Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1844: The land and the gold are great!

Because the power in his body is too overbearing and domineering, ordinary exercises and ordinary powerful people are useless at all.

But it's a pity that these two forces encountered Chen Fengfeng's Five Elements Qi, and Chen Feng's Nine Yin and Nine Yang magic arts, but there was no resistance.

Chen Feng's nine-yin and nine-yang magical powers have run to the extreme, and they are drawn out frantically.

The two forces in Master Lu seemed to be aware of the danger he brought. They actually refused to go out inside the body, but kept circulating inside the body, holding on to one place.

At this time, Master Lu's body was like a firm skin, but instead protected them.

Chen Feng sneered: "Do you think this is useful?"

With that said, he increased his strength once again, pushing it to the extreme.

Suddenly, with two soft pops, Master Lu's body was immediately punched with two gaps.

The air of loess in the left hand and the platinum air in the right hand surged crazily into Chen Feng's body, and then came into the dantian, where they were transformed into pure and incomparable light spots by the nine-yin and nine-yang power.

Chen Feng seemed to hear the screams of the two forces in Lu Anran's body, but he couldn't manage that much, and continued to urge the force.

It is like a long whale absorbing water, continuously sucking out those two forces.

After the power was taken out, Master Lu immediately felt comfortable and laughed loudly: "Chen Feng, come again, come again!"

Chen Feng smiled faintly and absorbed it frantically.

As the power of platinum and the power of loess were continuously absorbed by him, the yellow light spots and platinum light spots in Chen Feng's body also increased crazily.

Four hundred thousand, five hundred thousand, six hundred thousand... nine hundred thousand, in a blink of an eye, it actually reached nine hundred and ninety thousand!

At this time, the power of loess and platinum in Lu Anran's body had not been absorbed at all, only a fraction of it had been absorbed.

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly had an extremely bold idea in his heart. This idea was so crazy that his body almost trembled as soon as he appeared.

A voice in Chen Feng's heart roared loudly: "Is one million stars the limit?"

"Who said that there can only be one million at most? If the power of the five elements is 1 million each, it can make my martial arts reach the first rank of heaven, but in my opinion, the first rank of heaven may only be the lowest threshold. It is equivalent to a qualified line."

"And what if my strength in every line is far beyond? It reaches 1.5 million points of light, or even 2 million points of light?"

"In that case, my martial soul will inevitably be stronger and can condense into a higher-quality martial soul!"

"In this case, why should I stick to one million?"

After thinking about this layer, Chen Feng immediately became more clear in his heart, and absorbed it with excitement.

In a blink of an eye, the power of the earth and the power of gold in his body soared wildly, directly breaking through the limit of one million, and it was going crazy again!

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "Sure enough, my guess is correct. One million is not the limit, it can be improved."

"The higher the level of improvement, the more powerful the spirits you will get!"

1.1 million, 1.2 million, 1.5 million... has grown to 1.5 million, which is a full half of the qualified line, but it continues to soar!

When the power of loess and platinum in Lu Anran's body were finally running out, the light spots of the power of soil and gold in Chen Feng's body were even approaching the two million mark!

Chen Feng let out a violent roar, urging the last power to absorb all the remaining power.

Finally, all the power of loess and platinum were extracted, and Lu Anran collapsed to the ground heavily.

He was lying on the ground, looking at the ceiling with his eyes open, feeling the unprecedented ease on his body, and almost groaning comfortably.

But in Chen Feng's body, the light spots of platinum power directly soared to two million.

The power of loess is even bigger, soaring to 2.1 million!

Now, Chen Feng's Huo Xing Dzogchen is far beyond what is needed, and Tu Xing is even more!

The only difference is the water and wood.

Master Lu stood up and looked at Chen Feng with a deep gratitude on his face.

And when he felt the constantly changing power of the five elements in Chen Feng's body, combined with the things Chen Feng had just done, he suddenly exclaimed: "Chen Feng, so you are the body of the five elements?"

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "Yes, it is."

Lu Anran couldn't hide his excitement: "It's great, great. In this way, you will have a greater chance of being selected by Wudong Academy."

"No wonder, it's no wonder that these two forces in my body are extremely stubborn and very difficult to deal with. I have also looked for them before. People who are stronger than you want to help me absorb them, but there is no way, you can."

"It turns out it was because of the five elements."

He said: "Then are you now condensing a martial soul that needs the power of the five elements?"

He had a sharp eye and immediately saw the key point.

Chen Feng nodded, he still trusted Lu Anran very much, without any reservations, and explained the course of the matter again.

Master Lu nodded: "That's it."

There was a look of wonder on his face: "Sure enough, extraordinary people do extraordinary things. I have never seen this way of condensing martial souls, but it contains great principles."

"First broken, and then reborn in Nirvana amidst this brokenness. The cycle of birth and rebirth is indestructible, and there is vitality in the destruction, which is incomparably compatible with the great road between heaven and earth!"

"So, your martial soul is absolutely extraordinary. If you can become a heaven-level martial soul, then even in the emperor capital of the Tianyuan dynasty, it can be considered a place."

"Achieving a top-ranking martial arts spirit just after the age of twenty is definitely a genius!"

Chen Feng nodded, and said with some distress: "It's just that I have three elements of the five elements that are consummate, but there are still two elements that are not enough, but I don't know when they will be fully consummated."

Lu Anran smiled slightly: "Chen Feng, you just helped me so much, now I can help you!"

When Chen Feng heard this, he was stunned, and then a look of surprise and joy appeared on his face.

Lu Anran is powerful, as deep as the sea of ​​abyss, he can't guess how strong the opponent is.

Moreover, he is a senior at the Wudong Academy. He must have accumulated over the years and don't know how many treasures he has accumulated. He said he wanted to give himself some benefits, then the benefits must be extraordinary.

Lu Anran looked at Chen Feng, smiled slightly, and turned his palms.

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