Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1619: Linchuan City!

All armies ate and drank in their barracks. All kinds of delicacies and delicacies were brought up as if they were free of money. They ate and drank at will, spoiled at will, and there were countless beautiful women among them. Serve them.

These beautiful women are basically the wives and daughters of the wealthy aristocrats in the city, but now they can only commit themselves to them.

Their hearts are full of hatred, but they dare not show it at all.

Because the almost filled corpses in the ditches outside the City Lord's Mansion are the fate of those who dare to resist!

Three months ago, the rebels stepped into Linchuan City, but within half a day they defeated the Linchuan City Main Guards. The Linchuan City Main Guard was killed, and the army of one 10,000 troops never survived.

Then, the rebels entered the city, killed when they saw people, and robbed them when they saw property. All merchants, chambers of commerce, and wealthy aristocrats in the city were all robbed. Those who dared to resist would be killed immediately.

The methods of the rebels were extremely cruel, and sometimes even those who did not resist were killed.

And they will even drive a whole family to a house, a hall or a cellar, and then burn the inside to ashes, let those people cry miserably and cry for mercy, they will not Paying attention, instead let out bursts of arrogant laughter outside, taking pleasure in it.

Burning, killing and looting lasted for ten days and ten nights!

There are more than three million people in the city, and the rest is less than one million, and the rest are basically pretty women.

Those strong men were all killed because they might resist.

And those old people and children were all killed because they were worthless to the rebels.

At this time, a banquet was also being held above the original hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

Here, it was occupied by high-level rebels.

Sitting in the middle of the hall is a ten thousand chief!

And the armor style he wore was no different from the Daqin army!

In fact, the rebels were originally Daqin's army, but their origins are not the same as the ordinary Daqin army.

To the east of the Qin State is the State of Qi. Ten years ago, there was a civil turmoil in Qi. A general on the border of the State of Qi was swept into the civil turmoil. All his family members who remained in the imperial capital were killed overnight.

So, the general was furious and led an army of 200,000 under his command, carrying three thousand miles of land, to defect to Qin.

Naturally, the Qin Kingdom accepted it, not only allowed him to continue to control the original land with a radius of three thousand miles, but also assigned him the jurisdiction of ten cities in the border of Daqin.

However, just three months ago, this general named Tian Bujuali suddenly led his troops into a rebellion, aggressively attacking westward, and once again set up land for 5,000 miles, until he stopped at Linchuan.

The reason he stopped was because of the existence of an invincible army.

Now there are dozens of cities under his control, with a radius of tens of thousands of miles!

This captain, named Tian Song, is Tian Bujiao's immediate nephew, so he has achieved the position of captain at a young age.

Tian Song is tall, but his looks are very ugly. There is a pair of strange eyes that are fierce. He is sitting on the first seat. At this time, he is half drunk and half awake, holding a wine glass, and smiling lustfully. Watching the field.

Above the open space in the field, at this time seven or eight women were dancing there, one by one with beautiful faces and graceful figures.

They all have smiles on their faces, but everyone can see that this is just a strong smile, and in their eyes, there is an unconcealable fear and a trace of hidden hatred.

If you look closely, you will find that these women are actually quite alike. Some of them are older and look more than 30 years old, and some are 17 or 18 years old, but there is one What they have in common is that they all look beautiful.

Tian Song's eyes were red, his breathing was heavy, and his lustful smile on his face grew stronger.

Suddenly, he strode forward and took these women into his arms in one hand, and the stinking big mouth began to kiss them on their faces.

The faces of these women are full of grief and anger, but they dare not resist and can only endure.

Tian Song laughed loudly, happily: "Wang, Lao Tzu led an army to capture your Linchuan City, to give you face, not only did you not surrender, but you dare to resist?"

"Hahahaha, now? Now you see what your fate is? You are dead, but your wife and daughter are played with me here, telling you that this is the fate of your stubborn resistance! If you come back soon, How could it be so?"

He obviously hated the Linchuan City Lord, who was surnamed Wang, and at this time did not forget to humiliate him who was already dead.

It turned out that these people were all the wives and daughters of King City Lord, no wonder they looked a little similar.

Tian Song was lustful, and the whole person seemed to be a little confused. He waved his hand at several other generals and said, "I'm a little drunk, you guys have a drink first, I will take these girls down to enjoy. Up."

As he said, he put his arms around these women and prepared to return to the inner room.

The faces of several women were embarrassed and indignant, and they knew that they would inevitably suffer humiliation.

At this moment, there was a sudden bang, and a loud and earth-shaking noise came.

The earth trembled violently for it. The hall shook violently, the bricks and stones were loose, and dust filled.

In the hall, the generals who were banqueting, all stood up suddenly, looked in the direction of the loud noise in surprise, and looked at each other.

After a while, a person said, "Looking at this direction, it should be from the West City Gate."

The other person's face was inexplicably shocked: "The distance from the sound is at least tens of miles, but it can even affect us here. What a powerful blow is this?"

Tian Song heard the loud noise, swiped it, and woke up in a cold sweat.

He immediately pushed the women away, holding the spear in his hand, strode out, and shouted: "Go, let me go out and take a look."

He roared ferociously: "I want to see, whoever dares to **** dare to come to Linchuan City to look for trouble!"

Time goes by, before returning to a cup of tea.

Outside the west gate of Linchuan City.

The defenders on the west gate wall were bored, laughing and cursing at each other, but none of them defended the city seriously.

It's no wonder that this is the case. They have been here for a few months, and at the beginning they were in a state of anxiety, for fear of when Da Qin's army would return, but the longer they stay, the less they worry.

Because they discovered that several months had passed, and Da Qin's army seemed to have no plans to fight back.

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