Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1777: germination

The rest of them, I'm afraid they will hide in a remote place where no one finds them, and rebuild their foundation!

Chen Feng said to Han Yu'er: "Sister, let's start! I'm here to protect the law for you."

Han Yuer nodded heavily.

Then, she walked to the melting pot and took a deep breath. She didn't do anything, just started to run the martial spirit in her body.

So, in his lower abdomen, the greenery began to seep out slowly.

The power of the martial arts gradually flourished, and Chen Feng could clearly see that her martial arts quietly became clear at this time.

Her spirit was originally just a seed, but now it has become a seedling.

This seedling is only the size of a palm, it is verdant and looks extremely beautiful!

And what shocked Chen Feng was that he could actually feel an aura that made him tremble from it. That aura was huge, and it was also extremely powerful.

What made Chen Feng even more shocked was that this breath seemed to come from the ancient wilderness, a little similar to the huge breath in his body!

Suddenly, a phantom flashed in front of Chen Feng, and he felt that this small tree suddenly grew, burst into flames, began to grow, and then became extremely large and infinite.

In the end, it was even beyond what Chen Feng thought could imagine, and it even contained time and space!

Chen Feng was shocked and broke free from this illusion with a boom, and at this time he was already in a cold sweat.

A voice rang in Chen Feng's heart: "Senior Sister's Martial Spirit, what is the origin? This is too powerful, absolutely extraordinary!"

But at this moment, as the aura on Han Yu'er's martial arts exuded, those martial arts who were originally severely bound by the furnace were all flying.

They flew up in the air, then with a snap, they dissipated into countless spots of light.

The light spots are divided into two colors, one is green and the other is fiery red. All these light spots are absorbed by Han Yu'er into the martial soul, and merge into her martial soul.

A martial spirit was absorbed, and Chen Feng saw that Han Yuer's sapling martial spirit had grown about an inch from the size of a palm!

Then, another martial soul flew in... the martial soul was constantly being absorbed, and Han Yu'er's martial soul was also growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When all the martial arts had been absorbed, Han Yu'er's martial arts had grown more than a foot tall, crystal clear, extremely cute, and extremely gorgeous.

And above the tree, the red light spots converged into a very thin, very thin red vein about the thickness of a hair.

These red light spots can converge into huge channels with a diameter of tens of meters on the plants in other people's bodies, but after all of them are absorbed by her, they can only converge into the thickness of hair, which shows how her martial spirit quality is. high!

Moreover, her Martial Spirit was originally just a small tree, and the small branches were bare and there was nothing.

At this time, Chen Feng unexpectedly saw that at the top of this small tree, the young shoots began to be drawn out.

Chen Feng was shocked and said, "Senior Sister, is your little tree going to grow leaves?"

Han Yuer hadn't noticed at first, but when Chen Feng said, she looked down and said in surprise: "It should be."

Suddenly, there was a flash of green light in the body, and Han Yu'er immediately exclaimed, "I felt a strange fluctuation. It must be that this little tree is about to sprout."

Both of them showed ecstasy on their faces, and Chen Feng looked forward to what kind of leaves this little tree Martial Spirit could grow, and what kind of effects the leaves could have!

The shoot grew gradually, and finally, struggled to start.

Then Chen Feng saw that its tip turned out to be milky white.

This white is very holy, exuding a thick sacred light, which makes people hardly dare to look directly at it.

Chen Feng suddenly looked forward to it even more, and finally, the white struggling bit by bit, first the curly leaf surface, and finally slowly unfolding.

After a full hour, this white leaf was considered to be fully grown when it was sunset.

The white leaves are extremely beautiful and sacred, with a thick white light on the surface!

The white light escaped a little and fell on Chen Feng, and Chen Feng immediately felt his body feel relieved!

He said in surprise: "What magical effect does this leaf have?"

Now there are very few items that can make a martial artist of Chen Feng's level feel comfortable.

Han Yuer closed her eyes, feeling slowly.

After a long time, she opened her eyes with a smile on the corner of her mouth. Looking at Chen Feng, she said softly: "Chen Feng, I already understand the function of this leaf, it's just that,"

She smiled slyly, looked at Chen Feng, and said quizzically: "I can't tell you now, and let me put it down."

Chen Feng laughed, pointed at her, and said, "You!"

Chen Feng didn't follow up, anyway, Han Yuer would never harm him.

Today finally ends here, all over!

Chen Feng grabbed Han Yu'er's hand and walked towards the Dragon God's Mansion.

After leaving the city, the two did not fly forward, but just walked forward along the official road, holding hands.

It was already autumn, and the autumn was high and refreshing. As it approached the evening, the sunset glow was shining in the distance, magnificent and magnificent. In the woods on both sides, the roar of insects and beasts continued to sound.

The wind comes slowly, the temperature is cool, and it blows comfortably on people's faces.

Walking among them, such as in the middle of the painting, Han Yuer was very excited. She took Chen Feng's hand and chatted, as if she cherished such a simple walk.

And Chen Feng still had an unrealistic feeling of illusion until now.

"Just today, I destroyed the Lie family. Just today, I broke through and entered the Martial King Realm. Just today, I beheaded the Four-Star Martial King. It is also today that I lost my Ziyue! I have seen it win Chaoyang is such a powerful son of a family!"

Chen Feng felt that this day passed just like a fake one, a day was so short, but so many major events had happened, and his destiny was completely changed!

However, when Chen Feng felt the tenderness in the palm of his hand, he immediately felt very real.

He clenched that little hand, and whispered to himself softly: "It's true, all of this is true. I also found the senior sister today."

He suddenly grabbed Han Yu'er and held her heavily in his arms.

Han Yu'er was startled, but she seemed to be able to feel Chen Feng's mood, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she hugged him tightly.

Chen Feng murmured in her ear: "Senior Sister, from now on, we two will never be separated."

"Okay, never parting again." Han Yuer nodded heavily and looked at Chen Feng with nostalgia.

When Chen Feng pushed open the small courtyard gate of Longshenhou's Mansion, he was still a little worried.

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