Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1778: Chase her back!

On today's trip, he had already told Luo Zilan, and Luo Zilan had no objection at that time, instead, there was a full smile on her face.

Chen Feng still remembers what she said, remembering every word: "Chen Feng, go quickly, she is your senior sister, she is reasonable, you should not abandon her, and I would love to see you The scene where the two reunited!"

So Chen Feng was relieved.

However, it was still a bit embarrassing after all.

So he was in a nervous mood at this time, but when he first opened the door, his face suddenly changed because he didn't feel any breath inside.

Chen Feng immediately panicked, he was afraid that something would happen to Luo Zilan.

But when he entered the yard, kicked the door open, and saw the neatly arranged things inside, he knew that he was wrong.

Especially when he saw the letter on the table, he became more aware of it.

He tremblingly picked up the letter, Chen Feng had almost guessed the content of the letter, but he didn't want to believe it.

Finally, he saw that what was written in the letter was generally the same as what he had guessed.

"Husband, please allow me to call you husband here. I have never called you like this before. I have been thinking about it, but I have never dared. I am very embarrassed."

"Think about it now, it's really stupid! I should have been cheeky at the time, then I got what I wanted. Husband, when you read this letter, you should have guessed it, I'm gone!"

"Big men live in the world. Three wives and four concubines are not uncommon, especially young geniuses like you. Not to mention three wives and four concubines. Thirty wives and forty concubines are all normal, but I, I can't tolerate it!"

By the time he wrote this, Chen Feng saw the handwriting, which was already a silver hook, like a sword, full of fierce meaning.

"Perhaps you think I'm stupid like this, but I'm like this. When I think that I am going to fight her in the back home from now on, when I think that I will be cautiously naughty with you from now on, because if I make you unhappy, then I will fall out of favor, and I shudder when I think about it!"

"I can't become such a person, Luo Zilan doesn't want this, so Chen Feng, I'm leaving."

"You know who I followed, and you also know the name of the sect. Chen Feng, let it go, we should all let it go!"

"Don't come to me, and I won't go to you again. After all, the two of us have nothing to do with each other! Let's pass this way! Wife, Luo Zilan left a book!"

Seeing this, Chen Feng's whole body trembled, and there was a deep pain in his face.

His hand shook, and the letter quietly fell.

Han Yu'er walked into the room quietly, she could guess something when she saw Chen Feng's expression, and when she saw the letter, her heart became clearer.

She read it carefully, and then whispered: "What a lovely and righteous woman!"

She suddenly looked at Chen Feng, smiled and said, "Chen Feng, you won't be as she said, don't you go to her?"

Chen Feng looked at Han Yuer questioningly, Han Yuer chuckled, and said, "What are you looking at? Can you tell me whether the flowers are coming?"

Chen Feng was a little surprised, and said a little nervously: "Senior Sister, are you not angry?"

"Of course I must be angry!" Han Yuer's face suddenly became stern.

Chen Feng immediately became nervous, standing beside him as if he had done something wrong.

When Han Yuer saw him like this, she suddenly felt very cute. She laughed and said, "Ha, Junior Brother, I am teasing you. Why am I angry?"

She stroked Chen Feng's face, and said affectionately: "Junior Brother, you worked hard to save me. After giving everything you have, I will know your thoughts."

"Since you have me in your heart, love me, and read me, then everything is enough. I don't care if there are other people!"

Chen Feng showed a touch of ecstasy on his face and said, "Sister, what do you mean?"

"Go, when you are strong enough, go chase her, chase her back, you are so good, I don't believe she will not be moved!"

A deep gratefulness surged in Chen Feng's heart. He looked at Han Yu'er and said softly: "Senior Sister, I, I really don't know what to say."

Han Yuer suddenly grabbed his ears and warned: "But I warn you, in any case, I am a big lady, and I will be the master in the inner house!"

Chen Feng hurriedly begged for mercy: "Yes, Senior Sister, of course!"

Han Yu'er hugged him, chirped on his face, and kissed hard!

Chen Feng laughed up to the sky, his heart full of pride, and a voice roared: "Sister Luo, what about you gone? Do you think you can escape my palm? Tell you, it's impossible!"

"One day, I will chase you back!"

"So how strong is the Bahuang Tianmen? How can I be afraid?"

The name of the river is Lishui, beautiful Li.

As the name suggests, the scenery on this river is very pleasant. The water is not wide and the current is not rushing, but the water is crystal clear and green.

And the magic is that the bottom of the water is full of colorful colored stones. At this time, the sun shines through and shines into the bottom of the water to reflect bursts of colorful light.

It's like a rainbow.

There are boats on the river, and walking through it is like walking through rainbow gates.

On both sides of the river, there are green mountains and clear waters, which are extremely beautiful.

As a result, a dreamlike scene was constructed!

At this time, a bamboo raft arrived gracefully.

The bamboo raft is very simple, but it is made of seven or eight moso bamboos, and even some of the green bamboo leaves on it have not been removed.

On the bamboo raft, the two sit and stand one by one.

The standing man stood with his hands in the wind, dressed in a qingyi, hunting and blowing the clothes, like a fairy.

Behind him, there is a woman with a beautiful appearance and a slender figure, wearing a yellow shirt.

Above her knees, there is a scorched-tailed piano. Her hands are playing gently on the piano. The sound of music is ding-dong, accompanied by the sound of the current, the sound of the bamboo raft breaking the waves, and the mountains and forests on both sides. The worms and birds in the screamed a few times, just like nature.

The man in the green shirt didn't move. He narrowed his eyes slightly, completely immersed in the sky.

After a long time, the song ended.

The man in the green shirt turned his head and smiled and said, "Sister, your piano art is getting better and better. I remember when you were in Qian Yuanzong before, you didn't know how to play the piano."

"When I was in Qian Yuanzong, I practiced for a whole day. Where would I have time to learn piano?"

The woman in the yellow shirt smiled slightly: "In the past few years at Lie’s house, they were quite jealous of me. They didn’t want me to practice martial arts, and they also found many excuses, but I knew it clearly in my heart that they didn’t want me to do so. Stealing Lie Muyan's limelight."

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