of relief flashed across his face, then his head tilted and he fainted.

At this point, he can finally sleep peacefully!

Liu Chengyi hugged Chen Feng and hurried away.

In this entire general's mansion, except Yun Potian, who can stop him? At this time, Yun Potian was fighting with Hu Yanguang.

After Liu Chengyi left the general's mansion, there was a long roar.

Over there, Hu Yan Guangzhuo heard it immediately. He laughed, and suddenly made a few moves to force Yun Potian back, then turned around and quickly left, laughing and saying: "Yun Potian, I will not be temporarily Playing with you!"

With that, his figure flashed and he left quickly!

Yun Potian looked at his back with an extremely gloomy expression.

Then, he seemed to think of something, and quickly flew towards the location of the stone mountain. When he came to the edge of the stone mountain and saw the big iron gate opened, his expression became even more ugly.

When he entered and saw that the cave was empty, the muscles on his face trembled violently, his fists hit the ground fiercely, and roared: "Damn, you two **** things, I must take your dog's life, and then bring back that little beast Chen Feng, torturing him bitterly!"

He was mad here, venting frantically, hitting the ground fiercely with his fists, smashing this place into nothing.

Suddenly, there was a cold smug look on his face, and he let out a low smile: "You think it will be over after you save Chen Feng, haha, that little bastard, he will survive in a few days!"

Chen Feng felt that he had had a long and long dream. There was darkness in the dream, and there was nothing but the deep blackness.

No, there is pain, which is as deep as the bone marrow.

That kind of pain brought extreme despair to Chen Feng, because he could feel that his life was passing by little by little.

The speed is not fast, but it is extremely obvious.

Chen Feng can even figure out when the last gleam of life will flow into the sky.

"And by that time, I should die too?" Chen Feng told himself in his heart.

The kind of death that is directly beheaded with a slash is not the most terrifying death. This kind of death that allows people to feel their own vitality is passing and can judge when they die, but is helpless, is the most desperate death. of!

Suddenly, he felt the pain in his body begin to diminish.

In the end, finally disappeared from the invisible, the icy pain turned into a thick meaning of warmth, making his body very comfortable.

Then, he felt his body slowly regained its vitality and strength.

Finally, Chen Feng felt that a beam of light appeared in front of him, and the light became more and more intense, and in the light, there were two faces looming, finally becoming clearer and clearer...

Chen Feng's eyelids trembled slightly, and finally opened.

Then, his eyes changed from being confused to sober, and he finally saw these two faces clearly.

One is Liu Chengyi, while the other has a shaggy face, rough face and messy hair, but he doesn't know him.

Chen Feng looked at them and then glanced slightly, which was very shocked.

It turned out that he was very familiar with this room. This was the wing he chose after he was taken to the courtyard of the cheap master known as the old lunatic.

Unexpectedly, he went around and came back.

There was a strange feeling in Chen Feng's heart, and then Chen Feng said: "I, why am I here?"

When he said the first word, his voice was still very difficult, but when he said the last word, he had become very normal.

At the same time, Chen Feng felt that the bright bead turned, and an extremely strong power gushed out of his dantian, and the dark golden power instantly flowed through his body. This dark golden power made Chen Feng's body rejuvenated.

He felt that he had recovered to the peak, no different from before.

So Chen Feng walked directly off the bed!

Liu Chengyi smiled and said, "Of course you are in Wudong Academy now!"

He pointed to the big beard next to him and said, "This is the Mad King Hu Yan Guangzhuo. He still has some fate with you. The master I assigned to you was him."

"What? That's him?" Chen Feng glanced at Hu Yanguang with a cold expression on his face.

Hu Yanguangzhuo's expression was also a bit embarrassed. To know that Chen Feng fell into this situation, his responsibility was not small.

Liu Chengyi smiled and said what happened in the past, and then said: "After bringing you back, we will give you a pill to treat your body, and now your body is mostly back to normal!"

"Yes, I don't think there is any problem." Chen Feng moved his body, feeling surging power everywhere in his body, without the slightest sense of weakness!

Chen Feng bowed deeply and said sincerely, "Thank you, Elder Liu."

Then he took another look at the old madman. The old madman looked at Chen Feng and looked forward to it. The expression on his face was simply saying: "Call me Master, quickly call me Master!"

But Chen Feng didn't do what he wanted in the end. Chen Feng just said lightly, "Thank you, Your Majesty, Mad King."

But this title obviously made Hu Yan Guangzhuo very dissatisfied. He stared and just wanted to reprimand Chen Feng, but then he also felt that he had not done his duty to be a master at all and was not qualified to say anything, so he just nodded sadly. , Did not speak!

Chen Feng didn't want to recognize him as a master at all: "Where were you when I was most dangerous?"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "I should have completely recovered now, and there is no problem compared to before."

He looked very relaxed at this time, because Chen Feng could feel that his injuries had been fully recovered, without any abnormality, his spirit was extremely full, and his strength was restored to its peak.

The old madman and Liu Chengyi glanced at each other, both with a touch of worry in their eyes.

Chen Feng was keenly aware of it, and immediately asked: "What? Any other questions?"

Liu Chengyi sighed lightly and said, "Chen Feng, what I'm going to say next, don't worry after you listen to it. There is a way to solve this matter."

After Chen Feng heard this, his heart trembled and he immediately understood, I was afraid that something terrible had happened to his body.

Moreover, this kind of incident may not be able to come back late, otherwise Liu Chengyi would not say that.

He took a deep breath and said calmly: "Please tell me."

"That's it," Liu Chengyi said softly, "When you were imprisoned under that stone mountain, you were attacked by the aura of death!"

Chen Feng nodded slowly: "That's right."

Liu Chengyi went on to say: "That kind of life-killing aura is extremely insidious. It will penetrate into your body, like a knife, scraping away your vitality little by little."

"When I arrived, the vitality in your body had almost been wiped away, and,"

Having said this, he paused, took a deep breath, and said with a horrified look: "The most terrifying thing is that this kind of extinction air, it scrapes away not only vitality, but also life!"

When Chen Feng heard this, there was a very ominous premonition in his heart. He trembled and said, "What do you mean?"

"Yes," Liu Chengyi said slowly: "Your life span is only five years left, and everything else has been completely wiped out and disappeared!"

"What?" Chen Feng exclaimed in disbelief.

Even if he was extremely determined, even if he was in danger, he was completely panicked at this time.

Because he learned that he had only five years of life left!

"Five years, what is enough time for five years? Is it enough to fulfill your wishes?"

A voice in Chen Feng's heart was screaming frantically:

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