Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1598: First line of life

These moso bamboos are all black and gold, just like metal casting, they are actually stronger than metal. Each moso bamboo is 100 meters long and more than five meters in diameter. It looks like a metal casting, but in fact there are natural bamboo joints on it And beautiful textures.

Obviously, they are a plant but very strong.

The hill giant sat cross-legged there, fixing these thick black golden bamboos together, and then slammed down with his huge fist.

This fist smashed, and a bundle of bamboo slumped.

Soon, he waved his fist, and after hitting it for more than an hour, Chen Feng saw that an ebony-gold metal pillar about 100 meters long and about two meters in diameter appeared.

Then, he took another bundle of black golden bamboo, and did the same again.

After half a day passed, ten ebony metal pillars appeared in front of him, and then he fixed the ten ebony metal pillars together and slammed his fist again.

By the next morning, Chen Feng, who had endured the loud noise all night, saw that a huge black golden spear appeared in front of him that was indistinguishable from the giant hilly giant before.

Only then did he know that the original black golden spear came from this way.

At this time, when Chen Feng's gaze shifted to the giant black golden bamboos, he suddenly felt an extremely strong sense of greed in his heart.

For a moment, Chen Feng couldn't help his eyes flushing, and he made unnatural chewing and swallowing movements in his mouth. It was like a hungry person seeing food, wishing to swallow these huge black golden bamboos directly.

Chen Feng was suddenly shocked: "What's the situation? Why do I feel so greedy for these black golden bamboos? I want to swallow them?"

Chen Feng immediately closed his eyes and focused on himself.

Then he discovered that this sense of greed did not come from his own heart, but from his inner alchemy.

To be more precise, it should have been uploaded from that three-color real dragon martial soul.

Before, the three-color real dragon Wuhun was hit by the Golden Winged Thunder Eagle King and the Hill Giant. He was already very weak, his body was weakened, and he did not want to come out in the inner alchemy.

But at this time, this three-color real martial arts soul flew out again, hovering in Chen Feng's dantian, making a tweet from time to time, very quickly.

His gaze seemed to penetrate Chen Feng's dantian and saw the black golden bamboo outside, wishing to fly out and swallow it immediately.

Chen Feng immediately understood something, and whispered to himself, "Is it because?"

He looked at the black golden bamboo and felt it carefully, and then a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Sure enough! It really is!"

It turned out that on the black golden bamboo, there was a very familiar aura. These very familiar auras were the essence of ten thousand gold.

Moreover, the Essence of Ten Thousand Golds above it was thicker and more pure than what Chen Feng obtained from the Yuwen Family Mansion.

The spirits of the previous ten thousand golds have been swallowed by the three-color true dragon martial soul. After these three dragon martial souls are fused into this three-color true dragon martial soul, it seems that an extremely large amount of energy is needed. Swallow the essence of gold!

Chen Feng suddenly felt happy in his heart and whispered to himself: "At the beginning, when I was seriously injured, Master Long Shenhou once told me that it was very difficult to upgrade the last few stages of Martial King Realm."

"It is not easy to rely solely on the cultivation base. It needs to rely on the breakthrough of the spirit of martial arts and the breakthrough of the inner core to cooperate. Once the two breakthroughs, then the level of improvement will become much easier!"

"These black golden bamboos have such a magical effect and have such a strong breath of ten thousand gold essence, they must be ancient alien species! If they are swallowed, then Wuhun or inner alchemy may be able to make a breakthrough!"

Chen Feng's heart was full of excitement.

Because he finally found an opportunity to leave this place and escape from this place.

As long as these black golden bamboos can be swallowed, his martial arts or inner alchemy will evolve, and his realm will be improved. At that time, not only will the injury be recovered, but the combat effectiveness will be greatly improved!

This is the first line of life!

Chen Feng's thoughts flashed one after another, and soon he had an idea.

Chen Feng lay in the cell, making a look of dying.

In fact, he doesn't have to pretend now, as long as he performs in his true colors. At this time, he is covered in blood and wounds everywhere. Some wounds are still bleeding outside the station, his face is pale, and his breathing is weak.

Chen Feng just lay there, motionless, and occasionally turned over to prove that he was still alive.

He was also afraid that he would overplay it, and was deemed dead by the little hill giant, and swallowed it in one go.

When the hill giant saw Chen Feng like this, there was a look of worry on his face. Obviously he was also very afraid of Chen Feng's death.

The blood in Chen Feng's body has extremely powerful attraction to him and his son.

And if he died, the effect would be greatly reduced, so he whispered to the little hill giant, then turned and walked out.

Soon, he came back again. Chen Feng smelled a pungent scent, and this scent came from the hands of the hill giant.

The cave is full of stench, so the smell of smell is very obvious.

Chen Feng was overjoyed, knowing that his plan was effective.

The hill giant was obviously afraid that he would die, so he brought a panacea for his injuries.

Chen Feng smiled brightly in his heart: "I knew that this giant hill occupies such a large area of ​​the Dragon Slaying Mountains, it is impossible for him to have nothing good in his hand."

"These Demon Kings in the Dragon Slaying Mountain Range, they will also fight and get injured, so naturally they need something to treat their injuries."

Chen Feng pretended to be still dying and didn't even smell it, still closing his eyes and concentrating there.

The hill giant squatted next to the cage and hesitated for a while, seeming to be reluctant. In the end, greed prevailed over reason.

He shook his hand, threw something beside Chen Feng, and rolled over gruntingly.

When this thing came to his side, Chen Feng suddenly felt that the strange fragrance was full of intensity, and for an instant it was like rushing into his nostril, filling every part of his body.

Chen Feng took a deep breath, feeling this cold, clear and bitter scent filling all parts of his body. It seemed that he just smelled it, and the injuries inside his body all got better in an instant.

The hot sensation in the chest and lungs has become much weaker.

Chen Feng was horrified: "What is this? Smell it, there is such a magical effect?"

You know, as Chen Feng's strength is getting higher and higher, some panacea that can easily heal his injuries in the past can't even heal his wounds.

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