Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1843: Healing

At this time, Lu Anran's consciousness had not disappeared. He shook his head with difficulty and said loudly: "Chen Feng, hurry up and get out of here!"

"The power escaping from my body is sometimes difficult for me to control. I'm afraid I will hurt you later!"

Chen Feng did not obey his words and left, but stood there watching him.

He felt the majestic platinum air and loess air from these two breaths!

Seeing that he hadn't left yet, Lu Anran was almost anxious, and shouted: "Why are you still not leaving, go quickly! Are you happy if you have to force me to kill you?"

At this moment, the two loess air and platinum air in his body were already on the verge of losing control, and even evaporating from him, turning into one after another like demon-like terrifying images, launching tyrannical attacks towards the surroundings.

Their fists hit the wall, and the shaking tower trembled.

However, similar treatments should have been done on this wall, with a mysterious formation. After they hit it down with this punch, a series of formations flashed on the wall.

That tyrannical force was absorbed by this formation, although a burst of light moved and shook violently, it did not collapse.

If this formation is not laid, I am afraid that the tower will be completely destroyed this time!

At this time, there was also a demon transformed by the atmosphere of loess, and a demon transformed by the atmosphere of platinum forced towards Chen Feng.

Their faces are not even clear, they are full of engulfing momentum, and the outline of the curve oozes a cold murderous intent, looking at Chen Feng with a hideous expression.

Lu Anran shouted loudly: "Chen Feng, you will be killed by them, hurry up!"

He knew very well how powerful the demons turned into by these two forces in his body were. If they were not so powerful, why had he been suppressed for so many years?

Think about it, even Master Lu's strength is helpless, let alone Chen Feng.

At this time, Chen Feng stood there, still motionless.

The two demons uttered a deep and hoarse laugh, like iron scraping, with a deep disdain: "Little bunny, you are scared, are you?"

Another demon smiled and said, "I think it is probably."

He suddenly turned his head and glanced at Lu Anran, with a humane disdain on his face, and said, "I said, old things, how come you have such a weak person next to you?"

"Remember that when we just took root in your body, someone who was stronger than you tried to expel us, but there was no way."

"Why? Are you arrogant and abandoning yourself now? You are looking for such a bad one?"

Lu Anran has been tortured to speechless.

He desperately urged the strength in his body, only then was he able to contend with the aura of loess and platinum a little, and not let his body be completely occupied by them.

At this time, a crack and a horizontal line appeared in the middle of his body, from forehead to nose bridge to below.

It turned out that these two powers actually wanted to split him in half.

In that case, Lu Anran will undoubtedly die.

At this time, Chen Feng sighed softly, if he realized something.

He had been observing these two forces just now, and now, Chen Feng felt that he should have gained something.

So he hooked his fingers at the two demons, intending to verify his thoughts.

Chen Feng did not speak, but they naturally understood the meaning of this action. The two demons suddenly became furious and roared: "Little bunny, you are looking for death!"

They were treated so contemptuously by Chen Feng, feeling that they had been greatly insulted, and as they spoke, they killed Chen Feng fiercely.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, but he did not make any gesture of resistance.

The two demons were even more contemptuous, thinking that Chen Feng had no power to contend with them.

However, just as the two of them were about to kill Chen Feng, they suddenly saw a smile on the corner of Chen Feng's mouth.

Suddenly, there was an ominous premonition in both of them.

But at this time, it is too late to think about change!

Suddenly, they felt a strong suction from the young man opposite, and their bodies could not help flying directly towards him.

The two demons roared in fright: "What the **** is this? Why is there such a strong suction?"

Chen Feng let out a sneer. The Nine Yin and Nine Yang Divine Art ran wildly, and the Qi Wheel turned. Before him, a huge Qi Wheel suddenly formed, and the powerful suction came, directly sucking the two demons into his Dantian.

After the two demons were sucked into his dantian, they suddenly roared in horror: "What is this place? How is it possible?"

Then, the next moment, a huge chakra that was infinitely large, infinitely large, obscured the sky, and dominated everything appeared in their sight.

This is the essence of Nine Yin and Nine Yang Divine Art.

Then the next moment, before they even had time to scream, they were directly sucked in by the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Divine Art, and they were alive and broken.

Suddenly, Chen Feng felt that two strong powers emerged from the nine-yin and nine-yang divine art. These two strong powers, a color of earthy yellow and a color of platinum, are extremely mellow, turning into stars and splashing into them. In his pubic area.

The two demons alone gave him the power of earth travel and the power of gold travel, each adding 50,000 light points.

Moreover, it is extremely mellow, extremely dense, and very high quality.

Chen Feng exhaled a long suffocating breath, such as drinking alcohol, the feeling is really extremely refreshing!

Seeing this scene, Lu Anran was stunned. He looked at Chen Feng and said with a trembling voice: "Chen Feng, you, can you absorb these two forces?"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "It seems so."

Lu Anran was startled at first, and then suddenly he thought of something, his face was extremely excited, and he even trembled with excitement, his face flushed, and he said with a trembling:

"Then, Chen Feng, can you absorb the power in my body?"

Chen Feng smiled again: "Of course."

As he said, his figure flashed, and he came directly to Lu Anran, pressing his hands on half of his body!

At this time, Chen Feng can already be absorbed in the air, but the effect of palm contact is better.

Lu Anran trembled with excitement, and even suppressed the extreme pain in his body. He just looked at Chen Feng expectantly.

This chronic illness has entangled him for more than 30 years. For more than 30 years, he has not had a comfortable day, and he has been tortured by this huge pain all the time.

During this period, he thought of endless methods, but they were of no use, and he also thought about finding a strong person to absorb the power in his body, but no one could do it.

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