Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1623: The next moment, I will kill you!

As long as Chen Feng takes them, no one can shake the invincible army!

Looking at the back of Chen Feng in the front, their faces showed respect and admiration.

For ten days, Chen Feng had already existed in their hearts like an invincible God of War.

In contrast to them, the officers in the Invincible Army, especially those with higher ranks and commanders above thousands, because they know more and understand more inside information.

Therefore, many people have a worried look on their faces.

On the north side of the array, a commander lowered his voice to his colleagues, and said softly: "I heard that the last time, it was Tian Cheng who led the rebels to come!"

"That's right, it's him, Tian Cheng, I haven't heard of this person before. Later, I looked for those news dealers and found out how powerful this person is."

"He is only twenty-seven years old, he is already the second-star Wuwang, known as the second genius of the younger generation of Qi, extremely powerful!"

"Yes, I heard about it before." The commander who asked the question first, with a worried expression on his face, said softly: "The commander-in-chief is indeed powerful, but has he beaten the two-star Martial King?"

"I think it's choking. The commander-in-chief also killed a lot of enemies before, but the strongest is only in the middle stage of the first-star martial king. The second-star martial king is more powerful than the first-star martial king. I don't know how many times the commander is likely. Not an opponent."

"Yes, after all, he has only three months to reach twenty years old. How strong can he be?"

The two heads of thousands of households looked at each other, both revealing a touch of pessimism!

And this discussion was also going on among the previous ten thousand chiefs.

They all talked in low voices, wondering whether Chen Feng could defeat a powerful enemy this time.

Tian Cheng, these two words are like a big mountain, pressing **** their hearts, making them extremely worried.

They thought their voices were so small that Chen Feng would not hear them, but they didn't expect Chen Feng to hear these words clearly.

But he still stood on the giant tiger, motionless like a mountain, as if he hadn't heard.

Qing Rongyue, who was next to her, glanced at Chen Feng, with a slight worry in her eyes, but she did not speak.

For some reason, she has an inexplicable trust in Chen Feng. She feels that as long as it is what Chen Feng has to do, there is nothing unsuccessful!

Chen Feng suddenly looked at him, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and slowly nodded to her.

Qing Rongyue was also stunned for a moment, and then the next moment, he felt hot in his heart, like a deer colliding.

For some reason, he felt a bit hot on his face, so he didn't dare to look at Chen Feng, and quickly turned his head.

After Chen Feng glanced at him, the last trace of worry in his heart disappeared without a trace.

A black line appeared in the distance, and the black line became thicker and thicker, getting closer and closer to this side.

Finally, showing the appearance of a large army.

This is a large army with tens of thousands of people, and it seems that they are much stricter than the Invincible Army.

They rode on a unified monster, wearing ice blue armor of the same color. Compared with them, the side of the Invincible Army could be called ragged.

Colorful, just like beggars.

However, Chen Feng could see that there was nothing murderous or aggressive in this army. Obviously they were good-looking or good-looking, but when it comes to killing the enemy, they are definitely inferior to his own invincible army!

They are like vases.

This army stopped a kilometer away.

In the distance, Tian Cheng squinted his eyes and looked at Chen Feng, his eyes flashed with disdain.

He suddenly laughed and said, "Chen Feng, look at the appearance of these untouchables under your hands, all in rags, dressed like beggars, and worthy of being called an army?"

"I think you are not here to fight, but to beg for food?"

He said, laughing wildly.

The sergeants Qi wearing ice-blue armor all laughed disdainfully, pointing here.

When they saw the costumes of the Invincible Army, they had a strong sense of superiority in their hearts, and they looked down upon these Invincible Army.

In fact, they didn't know that in terms of combat effectiveness, the invincible army, a powerful army forged from iron and blood, was definitely far better than the glorious ones.

Among the rebels, a commander of thousands pointed at Chen Feng and shouted presumptuously: "What kind of **** genius, so he is a beggar leader?"

"Haha, Chen Feng, get out of here, just give me a few knocks, and I will treat you to food."

With a joking smile on the face of a general manager next to him, he deliberately scolded him with a straight face and said: "Presumptuous, why do you talk to Master Chen like this?"

"How many bites can Chen Feng take? You should at least give him more than a few pennies!"

Speaking of later, I couldn't hold back and laughed loudly.

The rebels almost laughed and looked at Chen Feng and the Invincible Army jokingly.

At this time, Chen Feng turned a deaf ear to what they laughed at.

He didn't even bother to answer, and didn't bother to pay attention.

Chen Feng's eyes seemed to have passed through them and went thousands of miles away.

Behind them, thousands of miles away, is a huge city.

There, it is known as the largest city and the first fortress in Eastern Xinjiang.

Fight the Dragon City!

Tian Cheng laughed and said, "Chen Feng, why don't you answer, is it because what I said is the truth? You are just a group of beggars!"

His face suddenly became savage, and he roared: "And today, I don't even make you beggars, and I want you to be the souls of mine!"

Suddenly Chen Feng stood upright on the giant tiger, pointed the Dragon Sword in his hand straight forward, and let out a sharp roar: "Tian Cheng, remember my name, my name is Chen Feng!"

"Next moment, I will kill you!"

The sound was like a dragon's roar, like a tiger's roar, shaking the sky and the earth, all these 90,000 soldiers could hear clearly.

Within a hundred miles, all the monster beasts heard this roar, and they all lowered their bodies, trembling all over, showing the intention of surrender!

Ninety thousand soldiers were all surprised.

Tian Cheng also heard clearly, and then the next moment, his face showed extreme disdain.

He laughed wildly, pointed at Chen Feng, and asked: "Chen Feng, you said you want to kill me? You said you want to take my first rank? Why are you?"

"What do you use to get my first level, do you rely on the strength of your poor Martial Sovereign Realm? Hahaha..."

He was full of pride and shouted loudly: "Do you know my strength? I am a magnificent two-star martial king. My strength is ten times stronger than you. I want to kill you, just like an ant! "

He pointed at Chen Feng again and shouted, "Why are you killing me?"

"I know that you have a special way to temporarily increase your strength to the one-star Wuwang realm, but what about it? Are you my opponent like this? Tell you, it's impossible!"

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