Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1895: Crazy absorption!

Chen Feng's essence was restrained, and his breath did not fluctuate.

No one in the general's mansion found that he was practicing this magical technique, including Yun Potian!

After a long time, Chen Feng opened his eyes, his whole life was extremely indifferent, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, like a smile of flowers, full of ease and indifferent, and a hint of enlightenment!

He whispered: "So that's it, it turns out, this is the general outline of the Dragon Arhat scripture, what I got is not the whole book, but the fragment!"

"But fortunately, this fragment is the first one, so I can practice now!"

"The general outline of the Dragon-Dragon Arhat Scriptures is divided into nine heavens, and what I am holding is the cultivation method from the first heaven to the third heaven."

"Every time you advance to the heavens, you can condense a dragon descending Arhat Light Orb!"

"This dragon descending Arhat Light Orb is extremely powerful, and the light pearl continues to rotate, and the power of the dragon will continue to emerge. Condensing one dragon descending Arhat Light Orb, you can have a hundred dragon power!"

Speaking of this, Chen Feng's eyes burst into light: "The power of a hundred dragons, the power of a hundred dragons, has reached the scope of the Seven-Star Martial King!"

"That is to say, as long as I have practiced the first level of the main outline of the Jianghai Arhat Scriptures, I can have the same realm as the Seventh Martial King!"

Chen Feng held his breath and concentrated on his mind. Without any hesitation or hesitation, he immediately comprehended the mental method of the first heaven of the general outline of the dragon descending Arhat scripture.

After a long time, that mental method was only comprehended by him.

Then, a mysterious yellow stone appeared in Chen Feng's hand.

He closed his eyes, and the mysterious mind of the first heaven kept flowing in his heart.

After a long time, suddenly, Chen Feng's body surface buzzed and made a soft buzz.

Then the next moment, in the deepest part of Chen Feng's body, in a mysterious corner, a dark golden light flashed quietly, suddenly growing out.

Then, he continued to improve and grow at an extremely fast speed, flowing into Chen Feng's Dantian and meridians.

Then, following his major meridians, it came into his hands at a very fast speed.

The dark golden light immediately surrounded the black yellow stone.

On the surface of the mysterious yellow stone, a dark golden light gradually became rich.

Then Chen Feng thought, and the dark golden light penetrated directly into the Xuanhuangshi.

In the next moment, Chen Feng seemed to see a huge topaz, which was huge and huge, and he knew immediately that this topaz was the black yellow stone in his hand, which was magnified countless times.

At this moment, you can see that the topaz has a thick shell on the surface. This thick shell is thousands of meters thick, and it is extremely hard and smooth, and it is difficult to break it.

Inside this shell, there are countless many, infinite, and endless powers of majestic, mysterious and yellow power.

Chen Feng knew clearly, he knew why the surface of Xuanhuangshi was so difficult to break open, and why it was so difficult to absorb.

Because if the outer shell on the surface is not strong enough, or strong enough, then there is no way to maintain the power of the black yellow inside, and there is no guarantee that they will not penetrate.

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "No wonder it took me a whole month to break a piece of black yellow stone and cultivate it. It's really not wrong at all, after all, its protection is so strong."

But at this moment, suddenly, a large area of ​​dark golden light appeared around the Xuan Huangshi.

Driven by Chen Feng's thoughts, these dark golden rays of light smashed toward the black yellow stone fiercely, and when they were about to reach the surface of the black yellow stone, suddenly, these dark golden lights turned into huge dark golden giant hammers.

These dark golden sledgehammers bitterly bombarded the surface of the black yellow stone.

So at the next moment, Chen Feng heard a loud clacking noise, as if something had collapsed.

The sledge hammer smashed the black yellow stone fiercely, actually smashing the surface of the black yellow stone directly to the extremely heavy protective layer.

In front of this dark golden sledgehammer, it was like a piece of thin paper, without any resistance, it was directly broken.

Chen Feng was shocked when he saw this scene, and then he was ecstatic.

"Jianlong Arhat Scripture, really amazing!"

"Is this dark golden light the power of the dragon? It's far stronger than my nine-yin and nine-yang power. The effect of the nine-yin and nine-yang power can only be achieved in a month. The dark golden light is actually Do it in an instant!"

"It turns out that under these dark golden rays, the entire Xuanhuangshi was directly shattered."

Then in the next moment, the endless power of Xuanhuang came out, and Chen Feng immediately held his breath, and ran the general outline of the Dragon-Jiang Arhat Scriptures.

Suddenly, within Chen Feng's body, those dark golden rays of light rushed out frantically, directly bringing in these profound yellow powers and directly into Chen Feng's Dantian.

In this piece of mysterious yellow stone, about one-tenth of the power of the mysterious yellow, that is, ten drops of the power of the mysterious yellow, was introduced into Chen Feng's Dan Tian, ​​Chen Feng immediately felt that he was almost swollen to death.

There is nowhere to vent the power in the body, almost bursting to death.

However, at this time, the dark golden light envelops the power of Xuan Huang, but it is at the extreme speed that directly transforms the power of Xuan Huang into dark golden light.

The dark golden light instantly strengthened several times, and those black and yellow power disappeared without a trace!

In a black yellow stone, there are only a hundred drops of black yellow power. In this blink of an eye, one-tenth of the black yellow stone is melted away.

Chen Feng was extremely overjoyed: "Sure enough, it is a powerful technique that surpasses the ninth grade of the heavenly rank. The absorption speed is too fast. This practice speed is more than a hundred times that of my Nine Yin and Nine Yang Divine Art!"

"No, not just a hundred times, this speed has reached more than a thousand times!"

"It's great, with such a speed of cultivation, why don't I worry about my realm not improving? Why do I worry about slow growth in strength?"

Chen Feng was extremely excited and began to increase his absorption.

The dark golden light in his body became more and more abundant, and the rate of absorption became faster and faster.

But after a cup of tea time, the black yellow stone in Chen Feng's hand broke directly with a snap, turning into countless bits of pink and white debris.

When a gust of wind comes, it disappears without a trace.

Chen Feng suddenly opened his eyes!

"One cup of tea time, I only used one cup of tea time to absorb a piece of black yellow stone!"

When the twentieth Profound Yellow Stone was absorbed, the dark golden light in Chen Feng's body, the power of descending the dragon and the Arhat, had been extremely scattered from the beginning, and became a huge whole tightly fused together. It seems that there are no flaws or gaps, just such a large piece of dark gold that melts and is very bright!

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