Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1599: Wannian Chalcedony, reborn

This thing, with such a magical effect, must be extremely high.

Chen Feng pretended to be sober after being stimulated by this strange fragrance, and slowly opened his eyes.

Then he saw that a fist-sized crystal was thrown on the ground in front of him.

This crystal has a full three hundred and twenty sides, reflecting light, and looks extremely bright.

And in this crystal, there is a clear spring-like liquid, this liquid presents a snow-white color, and the extremely cold breath penetrates from this snow-white liquid!

The hill giant made two gestures at Chen Feng, motioning for him to swallow the snow-white liquid inside.

Chen Feng thought to himself: "If you don't say I will do the same."

He struggled to sit up and smashed the crystal to pieces.

Then, the snow-white liquid was immediately exposed to Chen Feng, and the strange fragrance in the air suddenly became a hundred times richer, and some of Chen Feng's minor injuries were directly recovered.

Chen Feng's eyes widened instantly, and he exclaimed in his heart.

He knew what this thing was, it turned out to be Wannian Chalcedony!

Wannian Chalcedony can only be formed when some graceful spirits exist in the famous mountains and rivers that are unknown for thousands of years.

Only in some very large and rare jade veins can it nourish and grow. Then a piece of ten thousand-year-old chalcedony can absorb all the essence of this vein.

The larger the mineral vein, the higher the grade, and the rarer the chalcedony formed.

Wannian Chalcedony has a very strong healing effect. If you swallow it, all injuries can be cured!

The chalcedony in front of me, it seemed to be at least one hundred thousand-year-old chalcedony, and the effect was more than that of ordinary ten-thousand-year chalcedony.

Obviously, this is the treasure of the giant hills, but now it is cheaper than Chen Feng!

Chen Feng didn't hesitate to take a mouthful of these ten thousand year chalcedony!

He was afraid that the hill giant would go back, and did not intend to keep it for him at all.

Wannian chalcedony entered his throat, and immediately, a very cold feeling seemed to burst into Chen Feng's body.

An extremely tyrannical, extremely cold energy, instantly poured into Chen Feng's belly, and then rushed to all parts of his body.

At this moment, Chen Feng felt as if he was in the snow and ice, the temperature was extremely low, and the whole person seemed to be frozen.

At this moment, a thin layer of ice formed on the surface of his body, hoarfrost covered his eyebrows and beard, his face pale, and he fell directly to the ground.

Chen Feng even felt that he was really going to be frozen to death.

These cold energies poured into Chen Feng's wounds, into the dark wounds in his body, and directly expelled the congested blood and necrotic muscles and blood vessels.

Wannian Chalcedony was extremely domineering, and after only a dozen breaths, Chen Feng's injuries both inside and outside the body were cured.

And the next moment, all the ice on the surface of his body shattered, and then all the pores opened at the same time, and countless black impurities poured out from it.

These are the injuries, congestion in his body, and the waste accumulated over time.

These things almost poured out of Chen Feng's body in an explosive manner.

At this moment, the surface of Chen Feng's body was so stinky that even the hill giant and the small hill giant frowned and stepped back a dozen steps away!

After a full cup of tea time, all these impurities were expelled.

At this time, a thick black viscous liquid had formed on the surface of Chen Feng's body. Chen Feng suddenly opened his eyes and struggled out of the state of almost freezing to death.

Then, he smelled a foul smell. Seeing the black viscous liquid on the surface of his body, Chen Feng immediately frowned and said with a wry smile, "It's really smelly and dirty!"

"My body exercises this time are fundamentally different from the previous few times. Now I feel that my body is already a little bit about to evolve toward the reborn body."

The body forging at the low level before, no matter how hard you toss, the strength is actually very small, and it can't get out of the category of the physical body.

After arriving at the Martial King realm, which is a higher realm, if you cultivate a powerful body-building technique, you will have the opportunity to become a reborn body, that is, to get rid of your physical body.

However, it is extremely difficult to achieve this. Moreover, if you want to improve your strength urgently, you don't have to be born out of the body. There are other ways.

At that time, the path of cultivation will be divided into several different routes.

There was still a clear spring in the corner of the cell, and Chen Feng could not wait to jump up and rush into the clear spring to clean himself.

Suddenly, there was a movement in his heart, struggling to stand up, and just standing still, he immediately staggered and almost fell to the ground with a muffled groan and blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

In fact, all the injuries in his body have recovered at this time, and this blood was forced out by himself.

In this way, he is just showing it to the hill giant.

The hill giant stared at Chen Feng with one eye unblinking, wanting to see how far his injury had recovered. If Chen Feng recovered from his injuries, he would immediately let the hill giant eat Chen Feng.

But now seeing this scene, his eyes showed disappointment.

Chen Feng's appearance at this time is only a half of his injury!

The hill giant shook his head disappointedly, exhorted a few words to his son, and then turned and left.

When Chen Feng saw this scene, he breathed a long sigh of relief, and felt fortunate: "Thanks to my wit, I have acted as though my injury has not healed, otherwise I am afraid it has been swallowed!"

Chen Feng staggered towards the spring eye, walked to the side of the spring eye and made a look of exhausted energy, turned over and rolled into it, and at the same time he stuffed the purple jade jade box into the spring eye and the mountain wall. Where the gap meets.

It's very hidden there, the hill giant would never notice!

Chen Feng vigorously rubbed his skin in Quan's eyes, wishing to rub all his skin and flesh off. After a long time, he finally scrubbed the surface of his body clean.

Chen Feng suddenly stood up from the mountain spring. His skin was fair and the lines on his body were not particularly tyrannical, but it was sharp and strong, and his muscles were streamlined and very beautiful.

Drops of water dripped from him, shoulder width, slender waist, long legs, and his body was extremely fit, like the most perfect creation.

Chen Feng let out a long suffocating breath, and his physical condition was better than ever before!

Those ten thousand years of chalcedony completely healed Chen Feng's injuries. He had completely recovered to the peak at this time. Not to mention that the power of those ten thousand years of rain only used a half.

At this time, the cold power of these ten thousand year chalcedony was still hovering in Chen Feng's body.

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