Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1640: Play for you

Hearing this, these people are very excited. What they are excited about is not actually Chen Feng's reward.

For them, Chen Feng's reward is far less important than Chen Feng's few compliments to them.

Because, in their eyes, Chen Feng is the god, the **** who is omnipotent and worthy of all of them respect and worship.

This feeling, the intensity, even far exceeded their original loyalty to Qing Wudi!

In the evening of the same day, Chen Feng ordered people to clean out ten separate courtyards and let them move in one by one.

These ten courtyards are all very far away, which is to avoid disturbing each other.

Fortunately, Zhanlongcheng City Lord's Mansion is very large, enough to accommodate them.

And when they pushed the door of the main hall in the courtyard, they all exclaimed immediately, because behind the door was neatly stacked one million yuan stones.

One million yuan per person, no difference, the size of a human head, crystal clear, full of tyrannical aura glowing brightly in the dark, almost dazzling the eyes.

They are all of civilian origin, and their status in the army is not very high. The most elemental stones that have been seen in this life are less than one ten thousandth of what they are now, and everyone is extremely excited for a time.

Their gratitude to Chen Feng is even deeper, and they are all determined to do their best to return Chen Feng.

That night, they began to practice hard.

Early the next morning, Chen Feng issued an order.

He ordered the Invincible Army not to break eastward, but stationed in situ, with ten men as a unit, scattered on this vast land of thousands of miles, and began to search.

As for what to look for, Chen Feng didn't say clearly, he just gave them a very vague order, and as soon as they found any abnormalities, they would report it immediately.

For example, the aura is abnormal, or something weird, etc.

In short, as long as it is not normal, you can never let it go.

Everyone felt very strange about this order, and even a little inexplicable, but Chen Feng's prestige among the Invincible Army was too high, and no one violated this order.

All were strictly enforced, so in just one day, the Invincible Army dispersed into thousands of ten-man teams, and then began to explore.

Of course, they are not aimlessly exploring. Chen Feng ordered that for every thousand people, the range they need to look for is a radius of five hundred miles.

For every one hundred people, it’s fifty miles, and for every ten people, five miles.

It is not difficult for ten people to find a radius of five miles!

Three days after the ten people went out to search, they came back to exchange exploration results with other teams, and if any abnormalities were found, they were reported immediately.

So the Invincible Army quickly fell into a somewhat chaotic but in fact very orderly search.

An army of sixty thousand invincible troops dug three feet on this piece of land with a radius of thousands of miles and began to search.

Chen Feng did this naturally to find a place to hide the treasure, to find the entrance to the tomb of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang.

But in fact, he already had a map, so he didn't need to work so hard.

So why does he still do this?

Of course it is for others to see!

The third princess may not know that the threatening words he sent Yan Yu to punish Chen Feng actually had a counterproductive effect.

His words may be very useful to other people and other officials. Those people are afraid of the Daqin imperial family and are also afraid of him.

But this trick has only the opposite effect on Chen Feng.

Chen Feng didn't buy it at all, and he wouldn't take him at all, because Chen Feng had never been afraid of Da Qin, and he had never regarded himself as a courtier or a subordinate.

Even in Chen Feng's view, he and the three princesses are equal.

The threat of the third princess is something that Chen Feng simply cannot tolerate.

If it was before, Chen Feng would directly hand over this treasure map to the third princess. After all, he had promised the third princess that Chen Feng was never an unbelieving person.

But now, he changed his mind. Chen Feng decided not to let the third princess know the truth about the tomb of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang, at least temporarily.

Of course, Chen Feng is not a person of perfidy. Since he has agreed to the Three Princesses, then he will definitely find what the Three Princesses want in the tomb of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang.

However, it is limited to this. He originally planned to share the benefits with the three princesses, but now...

Chen Feng showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said softly, "Since you don't treat me as a human being, then I don't need to give you too much."

"I'll swallow the big head, it's almost enough for you to drink some soup!"

Hundreds of miles outside of Zhanlong City, on a mountain peak, a figure stood proudly on it.

This figure is tall and powerful. He wore a black robe and fluttered. It was Yan Yu's punishment.

At this time, his gaze cast his gaze to the bottom of the mountain. Not far below the mountain, ten invincible troops were cautiously searching in this field.

They are very careful and very careful, every inch of land, every tree. Not even every stone was let go.

They were gathered together at this time, digging a hole in the ground, just because a soldier shouted that there was a hollow sound from below.

After digging this place, they found that there was a cellar inside, with some gold and silver jewels and some spiritual stones piled up in the cellar.

The faces of several people showed disappointment. One of them was very dissatisfied and complained loudly: "It's this ruined thing, I thought it was a big treasure! I didn't expect it to be just a ruined cellar!"

"Most of the time when a rich man in the country fled, he put his family's treasure in it."

He pointed at a young man next to him and said dissatisfied: "Xiao Liu, look at you, what did you find?"

A middle-aged man next to him was the tenth chief. He slapped and slapped the back of the head of the young man who was complaining. He reprimanded: "Just because you talk a lot, I think Xiao Liu found this place. very good."

"We have heard something from above. We must not let go of any abnormalities. We must dig out or report them. We should use this energy and not let go of any abnormalities."

He praised loudly: "I think Xiao Liu did a great job."

The young man who first noticed the hollow sound from here showed a smile on his face and scratched his head in embarrassment.

After this episode happened, they continued to look forward.

The jewels in it were naturally divided by them. After all, it was considered a lot of wealth, and the above would not care.

They were looking very carefully, so they were also very slow. It took three full hours to find a place with a radius of several hundred meters.

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