Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1641: I believe you!

And they are responsible for a radius of five miles, and there are many places waiting for them to find.

They looked for these three hours, Yan Yuxun stood on a high place and looked at them carefully, without any impatience.

Three hours later, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his figure flashed before disappearing.

From beginning to end, no one has discovered his existence.

Yan Yuxun went all the way to the west, and all he saw along the way was this scene. The smile on his face became stronger, and he said softly:

"It seems that Chen Feng is really loyal to His Royal Highness the Third Princess, and spares no effort in doing things. In this case, I am relieved."

It turned out that after he left Zhanlong City, he didn't really leave, but stayed here again to observe what Chen Feng did.

Seeing this scene at this time, he was completely relieved and hurried back to Wuyang City to report to the third princess.

"Can I entrust the Invincible Army to you?"

Deep in the main hall of Zhanlongcheng City Lord's Mansion, Chen Feng stared at Qing Rongyue in front of him without blinking, and asked slowly.

Qing Rongyue was shocked, looked at Chen Feng in disbelief, and said with a trembling, "What, you want to entrust the Invincible Army to me?"

"Where are you going? Are you leaving me, are we?" Qing Rongyue asked flusteredly.

At this moment, she felt her heart chaotic to the extreme, panic to the extreme, and even her body trembled.

The thought of Chen Feng's departure made her terrified.

Chen Feng was startled, but she didn't expect her to react like this, and said lightly: "It's not what you think."

"I just want to leave for a period of time, as long as a few months, as long as a month, and I will come back. Don't think too much."

Qing Rongyue took a long sigh of relief after hearing this.

Chen Feng's expression suddenly became cold and stern, staring at her, and asked sharply:

"During my absence, can you lead the Invincible Army to do everything that should be done? If Tian Bujuu launches an attack, can you lead the Invincible Army to resist him? If there is any abnormal situation, can you Is it calm?"

Chen Feng asked three questions in succession. With each question asked, the expression on Qing Rongyue's face turned pale.

In the end, a face had become pale, very nervous, and even his lips were trembling.

She hurriedly waved her hand and said, "No, no, I can't do it, you must not do this."

Chen Feng suddenly shouted: "Enough!"

His harsh shout directly frightened Qing Rongyue. She looked at Chen Feng blankly, wondering why Chen Feng was like this.

Chen Feng slowly said: "You can do all of these. After I was in a coma, you were able to move eastward, defeat the Dragon City, and threatened Tian Bugui with bluffing, which shows that in your heart, your thinking is actually very clear. "

"Furthermore, your means of doing things are also very decisive, and your heart is very firm. In fact, you can completely command the invincible army. There really is no problem!"

Qing Rongyue still wanted to speak, Chen Feng waved her hand, motioning her not to say it, and continued: "So, I am relieved that the Invincible Army entrusts you to you."

"Don't underestimate yourself, you're fine, you can definitely do it!"

As he said, he stared into Qing Rongyue's eyes and patted his shoulder heavily: "I believe you!"

"I believe you!" Qing Rongyue's whole person changed when she heard these four words.

In his body, as if being injected with a powerful force, his face instantly turned from pale to flush, extremely excited.

There seemed to be a voice in her heart yelling: "I got his affirmation, and he told me that I can do it, great!"

She was extremely happy in her heart because she was affirmed by Chen Feng.

Before she knew it, she already regarded Chen Feng as an extremely important person, even with a little respect for her father and master, she was very happy to be affirmed by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng said: "I hope you can maintain the invincible army during this period of time."

This time, Qing Rongyue did not refuse any more, she nodded heavily and said, "Chen Feng, you can rest assured, I will definitely be able to do it."

Chen Feng smiled slightly, gave another explanation, then turned and left.

Just as the Invincible Army was digging three feet in its territory in the past few days, looking for something, Chen Feng quietly left Zhanlong City with a roll of parchment.

She followed the route indicated on the parchment, all the way to the northeast.

Soon, Chen Feng entered the great desert. This vast desert with a radius of thousands of miles was already within the scope of the nirvana sword gate.

However, Chen Feng is strong and the nirvana knife gate has few manpower, so Chen Feng is not easy to find by them.

Chen Feng walked in the desert for three days, and then left the desert area and entered a vast mountain range.

This mountain range does not even belong to the Dragon Slaying Mountain Range.

Amidst the mountains, there are grey rocks everywhere, expressing a sense of death.

Even the trees are gray with a distorted body shape. It gives people the feeling that the tree is suffering and very uncomfortable as it grows. From the moment of birth, it is like trying to end its own life.

The color of the trunk, the branches and leaves, are also gray, revealing a twist and death!

Chen Feng walked in it, feeling very strange.

This whole mountain range, even after entering here, the whole world became a dead silence, but in this dead silence, there was still a trace of life.

The plant was still growing, and the roar of insects and beasts rang out in the woods.

Suddenly, with a sharp roar, the sound of trees breaking and breaking continued to sound, and the sound of the earth being trampled banging and being trampled kept coming.

Then, Chen Feng saw a road abruptly stepped out in the woods, and a giant beast several hundred meters tall appeared in front of him.

This giant beast is a giant bear, but, unlike the giant bear outside, his skin presents a dying grayish white, and it has three heads.

These three heads were not born directly, and they were definitely not natural. They felt like they were squeezed out of his shoulders and both ends of his neck.

The two heads and four eyes on both sides looked at Chen Feng, full of coldness.

And the head in the middle was full of pain, screaming and madly roaring all the time.

Obviously, he was tortured crazy!

Facing him, Chen Feng didn't have any fear, and then whispered softly: "Why are you so full of despair?"

"You didn't want to kill me when you came here. Instead, you want to use my hand to kill you and help you out, right?"

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