Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1654: Shocking secret

Along the way, Chen Feng met even more talented youngsters.

Afterwards, he even became numb, feeling that this place was simply a place of miracles.

Chen Feng left here and continued to move forward. He soon discovered that there were no known how many valleys like this there were in this mountain range.

The big river he saw at first was just a tributary of a larger river, and the larger river was an inconspicuous tributary of a huge river with a width of five hundred miles.

This huge river is tens of thousands of miles long and cut the entire mountain range. Now Chen Feng also knows the name of this mountain range.

The vast mountains!

A huge river traverses it, with dozens of large tributaries and hundreds of small tributaries. Each small tributary represents a valley!

This also means that at least one billion people live in this mountain range at the junction of Qin and Qi, with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles!

The more Chen Feng walked forward, the more he could feel how huge this mountain was, as if it were boundless.

After arriving here, Chen Feng was also pleasantly surprised to find that the markings on the map completely fit here.

He walked through the valleys along the route marked on the map, constantly moving north.

Soon, when Chen Feng turned around a mountain col, his face immediately showed shock, even his mouth opened wide and his face was full of disbelief.

The magnificent scene in front of him shocked him to the extreme.

Turning around this mountain col is a large plain in the middle of a mountain.

This large area is thousands of miles away. There is no soil or sand on the plain. There are stones everywhere, all white stones.

Piece by piece, smooth and round, extremely gorgeous, shone brightly under the sun, like a beautiful jade.

The more you go to the center, the bigger the stone, and in the middle of this plain is a huge white stone peak.

The height exceeds several hundred thousand meters, towering into the clouds, seeming to be able to pierce the sky.

Looking around, it was all white, holy white.

But in this whiteness, there is still a bitter killing intent in the holiness.

Chen Feng glanced at the Baishi Jufeng, and he felt as if his eyes were about to be stabbed.

There was a gale blowing, blowing the white stone, there was a clanging sound on the white stone. The gale blowing on it actually stirred up countless sparks, cutting countless deep marks on it.

Chen Feng was suddenly awe-inspiring: "Here, even the wind is so powerful!"

Chen Feng looked into the distance, and countless towering pavilions and palaces were built on the huge white stone peak, like a fairy family palace.

In front of the palace, a tall mountain gate stands proudly on the white stone giant peak. On the cliff next to it, there are four large characters, each with a radius of several hundred meters.

Even if Chen Feng was so far away, he could see clearly, his handwriting was as sharp as a blade, as if he could fly fiercely and pierce people's eyes.

These four characters were made by someone with a giant knife, and they seemed to have infinite mystery in them.

Chen Feng looked at it for a while, and felt that he had a better understanding of the sword technique!

Chen Feng took a deep breath: "This is the nirvana knife gate."

He unfolded the map. Above the map, there was a small white area, and in the white area was a white light spot.

Finally, the arrow of the route stabbed fiercely on the white light spot.

It turned out that the door of the nirvana sword was the entrance to the tomb of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang!

Chen Feng took a deep breath, with a look of sudden realization on his face, and whispered to himself: "It turns out that the entrance to the tomb of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang is here."

"Above the entrance, it was suppressed by the nirvana sword gate!"

At this moment, many problems in Chen Feng's mind were suddenly solved, and he suddenly realized: "I finally know why the Nirvana Sword Gate has risen so quickly!"

"I finally know why Han Tianya, the ancestor of the Nirvana Sword Sect, has risen like a meteor at such a fast speed, and has established Nuoda's foundation!"

"It turns out that he got the inheritance of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang, at least part of the inheritance."

"That nirvana sword technique must be one of the inheritance of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang!"

"I also finally know why even though the Great Qin imperial family knew that the Yin and Yang Emperor's mausoleum was located here, they did not dare to act rashly, but they have been so slow to look for it."

"I'm afraid, it's not that they don't want to, but that they don't dare, because they can't provoke the Silent Knife Gate!"

Chen Feng discovered this stunning secret. It turned out that the Gate of Nirvana was an entrance to the tomb of Emperor Yin and Yang.

Chen Feng's brows wrinkled, because he knew very well that the strength of the Nirvana Knife Sect was so large that even Qin and Qi would not dare to shake it hard. If he was against him, he would have no chance of winning at all. The behemoth was crushed directly.

If you are alone, then wanting to seize the secrets of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang's tomb is idiotic.

At this time, Chen Feng's heart suddenly rushed into a thought: "Tell the third princess about this news. If the third princess succeeds in ascending the throne, with the power of Qin, you may be able to destroy the nirvana sword gate."

However, Chen Feng immediately denied this idea.

He whispered softly: "The three princesses acted harshly. Once they act, they will never show mercy. Moreover, this person is quite impatient and even more mean. If I tell her the news, then I will be thorough. It has lost its use value."

"After she got the news, there was no difference between me and me?"

"After all, I am not even the Martial King Realm now!"

There was a sneer at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, and he could even now imagine what the outcome would be if he told the third princess the news.

It's just that within a few days of effort, he will disappear directly, and most of the people who killed him were Yan Yu punishment.

Chen Feng frowned and looked at the Baishi Jufeng in the distance.

Suddenly, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, revealing a smile.

The smile was full of pride, and there was a trace of madness who refused to accept it.

He said with a manly voice: "At the beginning, Qian Yuanzong's trash that could not even practice cultivation, but now he is called the first person in the Great Qin Kingdom 30 years later. Who can think of it?"

"At the beginning, a mountain villager could now become the Earl of Battle Dragon, commanding an army of 100,000. Who would have thought?"

"At the beginning, countless people looked down on me and called me an untouchable. Now, they are boneless and rotten, and I still stand proudly. Who can think of it?"

"This nirvana sword gate is certainly a giant, and I don't even have the qualifications to look up to it, but who can say that I can't force a blood path in this nirvana sword gate to get the secret of the tomb? "

Chen Feng's heart is full of pride, no more discouraged.

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