Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1796: Fight then!

"That's right, and he solved these two mountain giants so easily, with only one punch, this Chen Feng is really terrifying! Why should we provoke such a powerful enemy?"

These Chu Army soldiers were completely desperate, and many of them even knelt directly to the ground, threw away their weapons, and kowtow to Chen Feng repeatedly, begging Chen Feng for forgiveness.

General Liu's face was pale and his lips trembled.

He was trembling all over, the arrogance on his face just disappeared without a trace, and only despair was left.

Chen Feng suddenly turned his gaze, looked at him, showed a slight smile, and said softly: "Did you just ask me to kill the two mountain giants first? I did as you wished, and now I have killed them! "

"You, what else do you want to say to me?"

General Liu Daqing's lips trembled, looking at Chen Feng, he couldn't say a word.

Chen Feng's smile suddenly became cold and stern: "Don't you say it? Okay, then let me do it!"

"You gangsters, now, all die!"

With that said, Chen Feng swooped down crazily in a tyrannical and unmatched posture, and bombarded with both fists one after another.

Then General Liu and his generals screamed desperately and threw their fists to resist.

But they also knew that this resistance would have no effect at all!

In the next moment, they were all killed by Chen Feng, and none of them survived.

Then, the army of hundreds of thousands collapsed directly!

Although Chu Jun still has hundreds of thousands, he has no fighting spirit.

At this time, on a mountain in the distance, among the dense forest, dozens of people are hiding in it. Each of them has deliberately reduced his momentum, but it can still be felt that everyone's aura is quite large. , And full of bitter killing intent, strong blood.

Obviously, no one knew how much blood was on his hands.

The leader was a tall and thin middle-aged man, like a weak scholar, but his eyes flashed viciously from time to time.

These people are just Yu Shizhong and his party!

They have been in ambush here for a long time, just to wait for Chen Feng’s appearance. When they saw Chen Feng, Yu Shizhong showed an expression of excitement on his face. He laughed and said, "Everyone, that Chen Feng came from I was caught, now let's go out and kill him!"

He did not put Chen Fengfeng in his eyes at all, although he had witnessed Chen Feng killing two mountain giants.

But in his opinion, although Chen Feng can easily kill two mountain giants, he is definitely not an opponent of these people.

These people, but the most elite of the millions of Chu State's army, kill Chen Feng!

He is full of confidence.

Chen Feng was about to chase down the Chu sergeants who had fled. Suddenly, he felt an extremely violent fluctuation in the aura around him.

Then, countless powerful auras are pouring toward him!

A slight smile appeared at the corner of Chen Fengfeng's mouth, and he chuckled softly: "Oh, did you play this trick with me? Okay, then I will continue!"

With that, he was floating in the air far away, motionless.

In a blink of an eye, those breaths quickly approached. Hundreds of figures showed their figures. They surrounded Chen Feng tightly, and each of them exuded a huge breath.

Headed by Yu Shizhong.

He looked at Chen Feng with a smug smile on his face, as if he was holding the winning ticket: "Haha, Chen Feng, no matter how cunning you are, didn't you end up in my trap?"

Chen Feng looked at them and said lightly: "So, you are waiting for me here?"

"Yes, we are waiting for you here!"

Yu Shizhong stared at Chen Feng, and said in a dark voice: "What you did here has completely angered the Generalissimo. The Generalissimo sent an army master to besieged you, and I expected you would not Let go of these hundreds of thousands of Chu army, so we simply wait here."

"Sure enough, I didn't expect it to be bad at all, you came from the net!"

A triumphant smile appeared on his face and he laughed.

Everyone beside him also showed confident smiles. Obviously, in their opinion, with the existence of people like himself, Chen Feng has absolutely no chance of survival today.

Yu Shizhong pointed to Chen Feng and slowly said, "Here is your place of death and burial!"

When he said this, he was very confident, and he obviously felt that Chen Feng would be able to stay today.

There was a sneer at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, and he slowly said, "You know, there are not thousands or hundreds of people who have said this to me, but in the end, the place they were referring to became their burial place. Earth! And to this day, I am still safe and sound!"

"Boy, arrogant! You really don't know how high the sky is!"

"Do you know how powerful these people are?" Yu Shizhong said with disdain.

With that said, he was the first to release his powerful aura, and those people also released their aura.

Everyone with the lowest strength is the two-star Wuwang, among which there are dozens of three-star Wuwang, and there are more than ten four-star Wuwang!

"Have you seen it?" Yu Shizhong raised his chin and stared at Chen Feng with a downward look, and said: "We are so powerful, do you think we can't keep you today?"

Chen Feng didn't speak, and there was a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, without the slightest panic.

But this scene was just a pretense in Yu Shizhong, he didn't believe that Chen Feng would not panic!

He said disdainfully: "Okay, Chen Feng, you don't have to force it, I know you are very flustered now, this is not shameful."

"After all, we have so many masters, you simply can't beat them."

Chen Feng shook his head, with a mocking smile on his face. He really didn't panic at all. Among the remaining teachers, they were too overestimated.

He said lightly: "Actually, I know that there is an ambush here, but what is this ambush in my opinion? If there is an ambush, then just smash it!"

The people of Yu Shizhong sneered with disdain and ridicule all over the world.

Chen Feng didn't speak, but just hooked his finger at Yu Shizhong and his contempt was self-evident.

Yu Shizhong said with a cold expression: "Chen Feng, if you can live ten breaths under our hands, I will even win!"

Chen Feng suddenly yelled: "Then fight!"

With that said, he actually launched an attack on his own initiative, rushing directly into the array of hundreds of people, and blasted a fist.

These people didn't expect Chen Feng to take the initiative to attack so many opponents, and he was a little flustered for a while.

After Chen Feng's fist blasted out, he directly smashed the three Samsung Wuwang.

Seeing this scene, everyone's faces were shocked.

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