Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1908: Mad King Hu Yan Guangzhuo!

No one can offend father and son. It is normal for people to keep their son in the house.

Just now they took the reason, because they were here to grab their own disciples, but now they don’t take the reason, because they are trying to grab someone’s son!

Yun Potian showed a smug look on his face, and said lightly: "Please come back, two of you, Chen Feng has been in my house very well, you don't need to worry about it!"

Liu Chengyi suddenly became a little confused. He is a very smart person. Because of his smartness, it is easy to get caught up in it sometimes.

At this moment, the old madman suddenly said coldly: "You said Chen Feng had a good time with you?"

Yun Potian said lightly, "Of course."

At this time, the old madman looked at Liu Chengyi again and said: "You just said that Chen Feng is in danger and the fire of life is extremely weak. Is it possible to die at any time?"

Liu Chengyi nodded and said, "That's right."

The old madman looked up to the sky and laughed: "I still believe you more."

As he said, he suddenly turned to look at Yun Potian, and shouted: "Boy Yun family, you are a bit bullying our old brothers. Chen Feng is on the verge of death, but you say he is doing well!"

"I think that the reason why Chen Feng was tortured like that was because of you!"

Hearing this, Liu Chengyi suddenly realized that he laughed and said, "Old madman, it's your straightforward brain that works!"

The old madman suddenly roared and shouted loudly: "Yun Potian, quickly hand over my disciple, or I will slaughter your Yun family today!"

Yun Potian frowned and stared at him, his voice Binghan said: "What are you? How dare you talk to me like this?"

It turns out that the old madman has never been simple in the Wudong Academy. Few people have seen him. He spends his time in cultivation. Many people in the Wudong Academy only know the three words old madman. , Let alone the outsider Yun Potian.

The old madman laughed, and suddenly he uttered a loud voice and roared: "Yun Potian, as a courtier of my Huyan family, don't you know the reputation of my mad king Huyan Guangzhuo!"

"Hu Yan Guangzhuo? What? You are Hu Yan Guangzhuo?" When Yun Potian heard these four words, an expression of extreme shock flashed across his face.

With his indifferentness, he couldn't help but be moved. It can be seen that this Hu Yan Guangzhuo is a very famous person.

The fact is also true. The Tianyuan imperial family belonged to the Huyan family, and Huyan Guangzhuo was an out-and-out son of the Huyan family's imperial family, and with a very high seniority, he was the immediate brother of the current emperor.

He is even more qualified to inherit the throne than the current emperor.

However, he is different from other princes. Other princes are keen on fighting for power and seeking the throne, while he is obsessed with dancing. At the age of nineteen, he went to Wudong Academy and practiced quietly.

When he was twenty-three years old, he was insane. Since then, the whole person has become mad, sometimes sober, and most of the time, he is delirious, mad and silly.

So got a nickname, called the Mad King.

Therefore, he also lost the qualification to inherit the throne.

However, even though he has become crazy, his strength is stronger than before, even Yun Potian is very jealous of him!

At this time, Hu Yan Guangzhuo suddenly roared: "Kill!"

He had no warning, and directly killed Yun Potian, with various bombardments from his fists, and the boundless might slammed against Yun Potian.

Yun Potian was shocked, with a look of anger on his face, and roared: "Mad King, you are really a lunatic, do you want to do it?"

The mad king laughed: "You call me a lunatic, what can I tell you?"

Saying that, it is to make a powerful move.

His strength was comparable to that of Yun Potian. Under the active attack, Yun Potian was beaten to the left and right. He was extremely embarrassed, and it took a while to stabilize his position.

At this time, his expression suddenly changed, because Liu Chengyi had disappeared without a trace!

Yun Potian suddenly guessed where Liu Chengyi was going, and he let out a loud roar, and wanted to catch up.

At this time, Hu Yanguangzhuo laughed loudly: "Want to chase? Stop it for me!"

With that, he punched out fiercely.

Yun Potian was hit by his back, and with a wow, a mouthful of blood spurted out, still slightly injured.

He turned his head and roared and said, "Mad King, you must be my enemy today, right?"

"Nonsense, I've beaten you like this, and you still say this. Is it possible that I'm here to play with you?" Hu Yanguang laughed and attacked frantically.

Yun Potian knew that with him, he would not be able to chase Liu Chengyi.

He took a deep breath and stopped trying to attack. Instead, he turned around and fought Hu Yanguang into a group. The two were inextricably killed.

On the other side, Liu Chengyi quickly swept towards the back mountain.

He followed the feeling in his heart. In his heart, there was a clue to Chen Feng, and he could feel Chen Feng's position.

Soon, he came to the back mountain.

Here the yin wind whistling, and feeling this yin wind, Liu Chengyi's expression immediately changed, and he coldly shouted: "This Yunpotian is really a cruel heart, and he will kill his son next time!"

As he said, he rushed to the iron gate quickly. At this time, more than a dozen guards walked out quickly, stopped in front of him, and shouted: "Who?"

Before he finished his words, Liu Chengyi smiled coldly, not talking nonsense with them at all, just a flick of his right hand.

There was no great momentum at all, and I saw the more than a dozen guards. In an instant, their expressions became stupid, and there was no more attacking movement. They knelt to the ground one after another, losing their vitality!

Liu Chengyi's attack was extremely concealed and at the same time extremely powerful.

At this time, beside him, Yun Tianlong led a full five hundred golden armor guards, stopped in front of him, and shouted angrily: "Please stop, don't make me embarrassed!"

Liu Chengyi laughed and said, "I want to embarrass you today!"

With that, a punch came out.

Yun Tianlong was crazy low-end, but it was useless at all.

Then, Liu Chengyi stroked his palms one after another. Before the hundreds of golden armored guards had time to punch or cut a knife, they all fell to the ground with weird smiles on their faces, but they were completely cut off!

Of these people, only Yun Tianlong escaped.

Then, Liu Chengyi directly blasted the iron gate and walked quickly into the cave.

At this time, in the middle of the cave, Chen Feng's whole person has become a skinny, the flesh on the surface of his body has shrunk sharply, almost sticking to the bones, and it is charred.

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