Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1795: One punch! That's enough!

"These two giants are extremely powerful mountain giants. Do you know mountain giants?"

He patted his head, pretending to be suddenly enlightened, and said: "I forgot, how could a lowly-bred untouch like you have heard of such a powerful existence as a mountain giant?"

As he said, he burst into a burst of disdainful laughter, and the generals beside him also laughed in agreement.

At this time, they no longer had any fear of Chen Feng.

Obviously, in their opinion, after the appearance of these two huge mountain giants, Chen Feng's fate has been decided.

He will definitely die!

One of the lieutenants laughed and said, "General Liu, aren't you a bit bullying?"

"It's his kind of pariah, how could he have heard of a mountain giant?"

Then General Liu looked at Chen Feng, with a look of disdain and arrogance on his face, and said: "Untouchables, I will let you learn more today."

"Tell you, mountain giants are quite powerful even among the giants! Adult mountain giants can reach the five-star Wuwang realm. These two mountain giants are the beasts driven by our army, but It's just a larva, but its strength has reached four stars and five kings! It must not be underestimated!"

Chen Feng looked at them and shook his head slowly, feeling very ridiculous in his heart.

If you talk about the understanding of giants, I'm afraid that few people can compare to him, so these people are still here with arrogance?

Chen Feng suddenly showed an extremely confident and wild color in his eyes. He looked up to the sky and laughed: "Are these two mountain giants your hope? You are too weak!"

"Believe it or not, in the next moment, I will cut your hopes to pieces?"

"It's really ridiculous! It's ridiculous!" General Liu gave out a disdainful laugh, pointed at Chen Feng and said: "If you are really good, you will kill both of them. If you can't do it, you are Fart here!"

The generals and soldiers around him also laughed disdainfully.

The gazes of those soldiers looking at the mountain giant were full of strong confidence, which was their invincible confidence.

And their eyes on Chen Feng were full of disdain and contempt. Obviously, in their opinion, Chen Feng was talking nonsense here, and he had no power to defeat these two powerful mountain giants!

At the beginning, by chance, the Chu State besieged and killed a very powerful mountain giant who was almost sick and died. At the same time, he also obtained two cubs of mountain giants, captured them and domesticated them, and used them as beasts in the army!

These two mountain giants have always been invincible, whether they are siege or field battles, they are extremely powerful, exerting great power and making them full of confidence!

"Kill the two of them, right?" Chen Feng laughed, "Okay, then I'm just as you wish!"

His voice echoed in the sky: "Kill them, one punch, that's enough!"

Then, Chen Feng leaped into the air, and the Dragon Slaying Sword in his hand slashed out frantically.

Eight Desolate Silence!

First cut, break the skin!

The second cut, cut off the meat!

The third cut, broken tendons!

Three swords in a row, crazily cut down on the body of one of the mountain giants.

When the first knife fell, the stone-hard skin of the mountain giant burst open.

When the second knife fell, the muscles on the surface of his body split, exposing the hard cyan bones inside.

And when the third knife fell, all the meridians on the surface of his body, dong dong dong, all cracked.

After the three swords fell, this head reached the realm of the four-star martial king, the extremely tall mountain giant, the whole has become a blue skeleton, and before he even screamed, he fell to the ground!

"What?" Seeing this scene, all the Chu soldiers' faces made an expression of disbelief, which was a huge shock.

"How could there be such a powerful existence?"

At this time, a trace of despair appeared in many people's hearts.

But they still have another hope, that is the other giant mountain.

As a result, they all turned their gazes to the mountain giant. When the mountain giant saw his companion killed, his face was full of anger, and a word in his throat rolled and burst out: "Death!"

Then, he waved his fist the size of a mountain and slammed it at Chen Feng.

The reason why the mountain giants are so powerful is that besides their own level and tyranny, there is another reason that they are naturally proficient in boxing.

This punch seems to be out of order, but in fact it contains an incomparable sense of fist.

After this punch, Chen Feng was unavoidable, unavoidable, and straightforward!

The following Chu Jun laughed triumphantly: "Haha, Chen Feng is definitely over now!"

"Yes, he can only choose to greet him, and if he insists on it, how can he stop the punch of the mountain giant with his strength?"

"The punch of the mountain giant can definitely blast Chen Feng directly into a powder!"

"Yes!" everyone shouted loudly!

At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly lowered his head, glanced at them with pitying eyes, and said faintly: "Hold it up, right? Okay, then I will do it!"

With that said, he actually put away the Dragon Slaying Knife, and then also threw it out with a punch.

In Chen Fengfeng's body, blood rushed.

It was the blood of a giant, and there was a faint light of thunder on his body, and a burst of electric light crackled on the surface of his body.

In an instant, Chen Feng felt that his body had become extremely powerful.

And the fact is exactly the case, Chen Feng's physical strength at this time has even surpassed the Samsung Wuwang.

Then the next moment, I saw Chen Feng's fist and the mountain giant's fist slammed together.

Those Chu soldiers watched this scene expectantly, ready to cheer for the next moment.

However, a scene that made everyone stunned appeared.

After the two fists intersected, there was a violent explosion, and the arm of the mountain giant was directly shattered.

This was not over yet, Chen Feng's fist hit his body fiercely again, directly exploding his body to pieces.

This extremely powerful mountain giant was smashed to pieces by Chen Feng!

Chen Feng, with one knife and one punch, killed two powerful mountain giants one after another!

This scene shocked all the Chu army, terrified, and desperate at the same time.

They completely lost hope, Chen Feng was too powerful, and he was almost beyond their imagination!

"We are completely finished. Such a powerful mountain giant is not Chen Feng's opponent, let alone us!"

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