Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1622: Two Star King Wu!

If there are people who are familiar with Qi, they will definitely exclaim again.

The color of ice blue is exactly the color advocated by Qi.

And the armor of their country is not black, but ice blue, and looking at the style of the armor, this casting material is extremely rare. This style is clearly a senior general of the Qi State, or at least the general guarding the side. Can be worn.

This person's rank in the Qi army absolutely surpassed the ten thousand chief!

His look is also different from others. Others have a look of awe for Tian Bugui. Only the look on his face is cynical, and some look straight.

Obviously, he did not regard Tian Bujuan as a figure worthy of fear.

Tian Bujiu faced everyone and slowly said, "Everyone, I think you all know, now, something about the Invincible Army and Chen Feng on top of our territory."

He didn't pause and was still talking. Obviously, he didn't want to solicit opinions from everyone, but just told the fact.

This shows that this person is arbitrary.

He continued: "The invincible army is nothing to worry about. It is just a defeated remnant without the backbone."

"But Chen Feng, really deserves to be very careful. I know this person, he is in Wuyang City, in the entire Daqin, he is a famous person, less than 20 years old, he is known as the first person after 30 years of Daqin, and the first young talent. , And the first alchemist."

"It can be said that he has risen to fame and is extremely powerful. This person should not be underestimated."

When he said this, the young general in ice blue armor gave a cold snort, with a touch of disdain on his face.

Obviously, he looked down on Chen Feng at all, and disagreeed with what Tian Bujiao said.

Tian Bugui did not hear it, and then said: "However, according to my information, his strength should not reach the half-step Martial King Realm. He just has some powerful tricks, so he can burst out beyond the early stage of the First Star Martial King. Strength, this has killed several of our generals."

"So, it is not particularly difficult to deal with him."

He looked at the young man in the ice-blue armor and said, "Tian Cheng, you just led an army of 30,000 from Qi to rush here. Your army of 30,000 is very complete."

"Besides, you are powerful, you are already the Second Star Martial King, so let you deal with the invincible army!"

"Three days later, bring back Chen Feng's head to me!"

Tian Cheng, a young man in ice blue armor, did not hesitate, clasping his fists in both hands, and shouted: "Yes, his subordinates must do it!"

When everyone left, Tian Bujiao stood up, walked up to him, and stared at him.

After a long time, he breathed out softly, patted his shoulder, and said: "Be careful now, if you die here, I can't explain to my eldest brother and father!"

Tian Cheng smiled and said, "Don't worry, Sanshu, I will be careful this time!"

He said to be careful, but he didn't show any caution on his face. Instead, his face was full of arrogance, and he obviously didn't put Chen Feng in his eyes at all.

He confidently said: "Uncle San, just wait for me to bring Chen Feng's head back!"

Taking a look at Tian Bugui, he knew that he didn't take it to heart. He wanted to say something, but after all he didn't open his mouth, just sighed softly.

His nephew is also one of the geniuses of Qi Guo's generation. He is known as the first young handsome under the six great monarchs!

There are dozens of countries around the Tulong Mountain Range, each of which is as powerful as Daqin and Daqi.

And among these dozens of countries, there are six young talents, each of whom is extremely powerful and dignified, comparable to the power of an emperor.

These six people do not grant kings or princes, but princes!

Known as the six masters!

Their strength, not to mention Chen Feng now, is not even qualified to look up.

Tian Cheng can be called the first young junjie under the Six Great Lords. It is already very valuable. Of course, this name must be suspected of bragging.

He thought to himself: "Tian Cheng is only twenty-seven years old, and he is already in the realm of the second-star martial king. He is extremely powerful. It can even be said to be more talented than Chen Feng. It shouldn't be a big problem to deal with Chen Feng. I don't want it. Re-exporting is boring."

He finally nodded and said, "You are the most outstanding disciple of our Qi family besides your elder brother, and you are also one of the most outstanding talents of Da Qi family besides him."

"I can believe your words, go, and bring me back Chen Feng's first class in three days!"

If the remarks they said just now spread out, it would surely cause an uproar.

Because Tian Bugui’s argument to Qin State was that all his relatives in Qi State had been killed, and only a few nephews and nephews escaped. Hearing what he meant earlier, his elder brother and his father were all killed. Still alive.

And Tian Bugui's family is in the Qi country, and the influence is definitely not small, and the influence is huge!

The dust was flying, and the earthquake trembled.

After a while, Tian Cheng left this large camp with an army of 30,000 and ran towards the west.

"Chen Feng, there is no doubt that you will die, because I am the one who will kill you!"

"Because, I am the King of Two Stars! I don't know how strong it is for you!" Tian Cheng looked at the sunset in the distance, with a confident smile on the corner of his mouth, and said these words categorically.

If this sentence is said, it is the truth.

Chichuan City, this is the tenth city that Chen Feng has laid down.

The east of Chichuan City is a vast plain, endless.

From here, the huge mountain body of the Tulong Mountain Range seemed to disappear suddenly, and further east was an endless wilderness.

And this great wasteland has spread to the border between Qin State and Qi State, at which time Chen Feng has already advanced three thousand miles.

Three thousand li, and ten cities in a row, but Chen Feng only took ten days!

Chichuan Chengdong, a wide river.

To the east of the river, the invincible army lined up to meet the enemy.

After receiving the news of the rebels' aggressive attack, Chen Feng did not camp in the city because Chichuan City was already unusable.

When attacking Chichuan City, Chen Fengfeng smashed the walls of Chichuan City with a few strokes, and it was still in ruins!

Sixty thousand troops lined up outside the city.

One by one, their morale is extremely high, and their eyes are full of desire and killing intent, which is the desire to fight.

They have developed a strong self-confidence in Lien Chan and Lien. In their eyes, the rebels are nothing more than that, they can kill them, and their strength is not as strong as their own.

Of course, more importantly, it gave them more confidence because they knew that there was an invincible commander on their side and Chen Feng was there.

Where Chen Feng is there, there is victory.

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