Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1896: Success! The power of a hundred dragons!

When Chen Feng absorbed the fortieth black yellow stone, these dark golden rays gradually turned into a huge ring!

When Chen Feng absorbed the sixtieth black yellow stone, the dark golden light turned into a huge sphere, but this sphere was still loose at this time, not so condensed, just like a virtual sphere. The same as the mist.

And when Chen Feng absorbed the 80th black yellow stone, this huge sphere had already shrunk sharply, shrank sharply, and turned into a dark golden light ball about the size of a human head!

The ninetieth, ninety-first, Chen Feng is absorbing and refining the black yellow stone at an ever faster speed!

The ninety-ninth, the hundredth!

And when the hundredth Xuan Huang Shi turned into fragments in Chen Feng's hands and disappeared suddenly, the last trace of Xuan Huang Shi poured in, and the last trace of dark golden light was transformed.

Then with a bang, above the dark golden ball of light the size of a human head, the last gap was also filled, and he began to shrink sharply, sharply condensing.

In the end, it turned into a dark golden light pearl about the size of a fist!

This dark golden light pearl is obviously dark golden, but there is endless white brilliance like a big sun on it!

It only took Chen Feng a day and night to absorb the huge amount of Xuanhuangshi that could only be absorbed several years before!

The Truth of Jianglong Arhat is so domineering!

The dark gold and the color of the sun are intertwined, and the light is extremely bright and brilliant!

Chen Feng's heart was beating wildly. At this moment, he knew that the first dragon descending Arhat Bright Orb had been condensed!

What Chen Feng didn't notice was that the bright pearl shone on the dantian. After feeling the power of the light, the big Asura shrank quietly and hid in the deepest part of the dantian.

Everything was silent, without even being discovered by Bright Pearl.

Chen Feng opened his eyes, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. This smile became thicker and rippling bigger and bigger, and then turned into a big laugh.

"The general outline of the Dragon-Dragon Arhat scripture, the first heaven, I have already practiced it!"

Chen Feng clenched his fists, he could feel the immense power coming from the dragon descending Arhat Light Orb.

This force, extremely powerful, rushed madly in Chen Feng's body. In this force, it seemed that there were waves of dragons roaring constantly.

In the interlaced light and shadow of the dark golden light and the sun's light, a hundred dragons rose into the sky, sending out a trembling dragon chant!

The roar of the dragon's roar suddenly sounded, and then disappeared one after another. This force contains at least hundreds of dragons, the power of a hundred dragons!

Chen Feng's "Dragon-Dropping Arhat scriptures" is the first one!

The power of a hundred dragons! So huge!

And at this time, Chen Feng suddenly experienced a violent fluctuation in his dantian, and then, on the Dragon Arhat Bright Pearl, suddenly the light shone brightly, shining brightly on the martial arts Tianhe.

So the next moment, in the martial arts Tianhe, the martial arts gods rushed frantically, flapping the river bank.

With a bang, the river bank was directly smashed, and then the martial arts gods quickly spread into the void.

Thirty-one kilometers, thirty-two kilometers, thirty-nine kilometers, and finally, it reached a length of 40,000 meters!

On the surface of Chen Feng's body, a burst of inexplicable power surged out, enveloping him.

Looking at Chen Feng again, his temperament is completely different from before, and Chen Feng has already broken through to the realm of the four-star martial king!

Chen Feng cultivated to become the first heaven of the general outline of the Arhat Sutra, possessed the power of one hundred dragons, reached the combat power of the Seven Star King, and then broke through and entered the realm of the Four Star Martial King!

Chen Feng was extremely excited, he didn't stop, and once again sank into the cultivation space of the Dragon-Dragon Arhat Scripture.

Then, he cast his gaze on the other wall, and on the other wall, several characters gradually lit up.

"Jianglong Fantian Seal!"

When he saw these five words, Chen Feng felt that his breathing had stagnated. He held his breath, resisted his ecstasy, and looked down one by one.

The Dragon Overturning Seal is extremely powerful, and it is a unique seal created by the Dragon Dragon!

Through extremely mysterious methods, form a powerful seal, practice to the extreme, and possess earth-shaking power!

Chen Feng calmed down his extremely excited expression, and continued to look down. The first move of the Jianglong Fantian Seal was to print the broken Xumi Mountain!

Print broken Xumi Mountain.

Chen Feng looked down and saw the first words written below: "Xumi Mountain is the sacred mountain of the Buddha Sect. It is surrounded by thousands of seas and is 84,000 yos high!"

When he read this, Chen Feng naturally had some information in his mind: "One yue ten days is twenty-six li, and the height is 84,000 yues, which means that Mount Xumi is as high as 2.2 million li!"

"And one mile is five hundred meters!"

In Chen Feng's mind, a huge mountain suddenly appeared!

"This Mount Xumi is really infinite. A mountain can reach tens of thousands of meters!"

You know, the highest mountain Chen Feng has seen so far is only a few hundred thousand meters high, and the mountain of tens of thousands of meters high, the Dragon Vein Continent, I'm afraid they are far less large!

After Chen Feng finished reading, he was deeply shocked. Mount Xumi is a sacred mountain of Buddhism, and its status is extremely revered. With the name of Mount Xumi, it can be seen how powerful this trick is!

Just by looking at the name, this trick is very domineering.

After reading the introduction of this trick, Chen Feng's mouth wafted with a smile: "It is worthy of being the first seal of Jianglong's Turning the Sky. This trick is printed on Xumishan. It is extremely powerful, and it has a powerful force. , That is: Ignore defense!"

"When the seal falls, it can break all defenses of the same level as him!"

"Other martial arts, one punch, if the striker's level is the same as the enemy's level, it will be blocked by the enemy's defense."

"But Mount Xumi is different. Mount Xumi can break all defenses of the same level! For example, this trick I have to print Xumi Mountain is the Seven-Star Wuwang level, and the opponent’s defense even reaches the Seven-Star Wuwang level. , Will still be slapped to death by my palm!"

"Hahahaha, this dragon-shaking seal is really powerful!"

Then, when Chen Feng looked down, he saw the training requirements of the Jianglong Shadow-turning Seal: The Jianglong Shadow-turning Seal requires the power of a hundred dragons to be able to practice!

Chen Feng laughed loudly: "This is simply set for me. I have just practiced the first place in the general outline of the Jianglong Arhat Scriptures. I just have the power of a hundred dragons! Now is the time for me to practice!"

I saw that there were a total of ninety-nine villains underneath the Mt.

The phantoms of these villains are all moving quietly, they keep moving, drawing mysterious arcs with their hands, and stepping on mysterious steps under their feet.

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