Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1618: Invincible army!

He quickly explained: "In this marching battle, the most important material is actually Yuanshi."

"Essential stones are used to replenish the sergeants. Marching and fighting will consume the true essence of the Qi, and after they have consumed them, if they replenish them with their own strength, it will only take ten and a half months. It may not be able to complete the supplement, then there is no way to fight at all."

Chen Feng suddenly said, "Okay, I see."

"The original stone must be used to quickly replenish their strength, right?"

Zhao Guang nodded and said, "Yes."

Then he said with a distressed face: "Now, what we are most worried about is how to **** these yuan stones."

"Medicinal materials and grains can be put in a mustard bag. An average officer in the army at the level of a centurion has a mustard bag. There is no problem with this."

"However, the energy of the original stone is too abundant, but it can't be put into the mustard bag at all, which requires a special transportation escort."

"However, in this case, to **** 1 million yuan stones, at least 10,000 soldiers are needed, and you need to beware of others to rob!"

"What? The mustard bag can't hold the original stone?" Chen Feng said with a frown.

Zhao Guang said, "Of course."

He looked like he took it for granted.

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly realized that he was really full and he didn’t know that the hungry man was hungry. He had so many rare treasures that he had never encountered this problem before. He didn’t use a mustard bag a long time ago. With a golden dragon ring.

This powerful folding space artifact is far more powerful than a mustard bag, and it can also hold a lot of primordial stones!

He immediately knocked on the side, and then realized that things like space rings were very rare, let alone them, even Qing Invincible did not exist.

It can even be said that there may not be a second one in the entire Great Qin Kingdom, and all the troops of the Great Qin are sent to escort.

Zhao Guang's face was distressed, and Chen Feng said in a deep voice: "Okay, you don't have to worry about the Yuanshi matters, as long as the sergeants carry grain, grass and baggage."

"I will solve the Yuanshi matter."

Zhao Guang nodded, stopped talking, turned around and walked out.

A day later, on the high school grounds, the high platform had been rebuilt, and there were still countless traces of blood on the bluestone slab on the ground, traces left by Xue Chen and several other men after they were beheaded. Chen Feng did not let anyone wipe it, but stayed here.

Standing on the high platform, Chen Feng is still handsome in a green robe, misty like a fairy, but the hideous and terrifying dragon-slaying knife in his hand has added a very murderous intent to him.

Below, sixty thousand soldiers stood in a row, looking up at Chen Feng, with complex expressions in their eyes.

They all know that from today onwards, Chen Feng is their commander in command, and they also know that Chen Feng is very powerful. Without him, people would be dead now, and he saved everyone.

But other than that, they didn't know anything about Chen Feng!

That's why they have complicated eyes.

Chen Feng glanced across everyone's faces, and slowly said, "What's great, I already made it clear yesterday."

"Xiangdong is to make a living for yourselves, and to make a living for the king of Qingjun!"

He looked very serious and shouted: "You guys, would you like to fight with me?"

The tens of thousands of people below were startled at first, and then burst out with murderous roars: "World War One, World War One, World War One!"

The killing intent is awe-inspiring, and the military will be available!

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Okay, the military will be available."

"In that case, the army will start tomorrow morning, but before that, there is one more thing to do."

"Our army does not have a name, so there are many inconveniences. In that case, I will name it today."

"This army was pioneered by King Qingjun. In that case, our army is called the Invincible Army!"

Invincible army!

These three words greatly invigorated the military's spirit, and everyone was roaring with an expression of glory on their faces.

In the end, all the sounds converged into three words: "Invincible Army! Invincible Army!"

These three words pierced the sky!

Early the next morning, Chen Feng left the camp with an army of 50,000 and rushed thousands of miles away.

And his first goal is Linchuan City!

Linchuan City is a full 100,000 miles away from Wuyang City, the capital of the Great Qin Emperor, and 5,000 miles away from the border of the eastern border of Da Qin.

Five thousand miles, this distance is neither far nor near, but it is enough to keep Linchuan City away from the flames of war.

In fact, Linchuan City has not seen a swordsman for hundreds of years!

This city is not big, with a population of more than one million. It is just an ordinary, no more ordinary first-class city, but because Linchuan City is close to the big river, and the big river stretches for thousands of miles, from the hinterland of Daqin to the eastern frontier, it is A very important transportation waterway in the east of Daqin.

Linchuan City is prosperous by the big river, and almost all the heavy supplies to the eastern frontier stay here.

Therefore, this small town with a population of only millions has become very prosperous.

In the city, there are continuous houses, and there are mansions of rich merchants everywhere!

But now, the scene here has changed a lot.

At this time, the city was completely broken and almost half of the city was turned into ruins.

Countless people are crying miserably in the ruins. The rich people of the past are now all in ragged clothes, croaking on the street waiting for feeding and begging for a living.

Above the ground, there are corpses everywhere, and one corpse can be seen among the countless ruins. This corpse is burnt to charcoal, and looks very miserable.

In some places, even the corpses were stacked on top of each other. It was obvious that hundreds of people were gathered together and then burned to death.

The city is no longer prosperous, it is almost like a ghost.

There are at least a million corpses in the city, which means that most of the people in this city died.

Those who are alive are struggling to survive, in order to eat one bite, those noble girls and noble wives who were noble in the past will not hesitate to sell their bodies.

And some of those rich merchants in the past have even begun to eat meat from the dead in order to survive!

In stark contrast to the scene outside, which was like **** on earth, was the city lord’s mansion in the city.

No, it can only be said that this was the City Lord's Mansion three months ago, and now it is the army camp.

Many houses in the City Lord’s Mansion, which was several thousand meters in radius, were demolished, and tens of thousands of soldiers and officers were stationed.

Since they were stationed here, one of the things they did the most was banquets, eating and drinking.

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