Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1803: Four knives, cut out five stars!

The leader said coldly: "No matter who you are, if you dare to come here to provoke, you will be broken into pieces! Today, here is where you are waiting for your bones!"

Chen Feng smiled coldly, and suddenly he pressed down severely.

Chen Feng didn't even make a move. The momentum was that the tens of thousands of Chu army around him could no longer stand and fell to the ground one after another!

Chen Feng looked at them with a smile, and said softly: "This is the first time we meet, you are so polite!"

These Chu Jun’s faces were full of horror and disbelief: "Who is this person? What's the source? How can he have such a strong strength, just rely on his aura to crush himself and others to the ground, unable to breathe. Angry?"

Suddenly someone exclaimed: "Are you Chen Feng?"

They thought of a terrible possibility.

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Yes, I am Chen Feng!"

Suddenly, the faces of all Chu troops were earthy.

Chen Feng exhaled again and said, "Chang Yongjia, get out and die!"

When he said these words, the tens of thousands of Chu Jun looked at him without the slightest contempt, and even the look of him as a lunatic.

Because everyone knows that Chen Feng is qualified to say this! He also has the ability to do it!

At this time, Chang Yongjia, who was meditating in the secret room of the Grand Marshal's Mansion, was also awakened by the thunderous sound.

He immediately raised his brows, and a cold murderous intent appeared in his eyes: "Looking for death!"

Then he pressed his hands and his figure disappeared directly.

In the next moment, he already appeared outside the Generalissimo's mansion.

Seeing Chang Yongjia appear, all Chu army cheered.

At this time, the Chu army gathered here has reached a million, but they all looked at Chen Feng with horror, no one dared to step forward.

In their eyes, this person was extremely powerful, and also extremely vicious, like a devil, and the number of Chu army who died under him has exceeded a million!

They didn't even dare to provoke, and the appearance of Chang Yongjia refreshed everyone.

In their opinion, since the General Marshal appeared, then Chen Feng would definitely die!

"This Chen Feng can't be the opponent of the Grand Marshal!" Everyone said so.

Chang Yongjia thinks so too. He looked at Chen Feng with a look down on his face, and slowly said, "Chen Feng, since you are here, then you must be killed by those people who have been wiped out. right?"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "That's right."

"You can kill them, it really proves that you are good, but your biggest mistake is to overestimate yourself!"

Chang Yongjia said coldly: "You kill them, do you think it will be my opponent? Tell you, I can kill them easily, and I kill you, it's even easier and effortless!"

He categorically said: "You came here today to find death!"

Suddenly he looked down at the millions of troops below and said proudly: "Dear soldiers, I am right in front of you today to look at our confidant Chen Feng and completely kill!"

"Hurrah! Long live!"

The soldiers of Chu State waved their weapons and shouted excitedly!

"The general marshal's action, Chen Feng will definitely die!"

"Yes, this Chen Feng is really stupid, dare to take the initiative to provoke the Generalissimo?"

"I think he is mad and boundless, huh, at a glance, I know that he is the kind of fortunate generation who has no background. With a little strength, he does not know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, but he does not know that the real strong is something he can provoke. ?"

These Chu Jun all talked about it, and no one thought Chen Feng could win.

And Chen Feng suddenly looked at Chang Yongjia, smiled and said, "This sentence is what I want to say to you."

A look of anger flashed across Chang Yongjia's face: "Little boy, really arrogant!"

As he said, his figure flashed, spanning thousands of meters, and slammed a fist towards Chen Feng.

In this fist, with the mighty power of the Five-Star Martial King, Chen Feng can judge from his fist. Although Chang Yongjia is a Five-Star Martial King, he is only in the early stage of the Five-Star Martial King.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, and suddenly he stretched out a slap!

Chang Yongjia looked cold and said: "What do you mean?"

Chen Feng smiled and said: "Within five moves, I will kill you!"

Chang Yongjia was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed incredulously. The laughter was full of disdain: "Chen Feng, are you crazy? You can kill me within five strokes? I think you can survive under my hands. Five strokes are good!"

And the Chu army below burst into a burst of laughter, full of mockery: "This Chen Feng, too ignorant of the heights of the sky, dare to say that the generals will be killed within five moves?"

"I see, it's almost the same if the General Marshal killed him with five moves!"

Everyone thinks that Chen Feng is crazy, talking nonsense here, very arrogant!

A sneer appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, with the Dragon Sword in his hand, and slashed forward fiercely, shouting loudly, "The first knife!"

Bahuang Ji Mie cut the first knife, and fell extremely fiercely, directly smashing Chang Yongjia's offensive, and then leaving countless dense wounds on his body.

Chang Yongjia's body was dripping with blood, and he looked miserable.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

And this is just the beginning. Chen Feng let out a long smile, shouting loudly: "Second cut!"

It is the second stage of the crazy splitting of the Eight Desolation Silence Slash!

After the second knife fell, Chang Yongjia let out a miserable scream, and then the muscles on the surface of its body were bombarded with countless huge wounds on display.

The voice of Chen Feng's laughter spread all over the world: "The third knife!"

Chen Feng's third knife smashed again, and the third knife broke the tendons!

Boom boom boom boom, all the big tendons in Chang Yongjia's body broke at this moment, and his face became distorted by the pain, and he let out a stern roar: "How is it possible? How can your strength be so strong? Can you beat me seriously?"

After Chen Feng broke into the two-star Martial King Realm, the power of the Eight Desolation Silence Slash was even stronger!

A sneer appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "Do you think this is all there is to it?"

He let out a violent roar: "Bahuang Ji Mie cut the fourth sword, broken bone!"

When Chen Feng's sword fell, Chang Yongjia's eyes showed extreme fear, and a look of despair appeared on his face.

He could feel that Chen Feng's sword was extremely powerful!

This knife could definitely kill him!

He yelled furiously and blasted at Chen Feng frantically. He used his most powerful trick and all his hole cards.

However, it is useless at all!

Chen Feng's sword was extremely powerful, and it directly smashed all his moves, and then fell on his body in the next moment!

Everyone felt that at this moment, time seemed to stand still, and then the next moment, time resumed its normal flow rate.

At this time, Chang Yongjia opened his mouth wide. He seemed to want to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

Because at this time, all the bones of his body, in an instant, all burst into pieces, turning into countless little lights, scattered in the air!

After that, Chang Yongjia's remaining body was directly shattered!

The Grand Marshal of Chu, the five-star king master, Chang Yongjia, was beheaded by Chen Feng with four swords!

No bones left!

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