Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1862: Don't roll, then die!

As soon as these words came out, Ding Han Qiuding Bitter Winter both were stunned.

Then the next moment, the two of them looked at each other, both burst into laughter, and the laughter was full of disdain: "Hahaha, what did I just hear?"

"This bastard, actually threatened us, saying to let us get out within three breaths?"

"Haha, what does he think he is? How dare to say such a thing? I don't know how high it is!"

Both of them laughed disdainfully, thinking that Chen Feng was crazy.

Suddenly, Ding Hanqiu's smile disappeared, and he strode forward, pointed at Chen Feng, and roared ferociously: "Boy, what if I don't roll? What can you do with me?"

Chen Feng sighed and decided not to waste time anymore.

He said lightly: "Since you don't roll, then die!"

When speaking of the last two words, Chen Feng's volume suddenly increased, his aura surged wildly, and he pressed hard against the two!

The two didn't care at first, but laughed at Chen Feng: "Haha, boy, do you still want to crush us to death with aura?"

As soon as their voices fell, their faces suddenly changed.

Because they felt that Chen Feng's momentum turned out to be extremely powerful, almost like a mountain, pressing hard against them both.

In a blink of an eye, the two of them were overwhelmed with breath, and they were able to barely support them by running their entire body.

Both of them looked at Chen Feng in shock and anger, and shouted: "How is it possible? How can you be so powerful?"

"Aren't you the Second Star King Wu? How can you have such a powerful momentum?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "Who said that the Second Star King Wu couldn't have such a powerful aura?"

As he said, the momentum on his body increased crazily again, and he pressed hard against the two again.

Both of them uttered a scream, their bones were crushed and broken, and they fell directly to the ground, spurting blood.

Chen Feng walked up to them with a sneer: "Just now, did you ask me if I wanted to crush you to death with my aura?"

"Now, I give you a positive answer, I just want to crush you to death with my aura!"

With that said, his momentum is soaring again,

The bodies of these two people became more and more flattened, their bones were crushed, their muscles were flattened, and blood continued to spurt out.

Both of them showed extreme fear and despair on their faces, both full of regret and crying for mercy: "Chen Feng, forgive me!"

"Please, don't kill us, we know we are wrong, please spare us!"

Where do they still have that arrogant arrogance just now? It's like two dogs wagging their tails!

Chen Feng was still smiling, but his smile was full of coldness: "Now I know to beg for mercy? Why are you not arrogant now?"

"Just now, weren't you arrogant and powerful?"

He sneered.

The two people begged for mercy loudly, crying and begging, but Chen Feng seemed to have not heard it.

Just now the two of them wanted to kill Chen Feng so arrogantly, and they were really murderous, so Chen Feng would naturally not spare them easily.

Finally, after Chen Feng's momentum strengthened again, there were two loud booms, and the two of them let out a short scream, and they lost their vitality.

Ding Hanqiu and Ding Handong were directly crushed to death by Chen Feng.

Seeing this scene, those onlookers all showed shock and fear, looking at Chen Feng, there was no more contempt, some, just fear!

This is to respect the strong!

Suddenly, Chen Feng raised his eyes and looked at them.

As soon as they met Chen Feng's gaze, everyone immediately stepped back.

Chen Feng's eyes finally fell on the thin young man.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and he said: "If I heard it right a moment ago, you seem to say you want them to solve me without any means?

"Then, now I seem to be able to solve them without a trick, what do you say now?"

The thin young man was full of fear. He quickly backed away, with a flattering smile on his face, and said repeatedly: "Of course you are the lord, you are more powerful. They are not as farts as you!"

"Really? But just now, you seemed to be very disdainful of me!" Chen Feng said while smiling at him.

"Since you are so disdainful to me, why not do this, let's have a try, how about?"

"Look at me, Chen Feng, is it a waste!"

As soon as he heard the words "Competition", the thin young man's complexion immediately became earthy, and his eyes showed great fear. How dare he compare with Chen Feng?

His strength is far from that of Chen Feng. If he compares with Chen Feng, he knows that he has only a dead end.

Just now the Liu brothers have learned from the past, how dare he provoke?

He suddenly weakened his legs and knelt directly on the ground, kowtowing to Chen Feng: "Chen Feng, just now I had no eyes and no way of exporting, = you forgive me, don't be like me!"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Okay, I don't have the same knowledge as you."

Upon hearing this, the thin youth immediately showed a touch of joy.

But suddenly, Chen Feng looked cold: "However, the death penalty is unavoidable, and the living sin is hard to forgive!"

With that, Chen Feng punched his dantian heavily.

With a loud bang, the thin young man's dantian shattered directly, and the incomparable martial arts gods rushed out from inside.

With an extremely screaming scream, the thin young man's body was thrown back heavily, fell to the ground, twisting frantically.

Chen Feng's punch actually abolished his cultivation base and made him a useless person!

Chen Feng smiled coldly, turning around and returning to the cave without even looking at him.

The battle just now made Chen Feng refreshed, extremely comfortable, and accommodating.

He can see it now, in this martial arts college, the weak and the strong eat, and if you want not to be killed, then you must use ferocious means to deter everyone.

What's more, Zhou Changtao said clearly before, under the rules, killing is allowed!

As expected by Chen Feng, his strength shocked everyone, and no one dared to disturb him anymore.

On the contrary, among many people, Chen Feng's reputation began to circulate. Many people already knew that this person was powerful and tough, and he could not easily provoke him!

Chen Feng was sitting in meditation with his eyes closed. At this time, his mind was extremely calm, without any cherished thoughts.

In his dantian, the nine-yin and nine-yang magical arts were running, powerful suction came, and there were also several vortices in the surrounding air.

These vortexes are extracting power from the heavens and the earth, which is the normal state of Chen Feng's cultivation.

However, suddenly, after those small vortexes formed, they were squeezed to pieces with a snap.

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