Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1774: The secret of map fragments

Xun Zheng took a deep look at Chen Feng and took Lao Qi and the others away.

Chen Feng understood what he meant. They obviously didn't want to reveal their identity, so they left quietly.

Chen Feng will naturally take this kindness in his heart.

Then, Chen Feng turned Sen Ran's gaze to the Lie family not far away.

At this time, the Lie family and others all looked pale and desperate!

Chen Feng walked towards them slowly, and whispered as he walked, "Now, are you ready?"

"Your Lie family chores, it's time to repay the blood debt!"

When Chen Feng walked in front of them, he found that Mrs. Lie was still stable, while Lie Bowen was already trembling with scared teeth.

He looked at Chen Feng and murmured: "Chen Feng, don't kill me, don't kill me."

When Chen Feng looked at them, his heart suddenly moved, and he didn't immediately kill him.

He turned around, looked at everyone, and said coldly: "You stay here honestly, if anyone dares to run, I will kill him!"

These people nodded quickly in fright.

Chen Feng smiled coldly, and directly took Madam Lie and Lie Bowen into a hidden hall.

The walls of the main hall blocked everyone's sight, so that outsiders didn't know what was happening inside.

Then Chen Feng looked at the two of them without speaking, just staring at them without blinking.

And his aura suddenly increased, and he pressed hard against the two.

Suddenly, Mrs. Lie and Lie Bowen felt as if a mountain was pressing on their heads, and they landed slowly and slowly, so that their limbs were all lying on the ground.

The two of them felt that they were about to be pressed into a piece of paper, and blood spurted out of their mouths, flowed out of the seven orifices, and oozes from each pore, making them extremely painful.

What was even more painful was that they could clearly feel that Death was approaching little by little, and the vitality was being cut off little by little.

If Chen Feng killed them directly with a sharp knife, they would not be so scared, but now this kind of torture makes them extremely fearful and desperate.

At this moment, when they were struggling to survive, a faint voice suddenly came out: "You guys, do you want to live?"

"Yes!" Almost without hesitation, the two shouted loudly in unison!

Then in the next moment, they felt the pressure on their bodies suddenly eased.

Both of them collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath, never felt able to breathe fresh air freely. It was such a lucky thing.

Because just now, Chen Feng's huge aura squashed their lungs and squeezed out all the qi. They couldn't do it even if they wanted to breathe!

Chen Feng looked down at them with a smile on his mouth, and said softly: "Now, I have a question for you. Whoever answers the two of you quickly will be able to die a little easier."

"If anyone answers slowly, I will let me kill him in the same way as before."

Both of them shivered violently, and Lie Bowen shouted out almost without hesitation: "Say it, I will answer."

His spirit was consumed by Chen Feng's cruel methods just now, and he no longer had the slightest thought of resistance.

Chen Feng nodded in satisfaction, and slowly uttered a sentence: "My uncle Han Cong stole a treasure from your Lie's house at that time, it is a fragment of a map."

"He took this map fragment and came to Qian Yuanzong for 20 years to find a secret place. You probably already know these things."

"Then what I want to ask now, where did you get the fragment of the map?"

When Chen Feng said this, his eyes didn't blink and he stared at them.

Chen Feng could immediately catch any slight emotional fluctuations on their faces at this time.

Sure enough, Chen Feng immediately saw that after hearing these words, both Mrs. Lie and Lie Bowen trembled violently in an instant, with a solemn and shocked expression on their faces.

Obviously, this is a big secret involving their family, and it is very, very important!

Both of them looked hesitant!

Chen Feng immediately judged based on the reactions of the two of them. First, they knew the secret of this matter, and second, they were unwilling to say it.

Chen Feng didn't hesitate at all, and he didn't spend any words, his aura was immediately suppressed again.

So in the next moment, the two people once again experienced the pain of living away from themselves little by little.

Lie Bowen couldn't bear it at all. He has always been rich in clothes and food. Where did he suffer so much?

Immediately screamed: "I said, I said, I will tell you everything!"

Chen Feng let out a sneer: "I didn't say it just now, now I want to say it, it's too late!"

As he said, he didn't stop, his breath continued to press down.

Liebowen wanted to wait until he removed his breath to bargain, in exchange for his own life by telling the secret, but now he didn't even have the mind to bargain.

Because he could see that Chen Feng said that he would kill them when he killed them. Without hesitation, he didn't seem to care about the secret.

In this way, he doesn't even have any bargaining chips, how can he bargain?

This is what Chen Feng wants!

Finally, Lie Bowen wailed loudly, and had a nervous breakdown: "You let me die faster, as long as you let me die faster, I will say anything?"

At this time, Chen Feng smiled and nodded, and withdrew his momentum.

Lie Bowen was like a fish thrown into the water, suddenly becoming happy, and then he couldn't wait for Chen Feng to ask questions, he couldn't wait to explain all the secrets!

"That fragment is a treasure that has been passed down in our Lie’s family for thousands of years, and who followed this map fragment to the family, there is also a motto: If you can penetrate the secret in this map fragment , You can get supreme power, and you will never be subjugated by then!"

"However, the first dozen generations of ancestors in the family have exhausted all their life's energy, painstaking efforts, and painstaking insights, but they did not get anything. In the end, they were nothing but a bamboo basket, but they almost exhausted the power of the family. "

"So, from that time on, this map fragment was completely sealed and kept in the family, but no one was thinking about it, and very few people even knew about it."

Chen Feng sighed slightly. In fact, what the proverb said is not wrong. It is really true to get the secret of the first quarter of the first floor of the tomb of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang. Not to mention!

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