Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1655: The opportunity is here!

He looked at the apprentice Jufeng in the distance, thinking for a while.

After a long time, Chen Feng had a clear thought in his heart: "If I sneak directly into the Netherworld Sword Gate, it will definitely not work. The Netherworld Sword Gate is so powerful and the defense is very strong. I'm afraid that it won't take a moment or three to be discovered, and there will only be a dead end."

"If this is the case, then we have to think of another way."

Chen Feng showed a confident expression on his face, turned around and left here quickly!

Chen Feng didn't leave the range of the nirvana sword gate, but followed the road when he came back to a river valley.

He was in this valley, randomly selected a town, and settled on the stone mountain outside the town.

Chen Fengping was calm, neither irritable nor discouraged. He practiced on time every day.

In addition, one of the things he did the most was to observe the situation in the town not far from the mountain and observe all the changes there.

Chen Fengfeng believes that since the gate of the nirvana swords governs these towns and relies on the fresh blood provided by these towns, he can definitely get something through these towns!

Soon, five or six days passed, and the time limit agreed by Chen Feng and Yan Yuxun was getting closer.

Chen Feng still didn't have any anxiety.

In the early morning of this day, Chen Feng walked out of the cave slowly, facing the rising sun, exhaling and inhaling, the silt that was filled in his heart seemed to disappear quickly, and the whole person was relaxed to the extreme.

His heart has no waves or waves.

The corner of Chen Feng's mouth curled up with a smile. He felt that his mood had been greatly improved in the past few days. Even if there were no other gains, this gain alone was already very good.

Chen Feng's mentality is very good now, a little bit unwilling to be strong!

Chen Feng glanced at the town below, observing what happened in the town.

Suddenly, Chen Feng's eyes froze.

Then, his eyes widened, and he observed without blinking, for fear of missing a detail.

Then, the corner of his mouth was picked up, and a smile came out quietly, rippled across his face.

"Haha, I knew that I would be able to get clues and opportunities. No, the opportunity is here!"

Chen Feng's figure flickered, and rushed towards the bottom of the mountain.

At this time, in the town below the mountain, a grand ceremony is being held.

In the center of this town, above the White Stone Square, countless torches were lit.

Everyone was laughing loudly around the torch, their faces were full of excitement and excitement, and this emotion came from the heart, without any pretentiousness!

Then, the people piled up countless very precious woods of the same length and thickness on the square.

After pre-processing, this kind of wood was soaked in extremely precious behemoth grease for a month, so the surface exudes a very strong and rich aroma.

The wood piled up like a mountain, and then a fire was lit.

Suddenly, the flames soared into the sky, and it was visible for dozens of miles.

Then, under the leadership of a few elders in white clothes, tens of thousands of people knelt in front of the flame, kowtow, and muttered words.

After the ceremony was over, four young girls were brought up.

An old man in white said with a majestic expression: "Kow his head!"

The four knocked their heads three times, and then they were taken to the statue of Han Tianya.

The elder said again: "Kow his head!"

This time, it was three times in a row, three times each time.

After nine ringings, the old man suddenly walked to the statue, and when he stretched out his hand, a short knife appeared in his hand.

He cut his wrist fiercely, and screamed feverishly in his mouth.

Not only him, but all the townspeople, and tens of thousands of people, actually took out short knives to cut their wrists at the same time.

There was a fanatical expression on their faces, as if they were doing the most sacred thing.

Tens of thousands of people severely cut their wrists, blood surged, and then under the leadership of the old man, they made the same movements, waving their wrists, and splashing the blood spewing on the statue.

With a bang, a burst of **** light rolled over the statue, and the blood almost instantly painted the statue into blood red.

Then, it penetrated inside at an extremely fast speed, and disappeared in no time.

The old man cut another knife and threw blood again, and tens of thousands of people followed suit again.

This was done nine times in a row, with nine knives cut, and the **** light rolled!

After nine times, everyone's complexion was already gray and ugly, and all the brilliance on their faces disappeared.

Many people even went directly from the prime of life to middle-aged and elderly people. The old man at the front had black hair and was very shabby, but now he has white hair.

They don't seem to be ten years old, but they are definitely ten years old.

When Chen Feng looked outside, his gaze suddenly shrank: "What kind of evil sacrificial ritual is this. It only absorbs human blood, but it also absorbs human life span?"

"All the people in it have been sucked out of their ten-year longevity!"

All the **** light fell silent, and suddenly gathered in.

Above the statue, a light gray began to appear. The gray became thicker and bulging, and began to expand outward.

However, it seemed that there was some lack of support. When the old man saw this scene, he was anxious and excited, fell to his knees, and shouted: "Master Qing, please be kind!"

"Master, please be kind!" Tens of thousands of people all knelt down, praying crazy loudly.

The next moment, it seemed that their prayers had worked, and the gray light suddenly flourished.

Swish, directly shrouded on the boys and girls who were kneeling in front of the statue, and the gray light continuously seeped into them.

There was extreme pain on their faces, and at the same time extremely comfortable expressions, trembling all over, they seemed to endure great pain, but their faces were full of enjoyment and full of contradictions.

After a long time, the gray light banged and fell into his four bodies.

After that, all four of them uttered a miserable hum, bleeding from the corners of their mouths, and the gray light disappeared.

The old man koozed his head quickly again: "Thank you, sir, for your kindness, thank you, Master Patriarch, for your kindness!"

Until all the light was silent, he dared to walk in front of the four boys and girls and asked anxiously: "How are you? How are you now?"

The four boys and girls stood up, with dazed but surprised expressions on their faces.

One of them was a burly, seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy who shouted: "Grandpa Zhu, my strength has improved by at least three major levels, and I am now close to the peak of the soul condensing state."

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