Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1773: One day, set foot on the winner!

"No need," Ying Chaoyang said indifferently: "My sister can return to the family, and the family must be celebrating. This is the best birthday gift. Why else?"

He said, grabbing Ziyue's hand, flashing away, and leaving quickly.

Ziyue turned her head with dismay, looking at Chen Feng, her eyes were full of affection.

Chen Feng even understood the meaning in her eyes: "Chen Feng, you must come to me!"

Looking at their backs, Chen Feng shouted crazy in his heart: "Zi Yue, wait for me, I will definitely go to you!"

Win Chaoyang disappeared without a trace, and the whole Lie family fell into embarrassing silence.

The Emperor Da Qin glared at Chen Fengfeng bitterly. His eyes were full of murderous intent, but he did not dare to do it, because he knew that Chen Feng had a strong backing to win the sun and a winner. If he dared to do it, the consequences would be disastrous. .

He took a deep breath, plundered the monster beast in the air, and roared: "Let's go!"

He was extremely depressed, but he dared not vent to Chen Feng!

The emperor is gone, Chang Haitao is gone.

Most of the people did not leave. They all looked at Chen Feng in awe. At this time, everyone knew that Chen Feng was not only powerful, but he also had an extremely powerful backing.

The young man in Xuanyi was in awe of the emperor. His background made people tremble even thinking about it!

At this moment, Chen Feng stood there, motionless, didn't know what he was thinking, no one dared to disturb him.

But in fact, Chen Feng's heart was surrounded by humiliation.

A voice in his heart screamed wildly: "Are you great if you are from an ancient family? Are you great if you are a winner? Are you great if your blood is noble?"

"Can you look down on me like this? Can you deal with me with this kind of charity attitude? Can you take Ziyue away unscrupulously and show your arrogance in front of me?"

Suddenly, Chen Feng took a deep breath.

He raised his arms, looked at the sky, and let out a silent roar: "Wait, win the morning sun, one day, I will let you lower your proud head!"

"Wait, winner, one day, I will step on the door and bring Ziyue back!"

Although the words are silent, they are heroic, and go straight into the sky, like the most solemn oath.

Then, Chen Feng quickly adjusted his mentality. He opened the jade box and saw that there were five pills in the jade box.

Each one is green in color, showing a strong vitality, and the surface is extremely smooth, and you can see it at a glance!

"Come on," Chen Feng said to the four Zhujian Honglu: "Let's have one pill for one person. This pill should have an excellent healing effect."

"Okay." Xun Zheng and others are not polite to him, they have already experienced life and death together, where do you need such a polite?

One person took a pill and swallowed it without hesitation.

As soon as the pill entered the body, all five of them immediately felt that an extremely cool air current exploded in the body.

Then this airflow quickly entered the meridians, followed the blood vessels, and even every inch of musculoskeletal, wandering through the body, washing away all the injuries in the body.

Just like a flood crossing the border, wherever it has been washed, the skin suddenly cracks, bruises flow out, white bones grow muscles, all the dark wound toxins in the body are exhausted, and there is no hidden danger!

At this time, the five of Chen Feng were recovering from their injuries, sitting cross-legged, seemingly unable to fight back.

However, none of his enemies dared to do it. The four great masters looked at each other in the crowd, and they all saw a trace of despair in the eyes of each other.

The four of them all looked gray and dejected, and they didn't feel any resistance anymore. They all felt that there was no hope, and they were ready to go back behind closed doors and wait for death.

The four people left one after another, while everyone in the Lie family shrank there.

Everything that happened today was far beyond their imagination. They thought that one Jin Taishang was enough to kill Chen Feng, but they didn't expect that Jin Taishang was killed by Chen Feng, the fifth prince was killed by Chen Feng, and even the commander His Majesty and the emperor had no choice but to win Chen Feng.

"What kind of character is Chen Feng? How many hole cards does he have? How can he be so strong?"

Everyone in the Lie family is like a lamb to be slaughtered at this time, and they don't even have the thought of resisting!

The crowd around the audience also dispersed. It is conceivable that it won't take long for Chen Feng's reputation to spread throughout the Thirty-Seven Kingdoms of Slaying Dragons.

The mystery of Chen Feng and the strength of Chen Feng will be talked about, and there are endless rumors!

But the people of the Lie family didn't dare to leave. They didn't even have the idea of ​​leaving. They had been scared of Chen Feng, and now they were terrified of Chen Feng.

Less than an hour later, Chen Feng felt that the last icy airflow disappeared in his body without a trace, and the last bit of injury in his body was also thoroughly washed away!

Chen Feng exhaled a **** breath, his injuries recovered.

But instead of opening his eyes, he was realizing it with his heart.

He was realizing the wonderful feeling just now, this pill was different from the feeling brought to Chen Feng by any pill before.

The previous medicinal pills were all hot with a fire attribute, because they were refined in the furnace,

Alchemy requires fire naturally, so the power of the fire attribute will naturally penetrate in.

Regardless of whether this pill is gentle or domineering, the power of the fire attribute will always work from it.

Chen Feng took so many elixirs, the feeling he got was roughly like this!

But this pill was completely different. Chen Feng didn't feel the slightest smell of fire from it, but instead carried a thick water spirit with thick water vapor in it.

As a result, the way he treated was different. It was scrubbing, as if floods surging back and forth in Chen Feng's wounds, completely washing off Chen Feng's injuries, so Chen Feng felt very novel!

After a long time, Chen Feng opened his eyes.

He felt that his understanding of this kind of medicine had become more profound than before, and it was even helpful to his refining medicine.

And almost at the same time, the four people who cast the sword Honglu also opened their eyes.

Old Qi waved his arms, stood up and jumped twice, and then said with surprise and joy: "I am now completely wounded. I was so badly injured and was hit hard, but now I have completely recovered!"

"The effect of this pill is so magical than us..."

Having said this, she stopped in time and didn't say anything further, and Chen Feng didn't think much about it.

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