Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1804: One person, chase a million!

Standing in place, Chen Feng showed a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, and said softly: "I just said that I will kill you within five moves! I, Chen Feng, how can I fail to speak?"

The following millions of Chu Jun all watched this scene, their eyes were full of expectation, but the facts slapped them in the face severely.

Seeing this scene, everyone's faces showed a touch of disbelief: "How is it possible? The generals is so powerful, how can it be killed by Chen Feng?"

"The Grand Marshal is a dignified five-star Martial King! He has not even supported five moves under Chen Feng?"

"God, this is not true, I don't believe it!"

When some Chu Jun saw this scene, they had a nervous breakdown and screamed crazy!

The following millions of great Chu crossbows were enveloped by desperate emotions, and everyone felt like they were going crazy!

Chen Feng just stood proudly above the sky, looking at them like a **** overlooking all living beings!

At this moment, suddenly I didn't know who yelled, and yelled in a crying voice: "The Generalissimo is dead, the Generalissimo is dead, let's each run away!"

Having said that, run away first.

With him taking the lead, many people followed suit one after another, and these Chu troops ran away frantically.

Even in order to get more chances for themselves, they did not hesitate to kill the comrades who stood in front of them. Chen Feng hadn't done anything yet, and the ground had become a Xiuluo field. In order to fight for a chance to survive, they killed frantically!

Chen Feng just watched this scene quietly, and a smile full of sarcasm appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Soon, the millions of troops escaped completely.

There was not even a Chu army left in Kangcheng, and the Chu army collapsed!

They flee madly towards the border between the Kingdom of Qin and the Kingdom of Chu, and everyone has only one thought in their hearts at this time, that is, the farther away from that devil, the better!

When Chen Feng saw this scene, a smile came out from the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, his figure flew up in the air, slowly chasing the Chu army.

Chen Feng did not go down to kill the Chu army. He just chased slowly in the sky. Han Yuer followed him and asked, "Chen Feng, what are you planning to do?"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "You'll see it later!"

Those Chu army ran away frantically on the ground, like long snakes!

They were very slow, and Chen Feng was not in a hurry, so they followed slowly. About half a day later, they reached the border between Qin and Chu.

Here, there is a Xiongguan, and the city wall is a thousand meters high. On the city wall, a large flag is waving in the wind, and the word "Chu" on the banner is impressive.

This place is a great pass in Chu State!


There are tens of thousands of troops stationed here, and their attitudes are very relaxed. Even the sergeants on the wall have time to chat and talk.

Suddenly, they saw a dark tide surge in the distance.

A sarcastic smile appeared at the corner of a soldier's mouth: "Those **** untouchables of Qin State, who are like flies without a head, and don't know the way, have fled to our side!"

He thought that the crowds were the people of Qin who had fled, because this was not the first time.

The Chu army slaughtered wildly in the Qin State. Many people in the Qin State had no way to go to the earth, and even those who were chased and killed fled to Chu State.

And their fate is even worse than being killed directly, because they will be captured by these Chu army, and the male will directly become coolies, and they will be exhausted in all kinds of heavy work.

And those women, who are more beautiful, are even more miserable, and will be ravaged to death by them!

There was a lewd smile on the face of a soldier of the Chu Army next to him, and he said: "Now, there are fresh goods to play with."

"It's been half a month since the last wave of refugees from the Qin Kingdom came here. I have played with the beautiful ones in them a long time ago. Now I am tired of looking at them. This time, there are a lot of fresh goods. Come up!"

"Yes," the other soldiers of the Chu army looked at each other, and they all made a lewd smile!

One of the soldiers of the Chu State greeted the city loudly: "Another Qin untouchable has fled here!"

"What? Here again?" Inside the city tower, in the barracks under the city wall, upon hearing this, they all made surprise shouts, and then a large swath of Chu army came out from it.

They came to the top of the city wall and looked far away with excited smiles on their faces: "Haha, really, blessed now!"

All of them have lustful faces on their faces, and even some of them are constantly swallowing saliva!

But soon, the obscene color on their faces disappeared.

Their expressions changed from excitement to astonishment, and there was a hint of anxiety and fear in the astonishment!

Because they clearly saw the black crowd, where is the Qin untouchable? That is clearly Chu's army soldiers!

But at this time, the state of mind of the soldiers of the Chu State who fell into their eyes was not much different from that of beggars. All of them were in trance and despair. Their clothes were tattered, and many of them were still wounded. .

They kept looking back while running away, as if there was a scourge behind them!

"How is it possible? This is our invincible army of Chu State, how did it end up in such an embarrassing situation?"

"I see them all with injuries, obviously fleeing in embarrassment. Could it be that they were chased by the Qin army?"

"Impossible, we have broken the three prefectures in succession, and all the pro-army soldiers were killed before they could react. It is impossible for Qin to fight back so quickly!"

"Hey, do you think these Chu troops are pretending? Could it be those Qin troops who want to counterattack..."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a disdainful laugh next to him: "Fart, how can those Qin Jun want to fight back now?"

"These can't be faked at all, and I have seen people I know, how can they be fake?"

The Chu army on the city wall talked a lot and became a mess.

At this time, a high-ranking military officer came out and yelled: "Shut up all the noise, I'll shut up!"

This was a ten thousand captain. He reprimanded him, and the wall was much quieter.

And this captain also looked at the Chu army who had fled, with a thick look of doubt on his face!

At this time, it seemed that it was because I saw the city wall and felt that I had returned to Chu State. The faces of those deserters from Chu State were grateful and joyful. Many people were relaxed and their feet relaxed a lot.

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly sneered: "Looking for death!"

With one slash, those Chu soldiers who fell in the end were beheaded suddenly, I don't know how many!

So the next moment, those Chu soldiers screamed in a stern panic, "That demon is here again, and Chen Feng is chasing and killing him again!"

"Run, run for your life, or we will die next!"

They immediately fled forward frantically!

They looked back at Chen Feng, and then quickly turned their heads back, as if they would die at the first glance.

They are getting closer and closer to the pass, and the soldiers above the pass are also seeing more clearly. They first saw the large army of Chu State that was overwhelmed by millions, and then their eyes turned to the back.

So they saw the chasing soldiers.

"What? Is this a joke?"

"How is it possible? Am I dazzled, this chaser is actually only one person?"

Because they saw that there was only one person chasing after the millions of Chu Kingdom army!

A handsome, tall young man with a huge black knife in his hand!

He walked slowly behind these Chu soldiers, dragging the knife on the ground, sputtering sparks!

Chen Feng, one person chases and kills millions!

He is like a lone wolf driving a flock of sheep, powerful and domineering!

"God, if I read it right, did they run for their lives because they were so scared by the person behind them?"

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