Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1863: Difficulty in practice!

It was as if there was some power between heaven and earth repelling him, directly crushing him to pieces.

Chen Feng frowned, but he was not discouraged and did not say much, he was still practicing.

But then, Chen Feng frowned deeper and deeper, and his breath became more and more unstable.

Finally, Chen Feng opened his eyes, and a look of anger flashed in his eyes!

His fist hit the ground fiercely: "It turned out to be like this, I understand!"

Chen Feng finally knew the difference between the composition of the Tianyuan Dynasty Qi that Lu Anran said before and the composition of the thirty-seven national Qi of the Dragon Slayer.

In the Thirty-seven Kingdom of Slaying Dragons, when cultivating, they absorbed the spiritual power from the heavens and the earth, and expressed it in the form of spiritual energy.

In this Tianyuan Dynasty, what was absorbed was also the power in the heavens and the earth, but it was expressed in a form called the power of Xuanhuang!

Chen Feng also wanted to absorb the power of the Xuanhuang, but he found that the power of the Xuanhuang was extremely difficult to absorb!

Just like the half he felt just now, he seemed to be thrown into the sea, no, it should be thrown into the molten metal.

The Xuanhuang power around is a lot and very thick, but it is indeed very sticky, very hot, and at the same time very strong.

Chen Feng couldn't absorb it at all.

His nine-yin and nine-yang magic arts took a long time, and he didn't even absorb a drop of black and yellow power into his dantian!

Then, the look on Chen Feng's face changed from anger to a bitter smile.

He gently stroked his dantian and said in a slow voice, "I know why, it's because of my practice, nine-yin and nine-yang magic."

"For the current Xuanhuang power, some are too low-level, so it can't be absorbed!"

"But, in my place, the nine-yin and nine-yang divine art is already the highest level of exercises. If you can't even absorb the nine-yin and nine-yang divine art, what else can you do?"

Chen Feng's face was full of distress.

In the end, he cleared up his mood and suppressed all the irritability in his heart.

Being irritable also doesn't help, it's useless, but it will only make his cultivation more efficient.

Chen Feng has always been a very realistic person, but the current reality is that he has no other means to absorb the power of Xuanhuang except for the nine-yin and nine-yang magic.

Therefore, Chen Feng continued to use the nine-yin and nine-yang magical power to absorb.

Even if the efficiency is lower, at least it can be absorbed!

Therefore, Chen Feng calmed down and began to continue to operate the nine-yin and nine-yang magic.

Three hours later, a smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, because a drop of extremely sticky, extremely hot, like melting metal, was sucked into his dantian!

Then began to transform.

The next morning, this drop of Xuanhuang power was finally refined by Chen Feng.

These forces poured into Chen Feng's dantian and into the martial arts Tianhe. In an instant, the martial arts Tianhe had violent ripples, and Chen Feng almost made a breakthrough from the two-star Martial King!

Chen Feng showed a smile of joy on his face, and said, "This mysterious power is extremely difficult to refine. It took me a day to refine a drop, but the effect is really excellent."

"Just a drop, it almost made me break through to the realm of Samsung Wuwang."

"If I have a more powerful technique that can refine more and faster, my cultivation speed will definitely be able to achieve a thousand miles!"

The next morning, the morning light was faint, the big day was rising, and the first ray of sunlight also shone in.

Bathed in this sunlight, Chen Feng slowly opened his eyes.

He breathed out a suffocating breath, and said softly: "The efficiency of practice now is too slow. I must change to a practice technique to increase my practice speed."

In fact, Chen Feng's cultivation speed is definitely not slow, even if he gets the Heavenly Yuan Imperial City, the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Magic Techniques are extremely high-end techniques.

His cultivation speed is faster than most martial artists, but for Chen Feng, this is slow.

As long as it's not someone else, he feels slow if he is a hundred times faster!

Because of Chen Feng's cultivation, he has never progressed by leaps and bounds, and his speed has reached the limit!

The heart of the strong will never stick to the present, and will never be satisfied!

When Chen Feng left the cave, there were already foods placed by handymen everywhere. These foods were taken at will. If you want to eat more, eat more.

And if you are weak and can't get it, don't blame others.

Chen Feng walked towards the place where the food was distributed. Chen Feng had already gained some fame yesterday. Many people looked at him with a bit of fear in their eyes.

They even gave Chen Feng a way.

Chen Feng's expression was indifferent, and he walked straight there.

On the long table, a lot of food was placed on it, basically meat.

It can be steamed or boiled, or smoked and grilled, and there is a large pot of porridge next to it, and the thick fragrance is very salivating.

What shocked Chen Feng even more was that there was an extremely strong spiritual energy inside.

The richness of this spiritual energy has even surpassed the eight-pin pill!

I took a large piece of bacon, which was seven or eight catties, and ate it in big mouthfuls, and swallowed it in a blink of an eye.

Then he ate three or four pieces of meat, drank seven or eight bowls of porridge, until he couldn't eat anymore, he burped.

His physical strength is much stronger than others, so he needs to replenish a lot more, after all, he consumes too much daily.

Seeing him so edible, many people have envy in their eyes.

In these foods, the aura is particularly abundant, some of them are not strong enough to eat a small piece of it.

The more you can eat, the stronger your strength!

Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief, with a look of shock on his face. The food tastes extremely delicious, that's all, and the aura contained in it is too abundant. It seems endless. The aura is in Chen Feng's martial arts. Conversion, almost let Chen Feng directly break through to Samsung Wuwang.

"The Tianyuan Dynasty is the Tianyuan Dynasty, I have eaten such a meal, it is equivalent to swallowing more than a dozen mouthfuls of eight-pin pill!"

"You know, in a place like Qin, one eight-pin pill is enough to change a county!"

Chen Feng's meal is equivalent to swallowing more than a dozen counties!

Soon, the food was swept away.

Then everyone stood under a high platform.

At this moment, on the high platform, the two Zihuo elders, Li Sifeng and Zhou Changtao, looked solemn, and there was a glimmer of expectation in their eyes, as if they were waiting for something.

After a while, everyone suddenly felt an extremely large aura spreading from a distance, quickly approaching here.

Everyone looked up, and then they saw a divine light coming through the air, and in a blink of an eye they came to the stage.

This person is about forty years old, with a burly figure, a face with Chinese characters, and a face full of righteousness.

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